Sunday, December 13, 2009

Final Chapter in the Secrets of Cleansing Revealed

Ok, I have spent the last week in Las Vegas at a medical conference and I can tell you detox and cleansing were huge, huge topics for what are hopefully obvious reasons by now.

They help keep you healthy.

Here are some final tips for you:

1) Regular sleep equals regular cleansing habits. I have been hounding people for years to add sleep to what has formerly been the one two punch of health: exercise and nutrition. It has to be sleep, exercise and nutrition! Don’t expect your liver, kidneys and colon to work well if you are not sleeping well! If you need help, check out my all natural Sleep Wizard.

2) Diuretics and cathartics can irritate the colon and need to be crafted by someone who knows how to make them or you can do more harm than good.

In my next product release, Intense Cleanse, which is really a product my readers have been asking for for two years now, I carefully selected Mother Nature’s best herbs for both colon and kidney detox.

3) The best agent to rejuvenate the liver is Glutathione but up until now you could not get it into your body and you had to take N-Acetyl Cysteine, which was less than perfect. I will have more to say about liver detox in the near future but for now I want to tell you that the liver needs and deserves special consideration as an organ of detox and cleansing so stay tuned for more and more great stuff!


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Don’t miss this special announcement - part 2

If you are not subscribed or not reading my emails you’ll want to do both now, otherwise you will miss a big announcement that will impact on your health and your well being. It’s almost here knocking on the door but not yet. More on that later (in other words, read my emails).

Here we go with more on colon health, cleansing and detox…

1) Fish oil is essential for colon health because of the global effects of Omega 3 fatty acids on the body but also because it really and truly helps things “slide” through. But it is not an active cathartic.

Active cathartics actually tell your bowels to “move”.

2) There are many all natural cathartics but the best ones are gentle, predictable and non-habit forming. Believe it or not, getting all three in one compound is a tall order and requires a serious knowledge of human biology. I have gotten a lot of requests to tackle this problem(as you know if you read my last entry) and I have been working on just that issue.

3) Cleansing in truth is really just boosting the natural abilities of the organ systems including the colon, the skin, the kidneys and the liver. Of all of them, the liver is the major detox organ but you rarely get symptoms of liver dysfunction until you are really sick!

4) The colon is far more likely to give you a hint that things need some attention as it is VERY sensitive to minor changes in your routines, your eating habits and even your moods!

5) A few dietary tips: Soluble fiber is a great way to lower your cholesterol but is less effective at cleansing your colon. Notice I did not say ‘ineffective’, just less effective than insoluble fiber. Oats are a great source of both so get some slower cooking oats and add them (uncooked!) to your Private Reserve Protein Powder and away you go with the perfect combo for your protein needs and your fiber needs.

6) I got an email asking for a simple way to tell if you are drinking enough water. Here it is: drink one half of your body weight in ounces every day. So if you weigh 150 pounds drink 75 ounces, which is a little over a gallon a day.

OK, that’s it for now but I will have more for you very soon along with the Big Announcement I have been planning, so be sure to keep reading your emails or you’ll miss it.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dr Dave’s Secrets of Cleansing Tips 1

Tip #1 - Your moods affect your bowels. Depression, anxiety and other strong emotions can affect your bowel habits as much as what you eat and drink. Staying calm or at least under control is a must for normal bowel habits. Strangely enough the body does eventually adapt to your emotional patterns and come to some modicum of “normalcy”. This can be constipation, loose bowels or alternating bouts of either that you get “used” to and make the necessary adaptations. Then when the stress is hopefully relieved your body has to reset completely.

Tips #2 - Moving your body helps move your bowels. People who are generally sedentary have low BMR’s. That is not “bowel movement rate” but it could be! It actually stands for Basal Metabolic Rate and if your body is slow in moving, so are your bowels. So speed up your BMR by moving.

Tip#3 - Hydration is key. I have seen increases in body water of 1 to 2 % completely cure long term constipation. Usually I saw this when intravenous fluids were given and to everyone’s surprise the person’s bowel habits normalized. Lo and behold there was nothing wrong with their innards but they just weren’t drinking enough. I like to use the scales that have body water measurements built in and these days they are not expensive.

Stay tuned for more tips soon and be ready for a big announcement, so also stay tuned to those emails!


