Sunday, April 30, 2006

How A Real Apprentice Trains

I was weeding through the email today and after deleting a load of junk came upon this gem, sent to me by a long time customer from Wyoming.

Dr. Dave ships his products everywhere, including rural Wyoming, where even the last of the kick ass cowboys realizes that fish oil and Regenerizer are good weapons to have around when you want to stay healthy.

I got a good laugh when I read this, and hope you do too.

There’s a pub in Northeast Tasmania that has a new tourist drawing card. It’s not the Tasmanian Devil, if you were headed in that direction.

You may even be wondering where in heaven Tasmania is. If you are geographically challenged, it’s a pretty good sized island south of Melbourne, Australia.

Anyhoo, there’s a pub there, officially called the Pub in the Paddock at Pyengana. I can’t imagine why it would need a name that long, but I suppose it’s possible that there is more than one pub there.

The Pub is world famous for its beer drinking pig named Priscilla, who can “scull a stubby in seven seconds.” Loosely translated that means that Priscilla can drink a bottle of beer in seven seconds.

This would make her a contender on a good number of college campuses here, and at a large number of bars across the country.

I’ll bet she won’t even have to look for a job after college with those kind of skills.

The original Priscilla is getting old and needs to be replaced.

Is nothing sacred? Couldn’t they just let her pass out on the job?

The apprentice is named Priscilla Babe. Apparently she is a bit of a slow learner and so Priscilla is still the main attraction.

Tourists come from all over the world to buy Priscilla a beer, and the owner feels that that it is absolutely essential that Priscilla Babe keep the memory of the original Priscilla alive.

A woman from Texas was in the pub recently and very excitedly asked, “Is this the pub with the beer drinking pig?”

When the owner said yes, the lass from Texas said, “I saw her back home on the TV.”

You gotta hand it to those Texans for making the trip, I mean I’m booking a flight as soon as I finish this.

The owner of the pub, Ms Free, says that training a pig to drink beer is not easy.

According to her, “Most pigs will drink beer, but you have to train them to drink out of the bottle.”

“It did take her a while to get the taste, she sorta plays with the bottle, and is nowhere near the expert that Priscilla is.”

Well, I’ll say.

I submit that it probably takes a young pig a while to be able to learn how to hold its beer, and the pub owner was right to get started on this apprenticeship sooner, rather than later.

I'm wondering how many pigs got fired in the competition for this job.

You’re fired, Porky! You just don’t have what it takes!

Hey, and what happens when Priscilla is finely completely marinated?

I hope they save some cracklings for me.

If you want to take a long trip to see the original Priscilla, don’t forget your fish oil and Regenerizer After flying for 26 hours, you’re going to need them so you can appreciate the 8th Wonder of the World.

All the best,


Eating Pizza can zap your cancer

Another great headline that grabs you by your unmentionables isn't it?

Yep, today is the day we talk about pizza and I give away the big secret billion-dollar idea.

But first we need to pick up the thread from yesterday with a little recap.

Remember, this little golden thread I am weaving started with "Here a Doc there a Doc everywhere a Doc".

I have to hand it to the National Association of Fruit Growers. They created a fantastic demand for an almost uneatable fruit: Pomegranate.

In my area they were called "Indian Apples" and we got them for about 1 week a year during the fall form local growers.

I loved eating the seeds out of them but actually the sour taste was pretty unappealing then. It was mostly for the fun of digging out the seeds.

These days, health food stores do the digging for you.

If you are going to eat pomegranate for your health this is the way I would do it.

Dig the seeds out or buy them already removed in bulk.

This is far healthier than the juice for a couple of reasons.

First, there is tons of fiber in the seeds and gobs of vitamins too.

Next, you will avoid the huge amount of sugar they have to dump into the pomegranate juice to make it palatable.

Come to think of it, it's time for me to bring back the sugar shocker of the week feature.

This week's sugar shocker: Pomegranate juice.

But wait there's More

The next little tip you get concerns an Eastern European flower that cuts depression and boosts weight loss.

They don't tell you its name so I will. It's called Rhodiola and it is one of the key ingredients Instant Endurance.

And now for something completely different that you've never heard before except maybe 1000 times: did you know that eating cinnamon was shown to decrease your blood sugar?

Wow now, there is a tip. Why don't we add it to pomegranate juice so your sugar doesn't go through the roof next time you drink it. Think I am joking?

It's on the label, check it out next time you are at the store. You'll find sugar high up on the ingredients list.

The other thing is that very little follow up was done on the cinnamon thing.

I started getting my diabetic patients to do this a while back and it had not one iota of impact on any of their sugars. I also did it in non-diabetics and saw no difference in any of their sugar related numbers.

Ok, now it's time to wrap up with the multi billion dollar idea and remind you that.

Eating Pizza can stop Cancer dead in its tracks

Yep, it's true but there is a catch.

Eating pizza is otherwise one of the worst things you can do for your heart and your blood sugar.

The huge load of highly refined carbs along with a gargantuan amount of saturated and trans fats from the fake cheese, the toppings and the god-awful oil they cook it with will super size you faster than you can say "Medical Maverick".

OK, now for the billion-dollar idea. Since 82% of the lycopene American's get comes from pizza, why not enhance it further?

How about Pizza topped with pepperoni flavored gel caps. The huge dose of Omega 3 would offset most of the dietary damnation you get when you eat pizza.

As a matter of fact those of you who've been with me for a while will remember "Dr Dave's Pizza Hypothesis" from one of the early newsletters you all get free when you sign up for my health tips.

Geez, how about that; a free gift for a free newsletter. Kinda makes you feel silly paying for someone else's doesn't it?

For those of you who are skeptics, here is a direct quote from the article that lives on the National Library of Medicines website.

"Combined intake of tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato juice, and pizza (which accounted for 82% of lycopene intake) was inversely associated with risk of prostate cancer (multivariate RR = 0.65; 95% CI = 0.44-0.95, for consumption frequency greater than 10 versus less than 1.5 servings per week; P for trend = .01) and advanced (stages C and D) prostate cancers (multivariate RR = 0.47; 95% CI = 0.22"

What it says is the more lycopene you get the less likely you are to get advanced prostate cancer.

You could add breast cancer in their too.

For those of you who remember our Monster Tomato Blast, you got more lycopene than a dozen pizzas in one yummy serving of that amazing product.

How about this, Immune or Cardio Boost shakes. Add the amazing anti-oxidant power of Immune or Cardio Boost to your milkshakes and never worry about the flu or colds again.

Or how about this one, A Wizard bar.

Can't sleep?

Combine the health giving and delicious benefits of chocolate with the sweet indulgence of a good nights sleep thanks to Sleep Wizard

You'll be singing la la la all the way to la la land!

Well now, it’s time for me to head on down the road.

I hope you enjoyed this inside look at how things are done by the big boys.

Am I jealous?

Nah, I'd rather be real.

I'd rather pour heart out, spill my guts and open my brain up to you in a letter that I write myself and am not embarrassed to put my name to.

I have had several paid newsletters over the years and some of you are still getting them. Up to this point it's been just a small group of high end users of my products who I call my "Dr Dave's Insiders".

I am planning on going more mainstream and letting every one have a crack at the newsletter in the near future.

I promise you this. The newsletter will have stuff no one else will tell you.

If you want proof, just read the blogs from the past week. Has anyone ever written about any of this stuff?

Be honest!

What I've tried to do is show you how people use psychology against you to sell you nonsense, and get your names to pitch you on all kinds of other stuff.

If at times during this series you got a little angry with me and felt like I was holding out on you, then you got the message.

But you also got some great information along the way which makes this very different from the nonsense that most people pitch to you.

So you got the extra benefit of my recently acquired inside info on how things are done as well as the real health info you need.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg so look for that newsletter soon. Those of you who bought at the sale will get first dibs on it at a reduced price.

Now grab some of my fish oil and swallow it down for your good health and longevity.

All the Best,

Dr Dave

Saturday, April 29, 2006

How fruit juice can prevent cancer

Did you like that headline?

It's an example of one of the types of headlines you are likely to see in a typical Alternative Medicine newsletter sales pitch.

Please understand that this blog is part of a series that starts with "Here a Doc there a doc every where a Doc". If you haven't read that one go back and do so to get the most of today's post.

It will be worth the 90 seconds it takes you.

