Wednesday, June 7, 2006

The Return Of The Fat Tax

A few short weeks ago I proposed a revolutionary new idea: Tax all the people who are overweight with a special fat tax. The idea was to get people thinking about a serious problem, obesity, and all the diseases and problems that it causes.

(These problems can be alleviated with fish oil, exercise, and Regenerizer.)

The increased revenue from the blubber tax would go a long way toward the costs of the medical facilities and personnel that are tied up trying to cure the multiple health problems of that special tribe, Le Molestiers du Buffet, which now numbers about 40% of the American population.

(For those not using fish oil, not exercising, not using Regenerizer, the statistics are grim. If you are a Lardassian, you are quintupling your odds of checking out early.)

Apparently, this idea has caught on with a number of subscribers on both sides of the political aisle, and they say it has a better chance of success than the current immigration legislation.

The Democrats want to make the tax progressive; that is: there will be a sliding scale of suet, 10% for up to 15 pounds, 20% for 15-30 pounds, 30% for 30-50 pounds, 40% for 50-100 pounds, and 50% for those 100 pounds or more over the norm.

The Republicans favor a flat fat tax, 12½ % with a 5-7 pound allowance over the norm.

(In fish oil purchasers, the split is almost dead even, give or take a hanging credit card or two.)

Weigh In’s would be in January every year, giving people incentive to ease up on the gluttony during the holiday season, and to actually keep their New Year’s

All weight data would be a matter of public record.

I think this alone could help melt billions of pounds of tumescent tallow.

(Early data on Regenerizer tells us that while Republicans bought first, Democrats have now realized what they were missing and are scrambling to catch up.) However, they are making a strong comeback and it looks like they will have a real chance on Election Day thanks to their adoption of Instant Einstein as a required supplement!

I would have a penalty built in if a whole family was overweight. If Ma and Pa and Sis and Bro are all over, they get a special electronic boot put on their fridge. It will only open 3 times a day, and putting a soda in will set off a fat police alarm.

I’m telling you, this is heady stuff. I never thought about politics before, but if Patrick Kennedy can keep getting elected, I think I have a future. After all, I have
had one idea, which is more than one can say for him.

You couple that with the fact that I haven’t punched any security people or run my car into a concrete barrier, and it’s off to the races.

I just got an email from Denny Hastert and Ted Kennedy.

It seems that they are members of the Molestiers du Buffet, and they are opposed to my fat tax because it would make fat people mad.

Well, they couldn’t chase them very far, so what’s the big deal. It’s a long walk to the polls in most states.

Whether you favor the progressive fat tax, or the flat fat tax, the time has come to get serious about being overweight.

At we can help you shed the wiggle and jiggle, and keep your tax bill low.

All the best,

Supplements required to save America from the impending ravages of obesity:
Fish Oil
Instant Einstein

"Dr Dave for President" by Lazlo B. Zilly

Oh please Doc do it now before it's to late
Represent your country your home town and state.
Help keep the people healthy and free
And smarter too with Instant Einstein you see

We are bombarded from every angle
Politically temptations continue to dangle
They spin and sin and make up lies
To keep their arses in office and their trophy wives

So they can wine and dine and fly
To the far corners of the earth
While the oil companies ply
Higher prices on the common man
This summer'll be worse how much more can we stand
Between the bird flu and vicious tropical storms
Our economy hangs in, but recession forms

They crash their cars; they put money in their fridge
And Duke Cunningham who survived Thud ridge*
Sold his house for far more than its worth
And then we're to believe that it was just luck
Like Marion Barry said. "The Bxtch
Set me up!"
Whilst snorting the ubiquitous crack cocaine
Was yet reelected for yet another reign

So Dr Dave from one of your readership
How's about stepping up and showing us real leadership!


Well, Lazlo, thanks for that but I have a tough enough time keeping Big Pharma's antics in my sites. If we can keep the freedom of knowledge and choice alive for the people, they'll do the rest!

Let's just you and me do what we do best and that's make the best supplements.

· I apologize for Lazlo's distortion of historical facts. Duke Cunningham was an F4 Phantom pilot in Vietnam and may not have had the intimate contact with Thud Ridge that the fighter bombers did.

To experience the amazing and multiple benefits of Dr Dave's Best
Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil go to the site and order NOW!

For the world's best anti-aging supplements including Dr Dave's Best Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil and the one and only Regenerizer go to: Regenerizer

And order now. Don't delay; you are not getting any younger, YET!