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Top Secret Meeting of Medical Minds Seeks To Crack the Immortality Code

Gang, I thought you should see this. It updates you on the research with TA-65, the anti-aging compound I am taking and what it means. It was released to the press and has been number one searched on google under recent press releases for TA-65.
Fleetwood, PA (PRWEB) May 29, 2009 --

“Top Secret Meeting of Medical Minds Seeks To Crack the Immortality Code”

Dr. Dave Woynarowski MD is a guinea pig. He is a member of an elite group of top medical minds on a supplement that is thought to be able to prolong human life by lengthening a part of the genetic code known as the telomere.

“I was a perfect specimen for them!” says Doctor Dave. “They were looking for people who were objective enough to give honest feedback on the results of taking an extremely rare all natural supplement known as TA-65.”

Like many in the group Dr. Dave is an MD and specializes in anti-aging medicine. Unlike anyone else in the group, however, Dr. Dave designs his own supplement line and is also an ultra marathoner and fitness fanatic.

“They loved me because of my unique combination of specialties. I knew supplements inside and out since I design them personally and don’t private label them at all like so many others.

The athletic side of my life really puts a huge stress on my body so everyone was anxious to see how the TA-65 would help me. I have an upcoming race that I am doing for charity called the Canadian Death Race. It is 77 miles through the Canadian Rockies and anything can happen so I need to be in tip top condition.”

Dr. Dave was so enthused about taking TA-65 that he got on it before the most recent round of scientific evidence was released.

“I had already seen enough to be convinced it was absolutely safe but the big thing was what it would do for me. I was hearing all kinds of great stories about running faster, lifting more, accelerated fat loss, looking and feeling better and better, increased sex drive, firmer younger looking skin and eyesight and so on that I decided to get on it as soon as I could.”

Here is the great news for people who share Dr. Dave’s enthusiasm.

Now it is no longer experimental, it is here right now and the first people to move on this will be among the lucky few to join the ranks of what Dr. Dave calls the “newly immortal.”

How does it work?

“Our cells rely on our genetic material, called DNA, to reproduce. There is a very small end cap of DNA known as the telomere, which seems to dictate the number of times a cell can reproduce before it dies. Each time the cell reproduces, the telomere shortens so the telomere effectively acts as a ‘ticking time bomb’ that dictates the length of life in that cell and ultimately in that person,” Dr. Dave says.

Scientists from around the globe have been working on finding something to lengthen or at least stop the shortening of the telomeres so we might stop cellular aging and thus lengthen life, maybe even to the point of immortality.

Until the advent of TA-65 nothing safe and effective had been found.

TA-65 is derived from the all natural Astragalus plant. One tiny portion of the many active compounds in this plant seems to safely do what no other commercially available compound has ever done before; lengthen the telomere.

Additionally it appears to have true ‘adaptogenic’ properties. “It apparently lengthens the shortest telomeres, the ones that are getting close to the end of their rope so to speak, but it seems to leave the normal ones alone,” says Dr. Dave.

When asked about playing God, Dr. Dave responds with a laugh.

“Don’t worry, that is the farthest thing from anyone’s mind here! There are many ways to die besides just getting old! We are trying to keep people as healthy as possible for as long as possible and there is no question this is another huge step in that direction. But you can still drink and smoke yourself to death or get hit by a bus, so there are no guarantees with TA-65. All we know for sure is that it has some real benefits and the data are now available to confirm that it really does what we say it does!”

When asked about his own personal experiences Dr. Dave says, “In the relatively short time I have been on TA-65 I have noticed marked improvements in my physical abilities including strength and endurance. I have even less craving for junk food than before and I think this is really going to help me stay lean and strong!”

Others have noticed similar benefits as well.

Dr. Dave says, “I just got back from a top secret meeting of other doctors who are on TA- 65 and the leaders of T.A. Sciences, who own the rights to this all natural supplement.

Everyone in the room, which included Bill Andrews, one of the scientists who discovered the telomere, was on TA-65. I jokingly called us the ‘Telonauts’ because we are like the pioneers in space, discovering a whole new universe! We all have amazing stories of how TA-65 has made incredible and rapid differences in how we feel and how we perform.

The science is there already and I believe there will be much more of it but what really matters is how people feel and what they do with the time they have been given. I know in my heart of hearts TA-65 has made a huge difference in my life and I am getting everyone I love and care about it on TA-65 as soon as I can.”

What about the down side?

“Well, there are two main problems with TA-65. The first is that it is extremely scarce and there is no way that once this goes public the demand can be met. It takes 8 tons of raw material to make enough TA-65 for one person. That leads to the second problem in that it is quite expensive. I have mentioned the $16,000 a year price to people and they are astounded. Then they get into their Lexus and drive away. I wonder to myself, ‘What is your life worth!’” laughs Dr. Dave.