In the next day or two I'll tell you all about it and I have something special for you, an unexpected secret gift for some enterprising genius out there.

It is my personal gift to you.

I am going to give you a multi billion dollar idea for some enterprising entrepreneur out there who will never give me credit I am sure.

And in a little bit I am going to show you the proof of that and apply it to some of the newsletter tricks that you get from many so called "Alternative Health" newsletters.

I showed you an email I got in yesterday's blog asking me to evaluate the real value of the contents of one of these newsletters.

I am not going to name the Doc who edits (again, edits not writes) this newsletter but my reader sent in a link, which took me to a page where all the burning questions I have about my health would be asked.

Not answered of course because then there would be no newsletter to buy. I'll provide the answers for you so you can judge the originality and value of the newsletter.

Here we go.

The first thing this guy recommends is fish oil. Well, at least he gets off to a great start!

He even recommends 6 caps a day.

Where could he have gotten that?

Most of the info he gives could have been gotten from any one of my emails on that very topic and we both know I never write anything about fish oil.

Hey, using my stuff is not illegal but it won't get him past the B.S. meter on the other stuff he writes.

Next piece of advice: go to church on Sunday because it relaxes you and reduces your blood pressure.

I think that probably depends on whose giving the sermon but it's not bad advice at all.

So far, not bad.

Next, eat chocolate.

Yep we've covered that one many times here too. But there is one problem this doc forgets to tell you: in addition to chocolate's effects on blood pressure and good cholesterol it also put several pounds on all of the study subjects who ate it regularly.


If you want all those benefits on your blood pressure and your good cholesterol and want to reduce the fat in your body in the process just take those 6 caps of fish oil daily and stop there. In addition you'll get a ton of other health restoring benefits.

OK, it's time for he first billion-dollar idea. Omega 3-enhanced chocolate.

Get the benefits of chocolate and fish oil, have your cake and eat your fish all at once. Just fill out this rapid response form now and.... well, you know the rest of the story!

I would put money on the fact someone is going to try this.

Next, we get the sunlight vitamin D and cod liver oil connection.

Well, I just wrote to you about the vitamin D and sunlight issue.

Five minutes a day is all you need as I mentioned. I also told you how filthy and polluted many of the cod liver oils are and how they can overdose you on Vitamin D pretty fast if you are not careful.

Somehow all of that got left out of our doc in the boxes newsletter.

Next is "How a fruit juice can prevent cancer"

But alas you'll have to tune in tomorrow to read the rest.

And yes, I promise to deliver the goods I told you about today. I just wanted you to see a typical ploy used to hook you into buying one of these worthless newsletters.

If you feel a little gypped, there is a lesson in this. Remember it the next time one of those glossy magalog pitches shows up in your mailbox!

I'll be looking for you with more great stuff tomorrow.

Ok Ok I'll give you some right now because you deserve it.

I have to hand it to the National Association of Fruit Growers. They created a fantastic demand for an almost uneatable fruit: Pomegranate.

In my area they were called "Indian Apples" and we got them for about 1 week a year during the fall form local growers.

I loved eating the seeds out of them but actually the sour taste was pretty unappealing then. It was mostly for the fun of digging out the seeds.

But in order to get the most out of the pomegranate you need to know something no fruit grower, juice seller or Alternative Health Guru copywriting team will tell you.

Tune in tomorrow for the big secret and of course the good news about pizza.

Or is it?

All the Best, Doc

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Here a Doc, there a Doc, every where a Doc

OK, so by now hopefully you've read my "Garden of Eden" series.

You now know how most of the promotions for health stuff work, you know who writes them, how they are put together and the role (if there is one) that the Doc they pop on the cover page actually has in any of the above.

Usually it's nothing.

Well, I've decided to give you a little run down on this in the flesh so you can see exactly the value of what they give you and how it's dressed up to look like way more.

In this case we are going to look at a newsletter. The promotion looks like it comes from a doctor but you don't see his face for a page or two.

When you do, the photo is black and white.

This is a standard trick; it means the photo is usually about 30 years old, otherwise they would never use such a crappy one.

There is even one guy out there who forgets his toupee for one of the shots.

How confusing!

Grecian formula and it "won't come off" toupee one day, and "solar panel for a sex machine" bald the next.

Geez, only a medical maverick could pull that one off (or did someone else pull it off right before the photo as a joke!).

If this doc would have remembered to take any of the fish oil he is selling, he might still have a full head of hair.

I do and I am the only one in my family who still does, including the women!

OK, enough poking fun let's get to the meat of the matter.

There were two things that happened in the past week that made this letter to you an essential.

1) At the recent conference I attended and told you about in the Garden of Eden series the conference leader said, "You can throw a stone in any direction and find a doctor who wants to edit (key word being "edit" not "write") a health newsletter.

2) The following email:

"Dr Dave, it seems like every doctor in the world publishes a health newsletter. Just about every day I see a new face and a new pitch.

Is any of this stuff valuable"? James B

Well I could give you the short answer and say "no" but that wouldn't be any fun and there'd be no proof.

So let's take a look at one of these Docs that obviously got hit by one of the stones the newsletter companies sent you.

First, remember these are newsletter companies. Their job is to sell you a newsletter. But their real job is to get you name so they can sell you all kinds of things.

You see these companies front several, sometimes dozens of different people, not just the guys whose newsletter you buy.

Once you buy, you are on their list and unlike email you can't filter your mailbox.

So pretty soon you've got people selling you water purifiers, knives, coins and all kinds of other things.

All those people are fronted by the very same newsletter company.

How much do these companies make from people like you every year?

Try $200 million and that is not even the biggest one!

Yes, you read that right.

While that wouldn't even pay the combined salaries of the CEO's of Big Pharmaceuticals companies, it's still a pretty chunk of your hard earned change.

So we'll take a look at some of this info and see if it's worth the money.

It's time for me to say Good bye for the day, but join me tomorrow when I pick up the golden thread that we started here and weave it into a truth telling tale you would never hear from any of the newsletter docs.

And as an added bonus I'll tell you how eating pizza can cut your cancer risk!

And of course I'll show you how a few caps of my fish oil, Super Omega 3 or one of the Boosts can do the same thing or more for you than any of these newsletter tips.

See Ya at the Pizza joint.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Return to the Garden of Eden part 3

Yesterday I was telling you a bit about price sensitivity and my products.

I mentioned that I don't want every single person as a customer and told you the story of how I came to dedicate my life's work to do something different.

If you read the past few blogs, as you should to understand the thread of this one, you'll see so many differences between me and many others that it's not funny.

Naturally I think I do it better, but that is only one important point.

The most important point is that I am 100% serious about doing this for the rest of my life. I did not create a business to be like everyone else; I created it to meet the needs of people as I saw them over 20 years of medical practice.

I created it to serve the huge gaping whole that existed between prescriptions and non-prescription supplements.

Yes, it's true I want my products to have drug like effects if at all possible.

I want to show the world the very same thing I found out years ago when I cured myself with natural remedies.

We have everything we need right here and if it's combined in the right way, amazing things can happen.

Pain can disappear.

Brains can function faster and better and not get old as fast.

Wrinkles and skin can get smoother and more beautiful.

Men can keep their prostates and women can keep their breasts past age 60.

And people who would have been slowing down can speed up as they age and reclaim the youthful vigor that in some cases they never had.

So back to the reason I don't want every body in the world as a customer.

It's very simple.

I will not compromise a product that I put my name on.

And that is exactly what I'd have to do if I wanted everyone to climb on board my train.

I could use cheaper, inferior ingredients in lower doses and sell on benefits alone, leaving out the fact that there isn't enough of anything in there to do you any good at all.

Then maybe millions or billions of people would buy it. But no one would benefit from it.

No, I am sorry but that is one compromise I will not make.

Besides, the Prescription Drug industry and the government do not need any more ammo in their war machine when it comes to fighting the battle against the small, independent supplement industry.

Remember, a worthless product is another feather in their cap.

It gives them yet another reason to take away your freedom of choice while Big Pharma makes the same kind of obscene profits the oil companies are raking in this minute.

The last thing I want to do is contribute to that situation. There are enough worthless supplements out there doing that for me thank you.

So to those of you who are using my product, and reading my words, benefiting from my experience and knowledge, you are all I need.

You are the members of a special group of people who think like I do.

WE share a common vision of the future that is far brighter than any our traditional contemporaries could hope for.