Some other Dr Dave's Best Products designed to help you get the most out of Life!

Sleep like a baby every night guaranteed. Over half the population of this country can't sleep at one time or another. Well, now I have solved that problem for you with an all natural supplement that can get you to sleep and keep you there for a great night's restful sleep. Learn more about Sleep Wizard.

And Don't forget! Check out our newest baby Super Omega 3! "Fish Oil on Steroids!"

"Please note: There is a huge demand for this product so order now!"

Another supplement that really helps a lot is Instant Endurance. Because it was brought in as an athletic formula, a lot of people don't realize that it has great use for the fatigued among us, especially if you don't feel rested very often.

Instant Endurance's ability to raise brain endorphins (happy chemicals) makes you more resilient and resistant to stress.

So if you don't have the punch in your life that you used to, take a good hard look at how you are spending your time, and remember the Instant Endurance.

And Here's the scoop on the power of our newly released Boost products: Anthocyanin and ORAC refer to the ability of these products (Immune and Cardio Boost) to soak up ugly health damaging free radicals like a sponge.

Remember, IMMUNE BOOSTER is KING of ANTHOCYANIN CONTENT. CARDIO BOOSTER is the King of ORAC so no matter which measurement you value the most you are covered with the most potent slug of anti-oxidants available as a single food substance any where in the world.

Here are some numbers for you on Immune. 2100 ORAC per single capsule 252,000 per bottle (The average American gets no more than 1200 ORAC daily at best Even in liquid form just 1 ounce of Immune Booster has 22,680 ORAC and 222mg. of Anthocyanin per teaspoon).

100 mg. of anthocyanins per capsule 12,000 mg. Anthocyanin per bottle (It would take 300 baskets of blueberries to obtain this amount of Anthocyanin and cost a person $1,500 a month).

All other companies use an alcohol process to extract which burns off precious volatiles. Boost uses a patented mechanical process which is all natural and allows it to retain ALL the vitamin, minerals, and precious amino acids. Only the deepest and darkest of anthocyanins are retained. The end result is a product with much
more bio-activity.

Instant Endurance:

Why Some People Enjoy Ridiculously Abundant Energy Even While Working 16 Hours A Day

Because of a new formula used by Olympic athletes, now you can enjoy ample energy and become more productive in everything you do.

Whether it's work, play or sex, you'll outperform your peers like Lance Armstrong at the Tour de France. This breakthrough came as a result of years of trial and error. Working together, a world-renowned herbalist and America's leading anti-aging doctor
have developed the perfect blend of ingredients to ensure abundant energy when you need it. We've reserved - we think - enough supplies if you order now. Just clink this link to experience what I'm talking about. Or you may be missing out on what your neighbor is experiencing... Here's the link:

Monster Multi:

Announcing The Most Important - And Exclusive - Multi Vitamin That Helps Keep You Feeling Young

Your body restores and maintains optimal health when you give it what it needs. And extraordinary health begins with the right foundation. As a doctor, I know the importance a good multi-vitamin can have on your health. And I wouldn't recommend one to you...until now. An exclusive multi-vite is now available and provides your body with essential ingredients that are the foundation for extraordinary health. Because of the work of 3 leading anti-aging doctors, every ingredient and the roles they play in interacting with each other was comprehensively researched. To ensure that you're getting a superior multi-vite, follow this link. I think you'll agree with me that it's superior to every other multi-vitamin. Click this link and decide for yourself.

Instant Einstein:

How This Doctor's New Breakthrough Keeps Your Mind Sharp And Improves Creativity, Memory & Recall No Matter What Your Age

At last! A doctor approved, all natural product that significantly boosts your memory, recall and overall mental sharpness. From teenagers with exams to adults dealing with a variety of issues, a focused, creative and sharp mind is vital to a healthy lifestyle. Conclusive studies, my personal experience and countless hours of
researching and testing have shown the ingredients in this new product are guaranteed to bring results. What can it do for you? Follow this link for free documentation and the reasons why it's essential. Just go here: Instant Einstein

For more info on the pivotal role Growth hormone can play in weight loss, fat loss, your Health go here: Growth hormone

The Hercules Factor

The Hercules Factor is formulated to achieve maximum yet safe growth hormone release without resorting to injections or dangerous chemicals.* The ingredients are the highest grade available and are scientifically tested to achieve results.