What do Dr. Dave and T.A. Sciences expect from the recent turn of events?

“Well the phones are ringing off the hook here, and the Wall Street Journal just did an article on TA-65 so I am sure T.A. Sciences is inundated as well. The real problem is that we are clearly going to have to turn people away since there is no way enough raw material can be made available and processed fast enough to meet the demand! I am doing my best to get my family and friends in and of course the people who call me first will get first dibs.”

What about using multivitamins and other supplements? For a long time we have thought that we might be able to do something similar with multi-vites, antioxidants, etc. It makes sense if you understand the free radical method of damaging DNA. There are actually studies that suggest this is the case but no one has the solid data that TA-65 does and no one can show that kind of selective telomere lengthening.

Bottom line: stay on your vitamins and supplements whether you are on or off TA-65; they do something good, just not nearly to the same degree. This again should answer the critics who say we are doing something we should not be messing with. If regular vitamins do but less, then even taking Vitamin C might be playing God!

For a FREE Report on TA-65, click here.

Dr Dave

Monday, May 18, 2009

‘Krill is three times better than fish oil’

You may have seen the above headline; I’ve seen it over and over again.

While I hate to even dignify this with my time, it appears that there is now enough money and desire for “something new” in the Omega 3 market that even krill oil, which up until recently had been completely ignored for years, has become a minor player in the Omega 3 marketplace.

Here is how it started.

Schiff Vitamin Company, a company with a big budget, released a krill-based supplement and made the claim it was 3x better than fish oil.

Here is what happened to them.

They were asked to modify or discontinue certain advertising and label claims for their Krill Oil dietary supplement, following an inquiry by the National Advertising Division (NAD) of the Council of Better Business Bureaus. The Council for Responsible Nutrition filed a challenge, which led to the NAD requesting proof and substantiation for certain claims related to heart health effects and efficacy compared to fish oil.

Please note this was heart health benefits only, not all the other benefits. But with a 3x better headline you think it means everything.

And what about those heart benefits?

Well the NAD determined the information did not provide a basis for making unqualified superiority claims for CRP* levels as the best marker for assessing heart health. As such, NAD recommended the company discontinue comparative health and dosage claims between its krill oil and fish oil, and modify claims related to krill oil’s impact on cholesterol levels.

In other words there was no basis for these claims and they needed to stop using them in their advertising.

Yet other people who are marketing Krill must not have gotten the message because occasionally my customers send me the very same false claim as a headline used by yet another health care professional who is selling it.

To those professionals all I can say is, “there is a price to pay for letting copywriters write your articles! And there is a price to pay in the trust of your readers who know better!”
I will not spend any more time addressing Krill and I will refer anyone who asks to this blog.

Just remember this: the success of any Omega 3 is based on the already proven success of fish oil. Without the years of trials and gradual grudging acceptance of fish oil as a necessary and valid dietary adjunct none of these other products would even be on the map.

Here is what I find very gratifying about the whole situation.

In the past year or so every medical conference I have attended has mentioned fish oil in a very positive light. Krill, Salba, Chia, lyprinol and even flax have not even been mentioned (of course because they are all so good and revolutionary, modern anti-aging medicine just hasn’t caught on yet, right!).

Seven years ago when Dr. Dave’s Best had only fish oil to sell I was told by my medical director that I needed psychiatric help for making, backing and taking a natural supplement and expecting and believing that it would do any good at all. My own former friends looked at me funny and shook their heads. Now they are all on fish oil!

My, how times have changed.


* Regarding CRP levels: CRP levels remain a valuable predictor of heart disease but as a SINGLE agent they are not considered useful yet by clinicians. While they are occasionally reported as an independent risk factor for heart disease, these terms can be deceiving even to doctors. Any independent risk factor is worth improving if it is high but it does not mean that fixing it will save you from a heart attack because there are many independent risk factors including: bodyweight, body fat, stress levels, other inflammatory/nutritional markers including blood sugar, TNF, IL-6, homocysteine levels, cholesterol good and bad EPA/DHA levels (fish oil levels in the blood cells), patient symptomatology and family history, smoking and so on and so forth.

Doctors and scientist continue to look for the “magic marker” for heart disease so they can make simple and easy decisions in a 5 minute office visit. The human body and human health continue to resist becoming an assembly line process!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Power and longevity

I am going to go out on a limb here and tell you that the stuff you are reading on exercise and longevity is only half true. So to begin we’ll briefly look at what is out there.

But before we do let me say this: I have come to terms with the fact that at this moment in my life I am a runner. I am now training for my second 125 km Canadian Death Race and most of what I do centers around long slow distance endurance training. The very kind of training I tell you NOT to focus on.

