Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dr Dave’s Secrets of Cleansing Tips 1

Tip #1 - Your moods affect your bowels. Depression, anxiety and other strong emotions can affect your bowel habits as much as what you eat and drink. Staying calm or at least under control is a must for normal bowel habits. Strangely enough the body does eventually adapt to your emotional patterns and come to some modicum of “normalcy”. This can be constipation, loose bowels or alternating bouts of either that you get “used” to and make the necessary adaptations. Then when the stress is hopefully relieved your body has to reset completely.

Tips #2 - Moving your body helps move your bowels. People who are generally sedentary have low BMR’s. That is not “bowel movement rate” but it could be! It actually stands for Basal Metabolic Rate and if your body is slow in moving, so are your bowels. So speed up your BMR by moving.

Tip#3 - Hydration is key. I have seen increases in body water of 1 to 2 % completely cure long term constipation. Usually I saw this when intravenous fluids were given and to everyone’s surprise the person’s bowel habits normalized. Lo and behold there was nothing wrong with their innards but they just weren’t drinking enough. I like to use the scales that have body water measurements built in and these days they are not expensive.

Stay tuned for more tips soon and be ready for a big announcement, so also stay tuned to those emails!


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