Each year this wonderful little holiday called Valentine's Day pops up. And each year, millions of men and more than a few women pop some pills marketed by Big Pharmacy for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
They have names like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. Now rarely have the pharmaceutical companies been more responsible in their marketing than with these drugs.
They market them for erectile dysfunction only and often point out things like high cholesterol, diabetes or the medications for those maladies (which are often made by the same pharmaceutical companies) may cause things to fizzle instead of pop when the moment is right.
But the truth is the recreational use of these drugs probably outstrips the legitimate prescription use! So before you go reaching for the little blue pill, I want to tell you a bit about the side effects and alternatives.
First, none of these drugs are approved for use in women and they do not work for women.
Next, they are anything but side effect-free, and can cause diverse and serious reactions. These include priapism, the term for a painful erections that won't go away!
Severe headaches, a deadly drop in blood pressure if combined with certain heart medications, back ache, sinus congestion, and stomach upset. But by far, the scariest and perhaps the most dangerous is blindness. In many cases this is permanent!
No wonder so many of us are seeking natural alternatives!
Here is a list we have found to be particularly helpful, and none of them have any of the side effects described above. The best news is they can also work in women to improve arousal and sexual response.
Macuna: This South American herb increases Dopamine levels, a very important sexual brain chemical.
Epimedium: Known as Horny Goat Weed, it was first discovered by noticing that goats that ate this plant had only one thing on their mind. It works for people too!
Cnidium: This hard to get Chinese herbal works to improve local blood flow to the genitals in men and women.
Arginine: This is an amino acid and when consumed in the right dose has a Viagra-like effect on erectile tissue.
Pregnenolone and DHEA: These are adrenal hormones that are available over the counter (as of this writing) and are critical in the generation of other sex hormones as well as brain chemistry.
So while love is blind, you don't have to be. You don't have to risk dangerous drug side effects including permanent loss of vision.
This Valentine's Day try some all natural alternatives and enjoy side effects free results!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
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