WE can walk in the Garden of Eden here and now!

Mother Nature has put everything we need here to succeed and live far better than we do now.

A few classic examples are fish oil which has been studied with more positive results in multiple diseases than any single drug ever to come out of a pharmaceutical company's lab.

Two other great examples are Super Omega 3 which combines the power of multiple herbs like Curcumin, rosemary and ginger along with the amazing benefits of Omega 3 fish oil.

If you want power, this is it!

And a personal favorite Instant Endurance, which harnesses the power of Siberian ginseng and the almost as costly as gold mushroom, Cordyceps, to give you an unbeatable combination.

I am slowly but surely finding my way back to the garden and I'd like you to join me.

Now I want to alert you that there is a very big event looming large on the horizon so DO NOT miss the next couple of blogs and emails and be sure to pass the word onto your friends and family if you care about them.

'Nuff said!


Monday, April 24, 2006

Return to the Garden of Eden part 2

In yesterday's blog I told you about how I felt like a shrinking violet in a sea of sharks at a recent conference.

The big boys and the vitamin pros have resources I couldn't even dream of let alone afford.

But I have some things that make me unique including these blogs and emails I write to you.

No one else is doing it this way. There are some huge companies that have a doc up front for credibility but they sell every single thing that comes down the pike, supplement and otherwise, for a fee.

Then there are companies that spend all their time and money promoting their products with good-looking, fancy magalogs that clutter your mailbox screaming, "Give me your money".

Speaking of money, I had to do a little soul searching when someone commented, "You know, Dr Dave, your stuff is not cheap. I mean I care about my health and shouldn't put a price tag on it BUT, wow you are much more than the other guys."

Before I could utter a word, one of my customer who I didn't know was there chimed in, "Yeah but his stuff really works!"

He then went on for about another 5 minutes defending my honor.

Later I took the price sensitive guy aside and some surprising things came out of my mouth.

First, I told him the meaning of the word "but".
I said that, "but negates everything that comes before it"

So a statement like "I know you shouldn't put a price tag on your health but" means that is exactly what you are doing.

Hey, it's Ok to be on a budget.

The truth is I can't make my vitamins affordable for everyone and frankly I don't want to.

And that is exactly what I told this guy.

Now he looked at me with that "Another typical arrogant doctor" look that I sometimes get when I am blunt and honest with people, which is the only way I know how to be.

So I dug a little deeper and said, "Here is the deal. Years ago, every vitamin I took from the local store didn't work. I rarely spent more than 15 bucks on a bottle of anything.

When I got home I took them for a week or two, felt nothing and went back to spend another 15 bucks on another worthless product.

Before long I concluded that most of what I was buying was worthless. This made 15 bucks a lot of money because I wasn't getting any value at all from it.

Soon I'd go back to the vitamin store knowing that the stuff wouldn't work and I'd try 3 or 4 bottles of different things.

Now I was spending 60 bucks for products with no value still hoping to find that secret thing, that one bottle of something that might give me an edge and get me closer to my goal of better health more energy, a thinner waist line, etc.

At some point I gave up and realized that all vitamins were good for was expensive pee.

Then I got sick with high blood pressure.

I took 5 different prescriptions for 5 months and still did not have a normal blood pressure. It was only when I added in the ingredients of what are now Super Omega 3 and a healthy extra dose of fish oil that I was able to get off the health-robbing drugs for good."

For more on this you can read "My personal battle with High blood Pressure" - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

Then I asked the guy two questions.

The first was "have you ever tried my products?" and the second was "who are the 'other guys'?"

Join me tomorrow for the rest of the story.

In the meantime I want to remind you, we are wandering through the Garden of Eden of health on this earth without even realizing it.

Mother Nature has put everything we need here to succeed and live far better than we do now.

A few classic examples are fish oil which has been studied with more positive results in multiple diseases than any single drug ever to come out of a pharmaceutical company's lab.

Two other great examples are Super Omega 3 which combines the power of multiple herbs like Curcumin, rosemary and ginger along with the amazing benefits of Omega 3 fish oil.

If you want power, this is it!

And a personal favorite, Instant Endurance, which harnesses the power of Siberian ginseng and the almost as costly as gold mushroom, Cordyceps, to give you an unbeatable combination.

I am slowly but surely finding my way back to the garden and I'd like you to join me.

Tune in tomorrow when I tell you more about this little trip and what I learned about myself and others.


Return to the Garden of Eden

This past weekend I spent some time at a conference. There were many people of different persuasions there and I met some very fun and nice people.

Among them were some competitors of mine if I indeed have any.

I got to see first hand what the people who run a 10 or 20 million dollar a year vitamin business look like and how they promote their things.

While it was a great experience, there were parts of this meeting where I felt like I had just been launched off the back deck of the Titanic into the icy North Atlantic as the ship went down.

This conference was unlike any other I have ever attended because I got to mingle listen and learn from people who are my competitors, at least in the sense that they are competing for health care dollars.

Here is what I learned.

Everything I ever suspected was true about most of the large, well-run companies that have famous doctors fronting them.

"Fronting them" is the key phrase here.

Behind these docs are armies of copywriters with hundreds of years of cumulative experience behind them. There are art directors and graphic artists.

Research teams do the writing, the doc "edits".

There are demographics experts, list brokers, compliance officers, corporate lawyers and so on.

If you can afford to hire them you will get a professional package that will go out to a couple hundred thousand people, often times more than once and every last success and failure will be detailed down to the last stamp and shred of paper.

In other words these people are pro's.

They are also incestuous. Inside secrets do not exist and if last year's promo for company X worked and you are company Y, the team may "steal" or borrow the whole set up.

Hence, there is not a lot of originality in some of this.

I have to say I almost felt myself growing smaller in the audience as I saw the truth about how this all operates.

I certainly can't afford it and I am not sure I would want to.

But I do want to grow my business because I believe 100% in what I am doing.

So I took a long hard look at things and made a list of how I am different.

Here's what I came up with.

1) My formulas are unique

2) My formulas are better because they are the result of my own personal research.

None of the other company heads were doctors or even had a health background of any sort. None of them had ever touched a patient or been one for that matter.

In all the cases I know of, the supplements were not any different from what you could buy at your local vitamin shop. I have a sneaking suspicion that they all come from the same place.

3) Because of my 20+ years experience in medicine I can do something no one else can do. I can educate you about my supplements. I don't sell anyone else's and it makes no sense for me to do that.

I don't have some hired gun, vitamin company behind me making "me too" products with a fancy personalized label on it. In most cases that label is the only thing unique about some of these products.

4) I don't believe you can get healthier with single agents unless you have a deficiency. So I don't try to sell you Vitamin C or B12 by itself while you are buying the more complex compounds. If you really believe in those things by themselves you'll wind up going elsewhere.

So be it.

5) This is not a business to me, it's my life.

My life is about making your life better. Faster, stronger, leaner, smarter, longer-lived, sexier and a whole host of other great things.

After all isn't that what doctors really should be doing?

We are wandering through the Garden of Eden of health on this earth without even realizing it.

Mother Nature has put everything we need here to succeed and live far better than we do now.

A few classic examples are fish oil, which has been studied with more positive results in multiple diseases than any single drug ever to come out of a pharmaceutical company's lab.

Two other great examples are Super Omega 3 that combines the power of multiple herbs like Curcumin, rosemary and ginger along with the amazing benefits of Omega 3 fish oil.

If you want power, this is it! And a personal favorite, Instant Endurance, which harnesses the power of Siberian ginseng and the almost as costly as gold mushroom, Cordyceps, to give you an unbeatable combination.

I am slowly but surely finding my way back to the garden and I'd like you to join me.

Tune in tomorrow when I tell you more about this little trip and what I learned about myself and others.


Supplements mentioned in this blog:

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Food fight - Can we legislate body weight

My cell phone scares me more than the government...and so does my computer.

The reason is that multinational giants can track just about every move I make and classify me down into some very intimate subcategories based on who I call and where I visit.

It's not too hard to imagine the cell phone being used to track people as well since few people seem to be able to live without them.

But our government still weighs in as a big threat to our freedom. Forget the Codex Alimentarius (the law that would put supplements into the hands of Pharmaceutical Giants) for a moment.

Now, Uncle Mad, I mean Uncle Sam is trying to legislate body weight. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Maybe I should just pig out on chocolate while it's still legal.

