Saturday, October 28, 2006

The real cell phone Karma

The news provides a seemingly endless stream of sticky wickets and this week's big story has to do with cell phones and semen.

It seemed a fitting way to jump back in and do a little blogging, something that I stopped months ago when we found out Google had stopped looking for blogs.

So once and while I will bring it back for our mutual enlightenment and amusement.

Would be daddies have probably been told don't wear tight shorts, don't put laptops on your lap and don't turn your nuts into raisins with nude sunbathing (that means you, Nate!).

Now we have an additional situation to content with in the ongoing battle of procreation.

The lowly cell phone, once credited only with removing psychic powers now appears to be on the list of things that can make fathering children harder by killing sperm.

My thoughts on this are that if there is that much radiation emitted from cell phones then they're capable of killing more then sperm.

Frankly, I would start by avoiding the following first before worrying about cell phone karma.

1) Being overweight: in addition to messing up your hormones because fat affects the levels and converts male hormone to female and vice versa, a big slab of fat hanging over your belt line can warm the area, disrupt semen production and affect blood flow.

This is yet another reason why I make Fabulous Fat Furnace.

I have to save mankind from extinction (Yes, it’s true infertility is on the rise).

2) Cigarettes: nicotine constricts blood vessels everywhere, but appendages get nailed first. You do know the 5 appendages don't you?

Here's a start: hands, feet, the tip of the nose. You can figure out the rest (Yes, ladies, it works this way for you but not as soon since blood has a little less far to go... we hope!)

3) Alcohol: Yep, directly toxic to the brain and raises prolactin levels as well, which zaps the drive and ability.

And of course, being the world's most prominent supplement guru, I do have several supplements that will help you.

A) Regenerizer: In addition to the little sex hormone DHEA that has caused its semi annual stir in the past few weeks, big doses of CO Q 10 are associated with more vigorous sperm and thus better fertility.

Here are some of the things that this particular supplement may do for you:

  • Increase sperm motility

  • Normalize sperm morphology

  • Improve capacity for oocyte penetration

So lets make that Ingredient One in Dr Dave's Best Stud Fuel

Next is of course Sex Fuel because if you don't have the drive and the mechanics even healthy sperm won't help your fertility.

Designed for and touted by both men and women this supplement solves the gap between male and female sex drives and pushes your bedroom adventures to new levels.

Even if you don't want to sire children!

That makes it ingredeint number 2 in Stud Fuel

Number 3?

Hercules Factor of course: crank up those hormone levels and back comes your drive along with some lovely lean muscle and less fat.
Something that will look good when the clothes come off.

And finally Monster Multi with minerals for the simple fact that it contains most of the ingredeints consistanly rated as the Top 10 supplements (Regenerizer rounds out the field) and we all need a good foundation to build our house on.

Or your family!

Sperm counts have dropped a reported 30% in the last generation, a fact that puts the future of mankind in question.

Saving humanity is a tough job but somenone’s got to try!

Join me!

Hercules Factor

Sex Fuel

Monster Multi with minerals



P.S. Lazlo our resident idiot savant poet wanted to be part of the blog revival, no matter how fleeting, so he came up with a song for this occasion.

Cell phone Karma (sung to the tune of Rings Copyright 1971 Cymarron

Ring ring cell phone rings baby just hold on
And let me put you on speakerphone

We've been trying so hard to conceive
But now I learned this Lil device might be sendin' radiation to my stones

I saw the doc last week I recall
"n he said stop making those cell phone calls

They'll drop your sperm

And make it hard to have that son you've been thinking about

Ring ring cell phone rings and there's another drop
In my sperm count... Lazlo B. Zilly