Friday, November 24, 2006

The ‘eat me’ hormone and more

In today's installment I answer some specific questions
sent in from my readers.

Some are a bit hostile, some are nice, but in the end run they're all worth reading.

And our resident idiot savant poet, Lazlo is at it again as well.
So here we go with the first question.

Hey, hot shot. You keep saying that high protein diets are the way to go based on our genetics but you haven't told me the scientific basis behind why they work.

Maybe there isn't one.


Ok Jack, let's take the hypothetical situation that there isn't one.

That could mean we haven't discovered it yet.

So if they discovered a cure for cancer but didn't know how it worked you wouldn't take it if you had cancer until you knew exactly how it worked.

I got news for you, pal; most of the drugs out there that are being taken by millions of Americans are not worked out nearly 100%.

As a matter of fact, many of the mechanisms come out through problems found only after thousands of people have taken them and millions of consumer dollars have already been spent.

That's why there are so many drug screw-ups and recalls.

Now as to protein.

The body often tries to maintain a certain weight set point and to slowly add to that as "insurance" against food scarcity. That is how we are programmed.

A lot of people will have a lot of trouble losing weight until they stimulate their metabolisms with a specific fat burner like Fab Fat Furnace.

High Protein diets like those supplemented with Monster Muscle Protein Powder help with this because they prevent hunger by the following mechanisms.

The amino acids in the whey protein (repeatedly proven to be the best kind for weight loss and hunger control) are converted slowly and steadily to blood sugar instead of rapidly like the quick hitting carbs.

This also supplies the brain with its favorite fuel, sugar, but in a steady fashion so it dose not trigger all the hormones and chemicals we have talked about in the past that mobilize the hunger mechanisms.

Now travel with me if you will to the location of the "Fat stat", the area of the brain where the body's thermostat for weight and appetite lives.

There is a very important protein called YY is made in response to high protein intake and other signals. This hormone interplays with growth hormone thyroid hormone, ghrelin (the “eat me” hormone!) and leptin (the “don't eat me”) and lipase (the hormone that Fab fat furnace activates to release fat for fuel).

So there you have the answer to your question, Jack. Did you get all that? It was a good question but you can tone down the hostility in the future, hot shot. Or I will tell you to do the same thing the eat me hormone tells your body to do!

Next question:

“Doc, what are the best exercises to build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis?” Cathy G.

Cathy, traditionally doctors and researchers have preached that weight bearing exercises such as walking, running and weight training have been the best. I personally think we are overlooking plyometrics, which should be added to the list.

Plyos are a mainstay of our upcoming Brick and Mortar Fitness so keep your eyes out.

Basically these exercises require a rapid deceleration of a weight or mass (body weight for instance) and then an explosive acceleration from a dead stop.

Here is an example: The Squat jump. Drop down into a squat position and explode out of it extending your arms as high as you can. When you land, drop down immediately into the squat again with no pauses and explode back up.

Try 15 reps and chances are you'll be spanked (physiologically, that is!).

Be careful though; these are not easy on the joints and tendons and if you've never done them you may be pretty sore or even injure yourself, so go slow. These are high impact, which is why so many people overlook them.

Look for them to be the "next big thing" in exercise and look for someone to develop a high impact shoe that reduces the shock on your legs when you do them.

For those of you who are undertaking a high intensity workout program make sure you check out Lengthen Your Spine Lengthen Your Life.

Which will help you injury-proof yourself and of course my amazing supplement Hercules Factor to crank up your GH and testosterone so you get the most out of your hard workouts, especially if you are over 35.

Ok, final question for today:

"Doc, how comes you haven't gotten into menopausal supplements." Sara J.

Actually Sara, I kinda have. If you read about fish oil and Sleep Wizard you'll see that many women use one or the other to reduce hot flashes (especially at night), irritability and depression and regulate the other symptoms of menopause.

Since fish oil also appears to be good for bone density, a lot of postmenopausal women take it for that as well, not to mention the potential benefits on breast cancer prevention.

If you are referring to a daily multi vite for women, I've left that to someone else for several reasons. First, Monster Multi is a great multi for both sexes. It does not contain the big dose of calcium most women need postmenopausal because my experience as a doctor showed that most women take supplemental calcium separately anyway and not as part of their multi.

Calcium makes the capsules very big and increases the number you'd have to take to around 10 a day. Most women won't do that. Monster Multi does have some boron and vitamin D as well, both of which are helpful.

If you are referring to the so-called alterative menopausal remedies, I don't make any other than what I mentioned because I haven't found any that work.

As a matter of fact recent studies done at the University of Oregon on 70 different alternative therapies from soy to acupuncture showed no benefit for symptoms, although there may be other benefits.

When I make one, it will work, and I am researching it but it will be a while.

So take your Monster Multi and fish oil and you'll be ahead of the game, man or woman.