Our surgeon general says that obesity is a greater threat to our welfare than terrorism and guns combined.

There is no question of that.

But the way(s) that our government wants to tackle that problem make TSA look like a great idea!

Such as: a tax on sodas. Now this is not a bad idea since this may be the number one offender. You may recall my email entitled "Beating the sugar rap" which describes soft drinks as the number one source of high fructose corn syrup.

A fast food tax. Given the drive some Americans have to get to the golden starches and others, I doubt this would stop people. Ever since age 18 when I wrongly predicted people would never stand for gas at a dollar a gallon, I've learned my lesson about raising prices as a deterrent.

It just doesn't work.

I'd love to see a politician run on a platform that taxes or denies Americans food.

That person would go down in history as having the shortest lived political career on record.

My recent blog on the TV show "Honey we're killing the Kids" shows the absolute ludicrousness of the attempts to "educate" on their eating behavior.

It is not that hard actually.

Parents need to grow some cajones again and start doing something that went out of vogue about 20 years ago.

They need to make rules in their own homes and make their children follow them. There are ways to do this without physical contact like removing the TV and limiting computer time.

Also by setting an example and exercising regularly and visibly in front of their kids, and better yet with them.

As a kid I loved the family walks we used to take several times a week.

Now that I've been able to reassemble my family, we are doing them again.


I also think we could take a lesson from the Department of Highway Safety and put weigh stations outside of the fast food restaurants.

If you weigh too much, you pay too much.

In that tiny number of cases where there is true disease and or a genetic abnormality that causes he problem we could have exception stickers.

Ok, Ok so I am taking it too far.

My point is that in 99% of the cases it's not one's glands, one's metabolism, one's genetics, one's coping skills that causes the obesity we have in this country and all the illnesses it generates.

It's what we put in our mouths and our activity levels.

If you want your kids to get of their ever-expanding and ever-growing more sickly behinds, stop watching TV and parking in front of the computer, you do it first.

Children need structure and authority figures to follow. That has been proven over and over again. They are not happy and can never be well adjusted without that.

So as adults we need to stop acting like children, get up off our behinds and stop watching so much TV and praying to the computer for hours on end.

Or the government may just put a weigh station right outside our doors.

I know it's not easy or fun.

But it has to be done.

I make several supplements including fish oil and Regenerizer, whose ingredients have been shown to affect the way fat is deposited and improve the energy generation by burning fat over other fuels.

A couple of capsules or packets a day will help your body move in the right direction when you do move it.

You'll feel more power coursing through your veins and you'll want to do more.
Energy equals life.

Energy equals power, and power equals force.

So when you force yourself off the sofa and out into the streets to join America's Health and Anti-Aging revolution you'll be able to do so with all the zest and zing you could ever want.

Sign up for the revolution now! Get off your butt and take the first step at Fish oil and Regenerizer.

See you in the streets. Let's take back our helath, our waist lines and our power, our youth and our futures!

And let's lead our kids by example.


Friday, April 21, 2006

Longevity secrets and the last time I will ever write to you

The other day I got to thinking about the advice I would give to someone if I only had a few minutes left to tell it to them.

What would I say? How would I distill a lifetime of unique knowledge and experience gleaned from thousands of people over tens of thousands of hours in medicine?

What would I tell them about staying young?

I mean let’s face it, this could be the last time I ever write to you or the last time you ever lay eyes on my writing.

While I sincerely doubt it and I don’t dwell on it, it does put things into perspective doesn’t it.

So here goes my best advice on how to stay young forever. Bear in mind while you read this there is much more to tell you but this is the “5 minutes to youth” version.

1) Learn how to be happy and learn how to be happy more often. A lot of people tell me they would be happy if only (insert anything).

That is a lie and they may not even know it. If you are not happy, it’s an internal thing in ninety plus percent of the cases. It may sound trite but happiness starts within.

If you are not happy, figure out why and remember it is most likely something that you harbor inside.

If I had to pinpoint the cause of most unhappiness I would tell you it’s related to self-esteem and worthiness. In some cases this was fostered by an unworthy person with self esteem problems who couldn’t stand to see their significant other (wife, husband, child, etc) happy.

This kind of problem most often comes from a deep-seated lack on introspection. In other words there are a lot of people who are afraid to look inside deeply enough to see what’s really there, face up to it and deal with it.

Here is an example. I had a friend who was considered above average in looks, pretty smart and relatively successful. He might not have been an A-list player in any department but he was still in the top 15% of good catches.

Unfortunately, he was rejected at a fairly young age by the woman of his fancy.

It took him another 15 years to recover from it and dominated his behavior for way too long.

After a long time he realized that the problem was not the woman whom he blamed for the rejection, but the way he looked at it. Once he realized this, changed his attitude and was happy with who he was, well let’s jus say it’s been raining women ever since!

2) Forgive yourself and forgive others. Most of us did not come with users manuals. We make mistakes and hopefully learn from them at some point. The same is true for everyone else. Grudges are toxic because they allow the person who you hold the grudge against to be the dominant thought in your life, giving more power to them for more time, even when they are long gone!

Faggedabout it! And move on with YOUR life.

3) Learn everything you can about everything and anything that you want. Don’t ever say no to that wondrous little child within you that wants to explore and expand.

To do so will guarantee a premature death.

4) Enjoy life and its pleasures in moderation. I hate the people who run around avoiding all kinds of things because they are afraid of being alive.

“Let’s see, my luminous dial is only 3 feet from my head and it should be 4, I haven’t eaten my salad and it’s more than 3 hours since I ate anything; gosh I am heading for hypoglycemia. Crap, I can only run 40 minutes on the treadmill, not the 45 I need to make myself happy.

But if I go any longer there won’t be time for my third colonic and I sure do need that because I am so full of you know what!”

Hey, routines are great and without them you’ll never get anything done. But let your life be about experience and enrichment, not avoidance and fear. This is the point I was trying to make in my Gandhi vs. La Lane email.

Linus Pauling lived to be over 100 years old and was in the middle of a research project when he died. Paul Brag was over ninety when a surfing accident took his life.

These are my heroes.

I can tell you they both lived and loved life and they inhaled it down to their toes.

They were not pale, pencil-necked, avoidance and fear-based people who cowered in fear of the future like some of the so called Alternative Health gurus appear to be.

They were real gurus.

They were tough and adaptable, like you and I.

5) Take care of you body and your mind. Remember that almost everything physical starts with something mental. Eat right, for food is the fuel of our brain and body. Sleep well so you can recover. And get some activity, moving briskly every day for at least 30 minutes.

6) Remember that Super Nutrition requires Super Supplements like fish oil to defeat life-robbing inflammation. Regenerizer to blast your cellular power plants into a new orbit, Hercules Factor to restore your bodies own youthful fountain, and Instant Einstein to help make you as smart as you can be, and smarter than the rest when it counts the most.

And if you need help with your rest call on Sleep Wizard.

And here is a bonus tip:

7) Put a little bit of you into everything you do, and you will do the best job you can and be better than most.

Every single bottle of my supplements represents me and my vision for health and youth in the coming decades. It represents a chance for me to help make someone’s life better; free of pain, free of depression, free of fatigue and free of disease.

So I can sleep well at night knowing I have fulfilled my father’s advice to me about life.

Leave the world a little better than you found it.

He did and I will!

And those, my friend, are my last words to you.

Until next time.

All the Best in better health and better life,

Dr Dave

Supplements mentioned in this blog:

Lessons from a master multitasker

Multitasking is something that just about every doctor needs to do and do well. It was not uncommon in my clinic days to be having a conversation in sign language with a nurse, carrying on a phone conversation and writing or signing a prescription all at once.

Humans are unique among primates in their ability to multitask, mainly because of our highly developed brains.

One area of the brain known as Area 10 is critical in the multitask.

I can hear it now; someone will want to know if there is an Area 51 in the brain and what it does. The answer to this can only be found on the X files!

Area 10 is the area that lets us pick up where we left off and continue with our longer term goals. For instance, if you were writing a check for a specific amount and reason (the IRS perhaps!) and then the tea pot brewed over, you don’t have to start the whole train of thought needed to write the check all over again.

As a matter of fact, when it comes to the IRS, writing checks might be so automatic you might not need to give it any thought at all.

Just feel the pain and sign.