Let me explain.

I do not do this stuff for the “physical goodness” of it. I do it for the mental moving meditation, the ability to still do it while my body can still tolerate the abuse and yes, it is abusive.

And this year I am doing it for charity. My website should be up in 4 to 6 weeks for those of you who want to get involved.

While I don’t think I am losing years of my life for doing this, I sure don’t expect to live any longer because of it. After all it is called the “Death Race” for a reason!

Now let’s look at what is printed in the lay and other exercise press. Run run run. Runners live longer, runners aren’t injured any more than non-runners -- maybe actually less -- and runners are healthier.

Now I haven’t examined this data all that closely but I suspect that the info comes from very long studies. Normally I would tell you that a 20 year study is very powerful. But if you keep only the people who are still running at the end of a twenty year period you have really selected out a ton of people and left only those genetically gifted for the sport who may indeed already have the genetics for longevity as well!.

And then there is the fact that most of these guys doing the research are distance runners and especially distance cyclists.

I would love to see some power guys get into research in the same fashion.

But you look at the other side of the fence and you’ll find some articles on longevity and power generation. Interestingly enough you’ll see an almost direct correlation of longevity to things like explosive or one-rep leg strength and grip strength as well.

Now if you combine the new information on higher intensity short distance training, including running, with the fact that this leads to power generation, you get two great benefits.

First is longevity.

Second is this kind of strength and power training will make you more accident proof.

And actually there is a third benefit! Fat loss since high intensity training done right is the best way to lose fat.

So from a guy who runs 80 mile races I am still telling you, “Do as I say, not as I do!”

Next year will be the 10th anniversary of the Canadian Death Race. I will be running it but this time in a relay. I plan on doing lots of power training and high intensity cycling for my cardio. By then it will be time to give these feet and legs a break.

One final observation for you athletes out there. You do not need to do only Olympic weight lifting for triple extension (which is one of the key movements to real power!).

Check out the 4th circuit on my Fabulous Fat Burning for Everyone DVD by JC Santana and Rhadi Fergusson. You’ll see real raw power as Rhadi prepares for the Judo nationals!

Dr. Dave

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Dr. Dave on money

Before I give you “advice” on money let me tell you my qualifications.

I do not study money, I do not study finance and I know no more about money than the next person. Which, in the current situation makes me as qualified as anyone else who is out there.

Turn on any “news” channel and after the bevy of “reality news” featuring the latest tragedy that this economy has caused somewhere in some remote corner of the globe and you will see people known as pundits screaming at the top of their lungs about why their way is the way to correct the economy.

So everyone has an opinion and everyone knows everything. And you know what they say about opinions: they remind one of a certain body part because every one has one and they stink.

Sorry, I find that hard to believe that any of these so-called experts has any real value to add here except to upset people and glue them to the TV. So I took a different look at things. I looked at them through the eyes of "neuroeconomics” which is how the brain works “on money” as opposed to on drugs or alcohol (or food!).

Turns out that the brain reacts to money issues much the way people who are compulsive gamblers or crack head; addicts.

The other interesting things that were found were that people consistently overestimated the value of their investment and their ability to make good decisions about money.

It was very hard as well for people to divorce themselves from their emotions when it comes to money even though it is a relatively new invention in the grand scheme of humanity.

Even the lead author of the neuroeconomics text who was an editor for Money magazine admitted he lost over a quarter of million dollars in the market because “he knew better than the rest of the world”.

Money seems to represent love, lust, power, security, social status and vanity all wrapped up in one.

Now remember I have the same qualifications as the pundits do, maybe even more: I know nothing about money.

But I do know human behavior.

So here are my predictions about the economy.

It will be volatile, up and down and until it goes up continuously people will freak out every time it dips.

And it’s likely to dip a lot deeper for some time. Then if you’re smart you can make money!

And dip it will; the media will make sure you know this. They will also feed the fear and convince you that this is reality so you need to focus on it. And by focusing on this reality we will all create more of it, I promise you.

When the economy does finally recover everyone will take credit for it, and all the pundits will tell you “I said we needed to do this to turn it around”. No one will ever look back to now to see what they really said.

So my advice: Since I don’t play the market much, again I have all the qualifications to tell you this. Anyone who tells you they are doing much better than the market in returns is either lying or cheating.

So don’t expect your market investments to do any better than the market and for the immediate future that means don’t expect much!

Above all take care of your health. And take care of the ones you love. That is what will matter in the long run.

Take your fish oil!
