I will eventually edit and make it available for sale but in the meantime some questions came rolling in that I thought I should address.
This is all serious and good info until you get to the end of course, where we deal with a bit of silliness from one of our readers.
Here we go:
1) Doc, do crunches really help your sex life?
Answer: yes, and in most cases more than people would think.
Here is how to supercharge the crunch for better sex.
When you come up and are focusing on your abs, squeeze your butt muscles together as well.
I demonstrate this (actually you can't see it thank god, but I mention it!) in Brick and Mortar Fitness and Lengthen Your Spine Lengthen Your Life.
This will give you maximum activation of the so called "Ilio hypogastric nerve" which tends to get sluggish as we age; sit a lot and those of us who are women have babies.
This action also activates the PC (pubo coccygeus) muscle which is a main muscle for sexual control.
2) Dr Dave I heard about Arginine helping women's sex drive; does it?
Answer: Actually it does seem to work but in a way similar to Viagra. In other words it allows the biochemical changes associated with sex to happen more easily but it does not really address the all-important mental aspects in women.
For this reason when you look at studies using Arginine they usually report specific symptoms such as increased frequency of intercourse and decreased vaginal dryness.
The increased intercourse part is kinda hard to hang your hat on as this could mean a lot of different things and is not quantified.
The decreased vaginal dryness makes perfect biologic sense and in a way, I guess this could make it a lot more pleasant for a woman to have sex!
I use a big dose of Arginine in Sex Fuel but also couple it to many other active ingredients to improve the neurotransmitters and hormone balance in both men and women.
3) Doc, how important is exercise to sex?
Answer: Let's see; except for lengthening your life, improving your physical health and mental health, boosting your sex hormones (especially testosterone), improving your flexibility, coordination, control and stamina, I'd say not very important.
If you have trouble in the sex department then get Sex Fuel and it will get you on the road to recovery. If endurance is your problem then I'd consider Instant Endurance and or Regenerizer.
And while you're at it stop by Lengthen Your Spine Lengthen Your Life and see what a great exercise program can do for you.
4) Dr Dave, I want to have a baby. Is this going to affect my sex live?
Answer: Well it might for about 10 and a half months or so depending on how complicated your pregnancy is but the best predictor of post baby sex life is the same as post baby weight gain.
Women who exercise, are weight conscious, have a good diet and exercise habits as well as some self esteem will usually return to pretty close their pre baby weight.
If anyone or all of those things are missing they are probably going to get heavier and stay heavier until they fix them.
Same with sex. If your sex life is gonzo before the baby, you'll enjoy it after. If it's slow boring and dull, guess what! It ain't gonna get better post baby.
Act now while there is still time! Sex Fuel and Regenerizer
And now for our final entries
5) Doc, does chocolate really help your sex life.
Chocolate is the super food du jour these days and in point of fact it does have some benefits.
It seems to boost dopamine and serotonin in the correct areas of the brains of women to reduce stress, increase calm and set the stage for sexual desire.
Again the studies are a bit sketchy on this though. The latest one out of Northern Italy showed significantly higher sex drives in daily chocolate eaters.
The problem is the results were self reported and could have been influenced by all kinds of things not the least of which was free chocolate.
Also there are genetic variations in how people (especially women) respond to chocolate so the effect is by no means a home run, unlike Sex Fuel.
6) Dr Dave I get a women's magazine in the mail. I want your opinion on this sex trick I read about.
It says to rub him down there with ice cubes and turn on the fan for a cool start and a sizzling finish.
All I can say is don't ever try that on me!
Sounds like a recipe for a cool start and a fizzling finish!
Which just goes to show you some magazines will print anything and call it advice. I wonder what the headline on that one was.
By the way and this is no joke within 70 miles of where I live there are towns with names like Paradise, Blue Ball and Intercourse and Bird in Hand.
I kid you not. I'll let you put them together in any order you want.
See you next time and tune in here and to the emails for the real truth and nothin' but.
Sex Fuel
Instant Endurance
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