Oh yes! Lazlo has been chaffing at the bit to release his newest limerick entitled "Don't let me eat me" sung to the tune of Pink's "Don't let me get me"

There are donuts, there are jelly beans
If I eat them I'll burst in my jeans
There is broccoli, there are almonds
If I eat them I'll make some leptin

So doctor doctor won't you please get me some help
I'm so hungry I could take a bite out of myself

Don't let me eat me!

You know it’s bad when you enjoy yourself.

So they told me about Fab Fat Furnace
And all my fat cells screamed please don't burn us
Tired of being compared to damn Brittney Spears
She's so chubby, got no hubby so,

Doctor Dave sent me something good
Now I can walk past all the junk food

Don't need to eat it!
It’s great when you control yourself

Don't need to crave it
It’s great when you can get some help!

Lazlo B. Zilly 2006

Fab Fat Furnace

Monday, November 20, 2006

Silly sex advice

Two weeks ago I gave a fascinating (to me at least!) Lecture on sex to my Dynamic Doers Group. Everyone on the call loved it and learned a lot.

I will eventually edit and make it available for sale but in the meantime some questions came rolling in that I thought I should address.

This is all serious and good info until you get to the end of course, where we deal with a bit of silliness from one of our readers.

Here we go:

1) Doc, do crunches really help your sex life?

Answer: yes, and in most cases more than people would think.

Here is how to supercharge the crunch for better sex.

When you come up and are focusing on your abs, squeeze your butt muscles together as well.

I demonstrate this (actually you can't see it thank god, but I mention it!) in Brick and Mortar Fitness and Lengthen Your Spine Lengthen Your Life.

This will give you maximum activation of the so called "Ilio hypogastric nerve" which tends to get sluggish as we age; sit a lot and those of us who are women have babies.

This action also activates the PC (pubo coccygeus) muscle which is a main muscle for sexual control.

2) Dr Dave I heard about Arginine helping women's sex drive; does it?

Answer: Actually it does seem to work but in a way similar to Viagra. In other words it allows the biochemical changes associated with sex to happen more easily but it does not really address the all-important mental aspects in women.

For this reason when you look at studies using Arginine they usually report specific symptoms such as increased frequency of intercourse and decreased vaginal dryness.

The increased intercourse part is kinda hard to hang your hat on as this could mean a lot of different things and is not quantified.

The decreased vaginal dryness makes perfect biologic sense and in a way, I guess this could make it a lot more pleasant for a woman to have sex!

I use a big dose of Arginine in Sex Fuel but also couple it to many other active ingredients to improve the neurotransmitters and hormone balance in both men and women.

3) Doc, how important is exercise to sex?

Answer: Let's see; except for lengthening your life, improving your physical health and mental health, boosting your sex hormones (especially testosterone), improving your flexibility, coordination, control and stamina, I'd say not very important.

If you have trouble in the sex department then get Sex Fuel and it will get you on the road to recovery. If endurance is your problem then I'd consider Instant Endurance and or Regenerizer.

And while you're at it stop by Lengthen Your Spine Lengthen Your Life and see what a great exercise program can do for you.

4) Dr Dave, I want to have a baby. Is this going to affect my sex live?

Answer: Well it might for about 10 and a half months or so depending on how complicated your pregnancy is but the best predictor of post baby sex life is the same as post baby weight gain.

Women who exercise, are weight conscious, have a good diet and exercise habits as well as some self esteem will usually return to pretty close their pre baby weight.

If anyone or all of those things are missing they are probably going to get heavier and stay heavier until they fix them.

Same with sex. If your sex life is gonzo before the baby, you'll enjoy it after. If it's slow boring and dull, guess what! It ain't gonna get better post baby.

Act now while there is still time! Sex Fuel and Regenerizer

And now for our final entries

5) Doc, does chocolate really help your sex life.

Chocolate is the super food du jour these days and in point of fact it does have some benefits.

It seems to boost dopamine and serotonin in the correct areas of the brains of women to reduce stress, increase calm and set the stage for sexual desire.

Again the studies are a bit sketchy on this though. The latest one out of Northern Italy showed significantly higher sex drives in daily chocolate eaters.

The problem is the results were self reported and could have been influenced by all kinds of things not the least of which was free chocolate.

Also there are genetic variations in how people (especially women) respond to chocolate so the effect is by no means a home run, unlike Sex Fuel.

6) Dr Dave I get a women's magazine in the mail. I want your opinion on this sex trick I read about.

It says to rub him down there with ice cubes and turn on the fan for a cool start and a sizzling finish.

All I can say is don't ever try that on me!

Sounds like a recipe for a cool start and a fizzling finish!

Which just goes to show you some magazines will print anything and call it advice. I wonder what the headline on that one was.

By the way and this is no joke within 70 miles of where I live there are towns with names like Paradise, Blue Ball and Intercourse and Bird in Hand.

I kid you not. I'll let you put them together in any order you want.

See you next time and tune in here and to the emails for the real truth and nothin' but.


Sex Fuel


Instant Endurance