We are also able to carry on some pretty complex tasks without thinking twice; and I mean that literally, as long as they are highly practiced.

This explains why a drunk might drive home without getting lost, or a boxer who was almost KO’d finishes a fight but doesn’t remember what happened.

The scariest case I knew of was that of an orthopedic surgeon (bone doctor) who had the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

He never made any mistakes during his surgeries because he had done so many of them. Thus they were highly practiced.

The jig was up however when one day he walked into a room to see one of his patients with a nurse and said, “Who are you and what did I do to you?”

His was a tragic story and took place before the advent of Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil and Instant Einstein. I can tell you that I could not get along without either of them. I am 100% sure they boost my brain power, my creativity, my memory and my ability to multi task.

And in this super fast cyber information age we could all use a little help with multitasking.

If only to keep up with our kids who seem to be born to talk on a cell phone, download to their Ppods (the unhip, non-techno version of the ipod) scan split images of the TV while ignoring their parents in studied fashion.

Here is a little note from a guy who was feeling the pressure but has learned how to handle it now.


I can’ tell you what a difference your products make for me. I have been on fish oil, Einstein, and Monster Multi for a few months now and have noticed amazing stuff happening.

I am an IT guy and I am constantly upgrading my education to stay current. Also I only have an associate’s degree. They want to promote me but company policy is I have to have my bachelors and then of course a Master’s.

All this means about 2 more years of school. I am often studying, on the phone, dealing with my kids, or other situations that require multitasking.

I swear I didn’t use to be able to do it. I would throw up my hands and say “Slow down, I’m getting confused!” I really thought it would hinder my advancement at work.

I am so happy to have mastered this new skill.

It's made life much easier and now I can relate to my kids better since that is all they do these days!

Mason L."

Cool, Mason, or should I say Kuhl! I will second that story with my own experiences. Nothing beats Instant Einstein and Fish Oil when it comes to brain power.

Now go out and get some and watch your brain power multiply and your life change for the better.

All the best from a Master Multitasker and a lousy shpeller,

Dr Dave

Supplements mentioned in this email:

Thursday, April 20, 2006

A cave, a fire and a piece of meat

It’s been said that all people really need is a cave, a fire and a piece of meat to survive. While we haven’t changed much in the past 50,000 years, there is no doubt that people need a lot more than that these days.

Call it part of social evolution if you will but folks look for and expect a lot more out of their lives. And with the advances in today’s knowledge there is no reason you shouldn’t expect more, lots more even as (or maybe especially as) you get older.

If you’ve been with me for any length of time, you already know I have some selfish reasons for creating the products I create.

First of all I want to remain free.

By that I mean free to come and go as I please, unhindered by physical or mental disease.

Free to create and express my ideas and boost my knowledge.

Free to try new things and learn new things so I stay relevant in this ever changing world, a world that moves a lot faster this year than it did just 1 year ago.

Next, I want to be secure. I want to know that some health problem is not hanging over me like the Sword of Damocles.

I don’t want to be affected by the statistics like, “There’s a 2 out of 3 chance the doctor will write Heart Disease on your death certificate”.

Or how about this one: “There is a 70% chance that every man in this country will get prostate cancer, especially if they live longer.

Or the one I dread the most: 50% of people over 80 (and believe me I plan on being around long after 80) will have some form of Alzheimer’s disease.

Nope, those are not for me and I hope you feel the same way too.

I want to run and jump and play like I do right this minute (I’ll soon be 50) when I am 80.

I want to be able to give a gentle smack on the behind of the woman I love and exchange a knowing wink as we go up the stairs.

I want to be as cutting edge as I am now when I am twice this age.

So for me, “a cave, a fire and a piece of meat” won’t do.

I want more and I am betting my reputation and my life’s work that you do too.

That is why I write so much to you about what’s going on in the filed of Anti-Aging medicine, nutrition and supplementation.

That is why I make such life-changing and in my opinion life saving supplements like
Fish oil, Regenerizer, Instant Einstein and others.

In every case I have found research that tells me that the ingredients in these compounds will get me into the decades that follow just as happy, healthy and wise as I am now.

To the rest of humanity, if you are happy in your cave, by your fire, gnawing on your meat, more power to you.

I want more.

If you want more, act now. Don’t let another day pass you by without taking action to make your future bright and healthy.

Don’t let another day pass without the promise of more in the immediate future and beyond.

I have another selfish reason to ask you to get on board with the supplements now.

I don’t want to be surrounded by strangers at my 100th Birthday Party.

I wanna see you there sipping champagne and dancing along with me.


Supplements mentioned in this blog:

P.S. Men, (and ladies, if there is a man you love) keep your eyes out for my new breakthrough product for prostate health, Prosta Sheild.

Martha Stewart sleeps with the fishes

Five or six years ago I was in smallish room with about 40 or so other doctors. The lecture was on what was to become one of my favorite topics. You might even say it has become a major part of my life’s work. The topic was the essential fatty acid chain and how it affects human health.

The lines and arrows began to blur and the names sounded the same, linoleic or linolenic acid, sheesh I’m not sure.

The words droned on and on and the diagram of fatty acid biology slowly infolded before me.

The in a Eureka moment I got it. It all boiled down to fish oil.

That was then and this is now.

Fish oil has grown to a 300+ million dollar a year business worldwide and it seems like everyone is jumping on the bandwagon.

Doctors everywhere are using it to treat heart disease arthritis and other illness even though the FDA says you can’t make health claims about it.

Some of the heart doctors in my area who were my biggest critics years ago are now among my best customers.

Everyone and their brother is trying to sell it, from Maverick M.D.’s who look like death warmed over to domestic divas and hairdressers.

Those that missed the fishing boat are trying to push other inferior products like cod, flax and krill without much luck.

Even people who you wouldn’t expect are touting the benefits of fish oil directly or indirectly.

But never in my wildest dreams did I think I would find something about fish oil on the Martha Stewart Living website.

Now mind you, Martha herself is not using it to flavor her melange or anything like that but she did publish an article by a nutritionist who specialized in nutragenomics (using food to affect our genetic expression).

You may recall that I have written several times over the years about how fish oil can directly and indirectly “reprogram” your DNA.

You may also recall the critical role it plays in cell signaling and of course the aging process itself from the eyes to the joints, from the brain to the heart and so on.

If you read Martha’s little article you will find some surprising similarities to stuff I have written over the past 4 years.

Surprise, people do copy other people and there is no law against it. I figure it this way, someone with that kind of reach and that kind of power can do a lot of good by spreading the “gospel” of fish oil.

Sometimes I forget that not everyone out there is as well informed as you are.

So, Martha, thanks.

Now I have another suggestion for you. Next time some one from the Federal Trade Commission calls you, take a big slug of fish oil and Instant Einstein.

It will help you do the right thing!

All the Best from Dr Dave, the proud maker of the world’s Best fish oil.

Here is the Martha Stewart Fish Oil article:

Go Fish Oil

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Beating up on prevention

Is nothing sacred?

It would seem not as traditional medicine now is taking aim at prevention.

Now I can understand how they might lambaste the supplement world. Big Pharma sees a potent, all-natural, over the counter supplement that works wonders and has no side effects and of course they want to crucify it.

It's eating into their precious profit margins. So throw some ad dollars to a few major medical journals and publish something that wouldn't pass a 6th grade critical review and bang, you've struck a blow for the big boys in the boardrooms.

But now they are taking aim at prevention.


Business as usual.

If you prevent disease then you can't sell more drugs.

In a recent article of the Archives of Internal Medicine (which is slightly lower on the "head up the butt scale of Big Pharmacy" than The Journal of the American Medical Association), an article was published stating that the enormous time, effort and cost we expend on prevention is really not justified by the literature.

Ah yes, the "literature", the euphemism for drug company sponsored evidence, in other words.

I had to pinch myself.

I went to Med School in America and had the same exposure to preventative medicine that most med students get.


I don't remember one course or even one lecture devoted to "the prevention of heart disease or stroke"

All I remember is 'here is the disease; here's the drugs or surgery you use to fix it'.

The lay press does a better job of educating the public on prevention than most doctors do.

Here are a few of their arguments:

First, they cite the use of hormones in postmenopausal women. They state that the observational evidence led to the widespread recommendations that these hormones be used.

Then it was found that there were no real trials that backed it up and when you did those trials it was found that the hormones were bad for women.