And don't forget our newest releases:

Cholesterol Bomb

Nuke your cholesterol naturally with Mother Nature's own atomic formula: Cholesterol Bomb

Pro Mac Young Eyes

Age related Macular Degeneration is a continuous and growing problem in our society.

It is already the number one cause of blindness in this country. I can't stand by and let that happen any more.

Fight Back with Pro Mac

Super Wrinkle Guard

Super Wrinkle Guard Body and Skin Formula is designed to supply your body with a potent anti-oxidant defense specifically meant to stop wrinkles dead in their tracks.


Enter the arena of prostate health with ProstaShield as your guardian. This is the closest thing to an "Herbal Body Guard" your prostate could ever want. For men only, from Dr Dave!

Dr. Dave's Best is located at:
1050 D Maidencreek Road
Fleetwood, PA 19522

Phone: 610-926-5728
Fax: 610-916-3931

The FDA has not evaluated all of these statements. This email is for educational purposes only. Always consult your own personal doctor for medical advice and follow it even it contradicts what is said in this email.

Dr. Dave's Best makes no claims to treat mitigate or diagnose any disease with any of the products listed on our site, past, present or future!

Copyright 2006

Saturday, June 3, 2006

Who Put The Vegetable On My Plate

Recently I attended a backyard BBQ and there was a lot of good food on the tables. In addition to the burgers, chicken, pork and beef, there was fish, deep water halibut, Alaskan King salmon and something else, which escapes my mind, but tasted pretty good. I can’t ever remember fish at a BBQ before.

There were also many vegetable dishes, grilled vegetables, raw vegetables, and vegetable salads. There was a virtual cornucopia of fresh fruit too.

In addition, there was a first class selection of vino and quite a stellar cocktail bar.

I selected a little of this and that, and when I sat down with my plate I was really surprised to notice that my plate was a combination of pretty healthy food. I had pretty much the entire color wheel with all the fruits and vegetables.

I was hungry when I arrived, and polished off that first plate fairly fast and had a nice vino to boot.

Fairly satiated, I decided to watch what was being eaten by other people.

Most of the men stuck to burgers, steaks, pork in several forms, and potatoes grilled, baked, or potato salad. And of course dessert, pie, cobblers, cake, cookies, and ice cream.

Some of the women ate fish, but most of them ate the same as the men for the protein. They did hang around the raw vegetables and dips, but they didn’t actually eat all that much of it, instead opting for the casserole type concoctions.

They did eat more of the fruit than the men, but they also hit the dessert table almost as hard as the men.

When the party was winding down there were a lot of fruits and vegetables that were going to go to waste.

That didn’t occur on the dessert table, where everything was pretty much picked clean.

It occurred to me that this is pretty much how people eat every day.

There has been an awful lot of hooey written in the last few months about multivitamins and the fact that they don’t have any discernible effects.

Most of this hooey is written under the auspices of science according to the pharmaceutical companies, who know exactly what I observed; that most people just don’t eat the foods that they should to keep themselves healthy.

The headline of today’s blog came from a pretty big guy whose wife handed him a plate with a burger bun that had lettuce, tomato, and onion on it. His riposte, “Hey, somebody put a vegetable on my plate,” got a big laugh all the way around. Even from me. When I have a burger, I like it unadorned.

The reason I developed the Monster Multivitamin was because the truth is that we do not eat what we should often enough, even when someone else prepares it for us. We opt instead for the old favorites, which certainly are tasty, but leave us high and dry when it comes to nutrients.

That is what the Monster Multivitamin is for. It’s to replace the foods that are not being eaten on a regular basis. It’s to replenish a system that is vitally in need of those nutrients that we are missing by eating what’s easy and comforting, even when we know that it isn’t particularly good for us.

All the hooey in the press is because the pharmaceutical companies would like you to get on their program, which is drugs, drugs, and more drugs.

And if you don’t modify your eating habits in some way, they will get you sooner or later.

The Monster Multivitamin can restore a great deal of what you are missing out on by not eating the color wheel of fruits and vegetables.

It’s all-natural, and there are no side effects, except better health, which is a far cry from what the pharmaceutical companies want you to have, because that’s not good for them.

Oh yeah and by the way if you want to really up the anti-oxidant ante and get the benefits of wine without drinking any, add in some super Wrinkle Guard for dessert,

It's loaded with resveratrol and other natural anti-oxidants found in wine and numerous fruits and vegetables.

Definitely not for wrinkles only!

All the best,

Supplements mentioned in this blog:
Monster Multivitamin
Super Wrinkle Guard