So what you are saying is that there were not any "evidence-based trials" done for 30 years and the drug companies got a free ride to sell women over priced horse piss that contains 30 different estrogens, only a few of which remotely resemble human estrogen.

Interestingly enough, Wyeth pharmaceuticals, a manufacturer of this horse piss derived prescription drug, filed a citizen's petition against the sale of bioidentical hormones for women.

Bioidentical hormones are just that, the same kind of hormones a woman's body makes instead of horse piss.

Wyeth says it's bad because there are no studies to support it.

What they should be saying is bioidentical hormones are an unpatentable form of relatively inexpensive treatment that is cutting into their profit margins.

And since when does a drug company qualify as a citizen!

I can't think of any organization with less interest in citizen's needs than a drug company.

Next up for targeting is the fact that we can significantly impact on diabetes and other illnesses with diet and exercise.

The article sites the economic impact of such measures.

Hmm let's see, less dollars in the food industry's pocket for highly process, high profit margin foods.

Better deals for farmers, especially organic farmers.

The sugar lobby takes a pounding because people will want to avoid all the sugary foods that are associated with diabetes.

And finally, our friends the drug companies can't pedal as many drugs because there are not as many sick people.

Yep, we sure can't afford that now can we?

In my opinion, we can't not afford it.

Finally, the article sites the failure to be able to actually put some of these things into practice. For instance we have an initiative to treat high blood pressure but we can't get people to take their blood pressure drugs as often as they're supposed to.

Darn those pesky people.

Can you imagine they don't want to take expensive, side effect laden drugs?

They'd rather take things like fish oil and Super Omega 3 and work on preventing the problem.

How dare they!

Yep, folks, step right up for the latest drug with the latest list of hidden side effects.

And while you are at it, don't take an interest in your health because you really can't do anything about it.

Just be ready to pony up your retirement for those drugs 'cause we've got 'em waiting and they've got your name on them.

I think I'll just say a quiet 'no thanks' and keep trying to push prevention as a viable alternative to sickness anyway, thank you.

Now it's time for me to pop some fish oil and Monster Multi and get on with being healthy.

Hope to see you on the way!

Dr Dave

Monday, April 17, 2006

Honey we're killing the kids

Right this minute I am laughing so hard tears of joy are rolling down my face.

I don't think I laughed this hard since "Beavis and Butthead do America".

I think I have seen the funniest and most ludicrous reality TV show (actually I just saw the trailer) ever invented.

It's called something like "Are you killing your kids" and focuses on Middle American parents, their kids and the growing epidemic of childhood obesity.

I want to nominate the producers, directors and originators of this show for my weekly Instant Einstein Award.

The premise of the show is to use computer aging techniques to show parents of adolescent obese kids just what those kids will look like in 10 or 15 years if they continue on their current path to blobdumb.

The deal is to scare the parents into forcing their kids to make lifestyle changes.

The hostess of the show says, "If this doesn't scare them, nothing will!"

She's right.

Based on the computer aging process, it's more likely to scare them into turfing their current brood off to relatives and adopting a new batch as fast as they can.

I mean these kids are pudgy at 10 but by 20 they are positively horrific.

They are not just fattened up by the computer; they are just made plain ugly.

Yikes!!! There 's not an attractive one in the bunch.

A word of advice: don't take your kids' baby photos to a computer-enhancement pallor. Let Mother Nature run her course and wait and see.

I promise you ignorance is bliss.

The next "too funny" is the parents.

Did anyone mention to them that they are setting an example?

There is not one among them who is remotely near their ideal body weight.

If we can accept that children pick up their parent's smoking habit because of what they see between age 0 and 5, then we have to accept the same about body habbitus.

Think I am lying?

A few days ago some of the neighborhood kids came over to my sister's house to pet her chinchillas.

One little 5-year-old tugged on my sister's arm and said, "You're pretty. Not like my mom, she's fat and has pimples on her face!"

Out of the mouths of babes.

By the way, mom's pimples are probably due to an androgen (hormone) imbalance that was directly related to her weight. In few more years there'll be some lovely facial hair to join those pimples.

If her husband is shallow, I shudder to think what comes next. If she did the computer animation on herself, I think we'd see some serious fish oil, Regenerizer consumption and a walking program.

My point is it's hard to have fat parents telling their fat kids to get off their butts, stop playing computer games and lose weight while they are still young and it's still easy.

Monkey see, monkey do.

And that brings me to the another ha ha and ironic, funny point of the show.

It shows an angry confrontation between fat mom and fat child.

Mom is holding the kids bike by the handlebars yelling, ”That bike isn't going anywhere until you let us take the TV out of your room!"

The sobbing kid (yes, actually sobbing at the loss of the TV) informs her that as soon as he turns 18 he's outta there for good.

Now let's look at this point by point.

First, mom is preventing the kid form riding his bike and ordering him back in the house as punishment.

The message: Try and get some exercise will you? Get back in that house and be fat and sedentary!

Next, the kid is sobbing at the loss of the TV. The thought of a child lovingly fondling their TV is almost as repulsive as the end result of the computer aging techniques on that very same kid.

Wha! Wha! I want my MTV!

I may be showing my age but when I was a kid, the thought of a child having a TV in their room was unheard of. We had a family room, a family TV and kids didn't watch anything without their parents' permission.

Dr Dave's Helpful Hint #1: don't put TV's in your kids' rooms!

Finally, the kid threatens to leave at age 18.

Well after seeing what he's going to look like via the computer animation he may be doing mom and dad a big friggin' favor.

Given their appearance, it may also be his only chance at a normal body weight.

The final clip shows the kids if they change and maintain normal body weight.

Guess what, they are still ugly as sin, now they're just thin and flabby looking. Show this to the parents or the kids and they'll be more confused than ever!

So here it is in a nutshell.

If your kids are fat:

1) Look in the mirror and be honest. If you ain't cuttin' the mustard but you're cuttin' too much cake, you can not expect them to listen to you when you try to get them to change.

You set the example. If you are heavy, get on some fish oil and Regenerizer and start walking. Your kids will follow suit.

2) Get rid of the TV and limit the computer games. With one exception: The whole family should check out this show on TLC because without meaning to, this could be one of the greatest comic hits of our time.

3) Throw a fish oil capsule or two to your adolescents everyday. At the very least it will probably help them listen better and calm their anger disorder when your remove the TV.

Parents and kids don't come with manuals. Use common sense and do the best you can. But don't look to TV for the answers!

All the best, Doc

Supplements mentioned in this blog

Fish Oil - Regenerizer - Instant Einstein

"Others will copy but none compare!"

Sunday, April 16, 2006

I Walk the Line

I have to admit I have been pretty hard on the younger generation in the past few months. I've made wise cracks about their use of cell phones, their driving abilities and their addiction to and so on.

But every now and then I get a really intelligent question or series of questions from a young person that makes me rethink my ususal "You need Einstein" status.

That is what we've got today but there is only one problem.

This kid is from Britain!

Wouldn'tcha know it. I've said it before in "Why the Brits are smarter than us" but did they have to go ahead and prove me right?

Oh well they do use a lot of fish oil in schools these days over there and have been getting great results.

Here is the email from one smart, highly motivated kid:

"Doctor Dave,

I have been reading your posts keenly for about a year now since Matt Furey wrote about your fish oil product. I have read in the past that the English rugby team take omega-3 supplements for their joints.

My current problem is with DOMS (delayed onset muscular soreness).

I am an avid 16-year-old athlete; I play soccer, do a fair amount of sprinting and chin-ups and I follow my own program devised from Combat Conditioning. Due to my school-work, I feel I can only exercise in the weekends and I lose my discipline, so when I exercise for the first time in the holidays, the next few days my muscles hurt: mainly my chest, triceps, lower back (from Hindu Press-ups) and my legs (from Hindu Squats). The last two really kill me so I get a massage if I'm lucky. In addition to this, once I had my legs stretched forward-like as if I was doing a high kick in Tae Kwon Do, to increase flexibility, and the whole of next week I didn't know why I was hurting.

I looked this up on the Internet and I found the term DOMS kept popping up. Btw, I compared your fish oil to other products, and their values are a joke. I have no doubt yours is the best.) Could you please explain what exactly is happening to my muscles, how it affects my strength and abilities, and how I can fix this?

One more thing, please, have you noticed that most "producers" either claim their products either help the heart, or joints, or the brain-eye function but not all three, or is it just me? I didn't see much difference in the nutritional values but either these producers are ill-informed or they want to sell the same products under different labels.


Dear WSL, you are certainly an active person and it's no wonder you are experiencing some DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).

Let me cut to the chase and say that Super Omega 3 and Cardio Boost would probably be an ideal combo for you to control this.

You could use a pack of Super Omega 3 1 hour before and another pack of Super Omega 3 with 2 Cardio boosts 30 to sixty minutes after your heaviest workouts; or better yet, get on a morning/evening routine of 1 pack of Super Omega 3 and 2 Cardio Boosts after your breakfast and the same after your latest meal or snack of the day.

Since it sounds like you are always on the go, the later routine would be the best for you if you can afford it.

DOMS can be improved by clearing out the lactic acid levels and flushing the muscles with increased blood flow after the workout and controlling the inflammation process in the body with the anti-inflammatory properties of Cardio Boost and Super Omega 3.

During the repair phase, the little muscular bridges that allow your muscles to
cross link and contract the muscle are disrupted until they are healed. Also, there is swelling within the tissue that contributes to muscular weakness during this phase.

Remember, your muscles get torn down from your workouts and then begin repair phase, which I believe you can speed up with the supplements.

This will allow you to perform better on a more consistent basis as you will be pain free and less stiff.

And you'll still get the repair phase that makes you stronger, faster and better as an athlete.

You are probably also controlling some other important things that athletes get like inflammation and joint damage even at your young age.

Remember, people don't have to replace knees and hips because of what they did when they were old even though that is when the operations happen.

It's usually the damage they did when they were younger that sets up chronic inflammation and destruction of body tissues.

Too many athletes think and think wrongly that because they are in great shape their bodies can handle the toxins and free radicals that high levels of exercise produces.

I am nearing 50 and believe me, I could not do the things I do now without the supplements. Of course I have access to and use Regenerizer, Hercules Factor and Instant Endurance as well, but that can get expensive.

Surprisingly, there are a lot of serious athletes that spring for the whole ball of wax because their performance is that important to them and they don't want to take illegal drugs like steroids and Growth Hormone.

As to the people who do not sell products for multiple things, I think there are several reasons. One definitely is ignorance. You have to remember a lot of supplement sellers are not in fact producers like I am. They do no research and simply sell someone else's product with a different label on it.

I don't do that and you can look at the ingredients and you'll see no one else has what we have, although I am sure there are clones. I recently attended an Anti-Aging conference and had to sit through a 1 hour lecture listening to a national expert on brain health tell the audience he had discovered an amazing new formula and was planning on making a supplement from it.

It turned out to be Instant Einstein almost verbatim.

The other reason is that some people are afraid they will overstep their boundaries and piss of the powers that be and get hunted down by the FDA or FTC. So they stay within accepted guidelines and cower in their boots while millions of people suffer needlessly and could be helped by things like fish oil.

I can't say it any better than Johnny Cash did:

I Walk the Line!

Thanks for this very intelligent question.

I think you will go far in life!

All the Best,
Dr Dave

P.S. I am glad you are still getting my emails across the pond!

Supplements mentioned in this blog:

The Easter basket

Easter Egg #1

Hi Dr.Dave,

My name is J and I was recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. I was hospitalized in December for thyrotoxic crisis and was therefore started on PTU. I have tried unsuccessfully to wean myself of this medication and was told by my endocrinologist that my only option now is to undergo radioactive iodine therapy. I am very worried about the procedure as well as the possible unwanted side effects. Is this a safe procedure and is it my only option or can you recommend an effective alternative. Please help!!!!

Hi, J, I can't give you medical advice over the internet but let me tell you what I can. I treated many people with thyrotoxic crisis in my day and there are of course 2 different approaches. In Europe they keep people on drugs sometimes for life, never using radiation. If you read the side effects of the drugs like PTU and tapazole there are some really scary ones. Then again, there are few drugs that don't have scary side effects.

In America we use radioactive iodine to zap the thyroid. The main side effect is hypothyroidism, which is not a picnic but can be much easier to control and is far less dangerous. Generally it is not hard to restore the thyroid values back to normal with a simple one a day medication that most doctors are comfortable with.

Letting the toxic thyroid go is a crapshoot. It can certainly kill you and if it does not, it’s likely you'll wind up hypothyroid anyway. I nursed many a patient through the thyroid radiation and restoration of normal thyroid levels without any serious troubles.

I also had some people on drugs for very long periods of time and did fine there as well, but it always made me nervous.

I don't know of any supplements that calm the toxic thyroid.

I hope this helps,

Easter Egg #2

Dr. Dave,

I had a Dr. tell us in a class the other day that cod liver oil and fish oil were very full of free radicals and we were crazy to take them. I have been taking them ever since I talked to you about a year and a half ago and feel great taking them and it completely got rid of a cough I had had for 9 months! But when another Dr. tells you something very contrary it makes you wonder how two Dr.'s can come up with such opposite information.

Torey T

Hi, Torey, there are no free radicals in fish oil. As far as pollutants, cod is loaded and fish can be if they are not purified.

Right now in Britain they are pulling fish oil off the shelves left and right because of a pollutant called dioxin.

This is what happens when you use a cheap, unpurified brand that is not tested.

Our fish oil as you know is super clean.

I would have two questions for your doctor friend:

1) How many patients have you treated with anything, let alone fish oil?

I have to admit I am a bit tired of people being labeled as national experts on fish oil when they have never been able to actively take care of one single patient themselves without the supervision of a doctor.

There seems to be a lot of that going around lately.

2) Where did you get your info? If you check on the national library of medicine and type in "fish oil", you and anyone else can find thousands of references to fish oil improving health. If the comment about free radicals were true, why is there so much positive info?

Why are there provisional recommendations for fish oil from the American Cancer society and the American heart Association?

I think your doctor needs to go back to school or back into the ice age!

I would stay on the fish oil, Torey, it sounds like you are doing great on it and your body doesn't lie!

Best, Dr Dave

Hey, Doc, I had a wild and crazy experience with Super Omega 3 I just had to tell you about.

I was minding my own business a week or so ago and all of a sudden I started getting bad pain on the ride side of my belly.

I thought it was some fish I ate so I took some antacids and tried to go to sleep. I tossed and turned most of the night and didn't feel well at all. By morning I knew this was serious and I remembered my little daughter had appendicitis when she was 3 and it was just like this.

So I went to the hospital and they immediately sent me up to surgery after the doctor examined me. No x-rays no nothing, just some blood tests and a medical history.

Five hours later I am laying in a recovery room without my appendix and with a couple of little scars. They gave me some narcotic by vein and it made me nauseated and goofy.

They let me go the next day and sent me of with a prescription for more narcotics.

I decided against that. I had some Tylenol at home but I had also been using your Super Omega 3 after workouts to decrease the soreness.

I had discussed using it with my doctor and he said the way they did the procedure I didn't have to worry about bleeding and yes I could take it. I read your really good blogs on supplements and surgery so I wanted to be sure.

Anyway, the surgeon said it was fine, so I took the little garlic gel caps out of the packets and used the big fish oil caps and the yellow capsules. I took 2 packs at once two times a day.

Doc, I swear I was astounded that this was the most effective pain killer I had.

I had almost no pain on it and if I missed a dose I hurt pretty bad.

You make an amazing product and I just wanted to thank you because I couldn't stand the narcotics and Tylenol; just doesn't work for me.

From now on I am going to use Super Omega 3 everyday instead of just after workouts.

You rock Doc!
Jason S.

Jason, I must say you are a pioneer. I would never have thought of using Super Omega 3 for post op pain, although it makes perfect sense.

They often use a drug class called NSAIDS of which Toradol is the most popular for postoperative pain management.

Toradol is in the same class of the recently banned drugs, Vioxx and Bextra.

If it is safe to use Toradol it is certainly safe to use Fish oil based compounds like Super Omega 3 since they have the same pain killing benefits without the risk of kidney failure, liver failure and bleeding stomach ulcers.

Toradol can only be used a few days after surgery and then it must be stopped.

As always you need to ask your doctor just like you did because it may not be safe to use supplements after some surgeries.

It sounds like you had what we call a lap api (Laparoscopic appendectomy) and the risk or bleeding is very low with that procedure and the tools they use like ultrasonic scalpels and stitching instead of staples seal the wounds very tightly.

I cannot recommend Super Omega 3 as a post op pain management unless you talk to your Doc, but it sounds like you did everything right and got a great result.

I would love to write this one up for the medical journals under the title "Super Supplement controls post op pain".

Hmmm, maybe our favorite journal JAMA would print it.

Whatddya think?

Well I hope everyone found an egg.

I am off to chef our Easter dinner, a nice lean piece of Filet, spinach salad with pine nuts and goat cheese and my favorite, broccoli followed by a slug of fish oil and Boost Immune or maybe based on what Jason said, I'll switch to Super Omega 3 for the day.

Have a fantastic Day!


Supplements mentioned in this blog:
Super Omega 3 - Immune Boost - fish oil

Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Easter blog

For those of you who celebrate this day as I do, I wish you a joyous and happy day.

For those of you who do not, I wish you the same.

While Easter is steeped in joyous religious celebration I want to include everyone in this writing today so I am going to concentrate on some observations and things I have heard and seen as this day approaches.

The first came from my sister who after 20 some years in southern California has seen her first real spring.

She notices the incredibly fast change from the drab stark landscape.

I live near the base of a mountain and you can see the green line of new tree buds climb higher towards the top everyday.

Certainly a great motto for life.

Hyacinths and daffodils fill the air with a sweet fragrance and bursts of color. In my back yard two weeping cherry tress are in full bloom and their faint essence is as delicate as their short lived blooms.

I stand under them and do my daily deep breathing inhaling life from the air.

Birds, bees, rabbits and of course people are out in record numbers.

Any way you look at it signs of new life are everywhere as Mother Nature wakes up and begins the long season of plenty.

Certainly a time to rejoice.

I rejoice in my loving family and wonderful friends. I rejoice in my readers and customers who come from around the world now and are of all faiths and beliefs.

You continue to support me and give me sustenance with your stories of success and betterment that make what I do all the more worthwhile.

I rejoice in life, long and healthy life.

If I can, when I turn 100 and begin middle age, I'd like to have a great big party and toast all of you.

See Ya there!

Happy Easter,


Mushroom soup

Several of you have asked what happened to Lazlo, our resident idiot savant ditty guy.

Well I jokingly say I keep him in the basement but actually it's not a total joke.
You see in the basement is where all the medicinal mushrooms are kept.

Lazlo seems to love the 60-cycle hum of the grow lamps and is mesmerized by what's growing on down there.

After a particularly long stint of just water, mushrooms and fish oil he came up with this little limerick.

Miatake shitake Cordyceps, BOOM!
I can't get enough of the medicinal mushroom
It makes me strong
I can last longer
In the gym the biz or the bedroom

I run I jump I play I joy
At nearly 50 I feel like a little boy
No toxic chemicals to slow my performance
'Cause I am addicted to Instant Endurance

Ok it's probably time to send Lazlo back for another hit of the 'shroomers but he has some valid points.

The Cordyceps mushroom is in my opinion the King of Medicinal mushrooms and is different from all the rest.

It is so important in Oriental cultures that it is the center of an on going battle in Tibet and Bhutan between Maoist rebels (can you say supported by the Chinese government) and native populations.

It's street price per kilogram is about one third the price of a kilo of solid gold and rivals that of heroin even though it is health giving instead of health robbing.

Here in the U.S. almost no research exists on the subject but in the orient, Cordyceps have been used for anti-viral properties, anti-tumor properties, and of course sexual and athletic enhancement.

For all those reasons it is one of the key ingredients in Instant Endurance

We get testimonials almost daily about its effectiveness in the gym and the bedroom as well as on the road, in the air and on the job.

People ask me what they should take to help stave off the bird flu if it comes to town this fall as predicted. I tell them Immune Boost, Instant Endurance and fish oil.

But frankly I wouldn't wait around for that crisis. I'd get going now.

Put some Instant Endurance into your life and electrify your day.


Friday, April 14, 2006

The amazing 650 horsepower brain

Racing fuel has a very distinct smell to it.

Once you are familiar with it you can tell it a mile away.

Six hundred and fifty horse power had a distinct sound, especially when it's unmuffled through straight pipes.

It turns even the heads of the mildly disinterested women who came along to support their man's little boy fantasies.

Now multiply it times eight and you've got a major cacophony of power that rumbles down the track at the speed of sound.

The ear to ear grin on every guy and gal who was about to get strapped in was punctuated by more than a few jitters.

A couple of people took the ride along given by the pros and emerged white faced and white knuckled.

Once strapped in you are given a litany of directions about what to do if the thing explodes, burns, spins or anything else, all again punctuated by an "if you break it you bought it".

The last warning is two fold: first, don't light off the tires (spin them by applying too much power) and second, don't stall on the take off or your instructor who you follow around the track will take you around the course slower than a slug drunk on molasses.

Do either of the above and you will be humiliated to the point of having to leave town and change your name.

I couldn't resist goosing the throttle a little bit just to feel the thing shake and get used to the noise. Ah yes, big boys like big toys.

So I launch out after the instructor and nearly perform an automotive colonoscopy on the guy who was not expecting such a fast start.

The car pulls hard toward the left as it's set up to make those constant and recurring left turns that are the mainstay of NASCAR.

Ok, so now we're breaking onto the track and shifting into 4th gear as the big V-8 sings.

I am not sure how much time goes by but I am focused on just a few things, and I mean intensely focused because I had my 6 capsules of Instant Einstein an hour or so before track time.

I keep the instructor car's rear windscreen filling up my field of vision so I know I am as close as I should be. I watch for the tell tale puffs of smoke that comes when he nails the throttle out of the corners.

If I stick to him like glue he's sure to let me go faster and faster.

The flag man whose job it is to signal me of any problems with my driving line or distance doesn't flinch. I get one or two wave offs from the instructor who is letting me know I am getting too close to his car.

"Fine, pal, go faster and you won't have this problem" I say inside the deafening roar of the cockpit.

No one can hear me but I don't care. I can barely hear myself.

Deep in the Einstein zone I notice a few peripheral things as the supplement slows down the world around me and allows me to observe while I drive.

Because of the Einstein I can see things clearly and absorb them easily even though they are happening at break neck speed.

Bits of rubber from the instructor's car fly up and hit my windshield hard.
I know I could dodge them if I had to.

Leaves rustle by in whirlwinds as we dip low onto the track for the steeply banked corner and then settle lazily down to rest again.

The flagman is bored and doesn't even bother to look at my car as it zooms by in a blur. His job is elsewhere.

We pass his stand and I catch him slowly turning back to a group of slower cars behind us. I realize I am looking in my rearview while going over 130 M.P.H. and not at all concerned about the approaching corner.

I've got it covered because my brain is working at 650 H.P. too.

I pick up on the fact that my instructor lifts of the throttle right at the point he dives down to the inside part of the track and I do the same staying glued to his bumper urging him to let me go faster.

Time stands still and in the intense concentration. I have no idea how fast we are going or how long I've been driving.

The G forces of the car as it pitches down into the corners and out again defy anything most people are used to unless they've been in a fighter jet.

Somewhere around lap 34 we catch a slower group in front of us at the beginning of a short straight; we are lined up to pass but will we?

The track boss's instructions ring in my ears, "If your instructor goes to pass you better be right behind him because you'll only get one chance."

My instructor goes and I slam the pedal to the metal and am right behind him without hesitation keying again on the tiny puff of smoke that comes when he nails his throttle.

Even though we are probably some 25 M.P.H. faster than the slower cars and are running flat out for the pass, we seem to drift by at a leisurely pace.

Will I make it? Will I get by in time to set up the corner?

It's a picture perfect pass and I slot in behind my instructor just in time to line up the corner and dive for the inside just feathering off the throttle and not touching the brakes.

The brakes, by the way, finally get used on the approach to the pits and they feel wooden and ineffective.

But stop they do and I wiggle out of the tight fitting cockpit that was my home for 36 laps of supra normal speeds.

I say a silent thanks to Instant Einstein for getting me through in one piece.

I find out I had the fastest lap times and the highest top speed of the group many of whom have done this before as well.


I think not.

I think Instant Einstein gave me a 650 horsepower brain just when I needed it most.

Get some now and join me in the fast lane!

Instant Einstein
