Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Pigs in a poke, rats in a cage

The effects of stress on people you know and love can be devastating. They may be devastating to you.

Ask any Vietnam Vet and you will come to know what the effects of chronic stress are on people. Many blame Agent Orange for the large number of deaths after the war (more than during the war as a matter of fact).

I would tell you from my experience it is more likely to be posttraumatic stress disorder.

Now admittedly that is an extreme case that many of us may not directly relate to, but I assure you stress and how it's handled plays a big role in the aging process.

The goal is to restore balance in your life and achieve some degree of stability or I promise you stress will add to your early demise.

In scientific terms you want to avoid the chronic ongoing activation of your nervous system.

Just so we are clear I am talking about 3 different nervous systems, the voluntary one that we use to speak and move and act out our daily lives and the automatic one.

For you science buffs the automatic nervous system is called the autonomic nervous system and consists of 2 branches, an excitatory one (sympathetic) and a calming one (parasympathetic).

If you understand those words you already know I am simplifying things a lot here but you get the point.

The automatic one is responsible for our eyes adjusting in the dark, our heart rates, our blood pressures our breathing rates and so on.

But stress goes much farther than our nerves. It affects the secretion of hormones from our brain, our guts and our adrenal glands and it affects the way our individual cells respond to them.

If affects our risk of heart attack, stroke and probably cancer too. It also directly affects our immune system.

How often have you heard these two stories?

Someone is burning the candle at both ends trying to meet some kind of deadline and after weeks or months of this lifestyle they find themselves chronically sick with every cough, cold and snivel that is out there.

Or the opposite end of the same spectrum. Someone is cranking along to the max for a long time and then they go on vacation. Suddenly, after months of being well in the face of tons of stress, they fall apart and get sick as a dog when they are on a break.

In each case we are seeing the effects of the immune system.

In case one you have the traditional "adrenal burnout syndrome".

Here the person has tapped into their resources to the point where there just ain't no more to give and they get sick.

In reality it may be the body's way of protecting them as they were at the end of their proverbial rope biologically.

In the later case, this person was holding everything at bay. Like the little Dutch Boy they had their biochemical fingers in the dike and when they pulled them out (went on vacation) the dike collapsed and gave them a much needed rest.

From a supplement point of view almost everything I make has anti-stress properties.

But less than half of you are taking everything I make so let me give you some simple guidelines.

First and foremost you cannot escape the need to sleep for very long. You can get away with a night or two here or there if you are in good physical shape and get the right nutrition but that is about it.

There have been times in my career where I have deliberately taken Sleep Wizard even though I wasn't having a sleep problem.

You see after years of staying up late and going on little sleep it comes naturally to me.

So sometimes I pop a Sleep Wiz so I do not get into the cycle of going on too many nights without sleep.

It always works to reset my clock and make me far more effective than if I had persevered and gone on too little sleep.


So let me remind you that nothing fights stress like a good night's sleep and nothing delivers a good night's sleep like Sleep Wizard.

Just think, you can skip the Nocturnal Eating disorder, weight gain, amnesia and buttered cigarettes associated with prescription drugs.

I would also make sure you get a good daily dose of fish oil or Super Omega 3 and Monster multi especially if your eating habits suffer as well during times of stress.

That never happens to you, right?!

So the next time the unending to-do lists, lack of time, disintegration of social fabric, work stress and family stress get you down...

...Open up your cupboard. If you see Dr Dave's Best there, all you need to do is remember to take them daily as this young lady did.

"Doc, you might not think summer is stressful but for me it's the toughest time of the year. There is more outside work, vacation planning and of course I have my kids home from school. All of this and I feel compelled to have a good time because it's so beautiful, warm and sunny.

I have to admit I wasn't taking your vitamins regularly and I let one or two lapse. Well I decided to get back on a daily routine and I have to tell you after 2 or 3 weeks I feel like I am much calmer and have more control in my life.

I am looking forward to this season because I know I can get stuff done without being stressed.

I take your fish oil, Monster multi and Sleep Wizard. I love them all but sleep Wizard is like a miracle drug.

Thanks for such amazing products."

Gayle S. - Burlington

I love 'em too, Gayle, couldn't do without 'em.

Tomorrow we'll dig a bit deeper into the mind body connections and how to set them to right.

Let's make this the best summer ever!

Dr Dave

Supplements mentioned in this blog:
Monster Multi
Fish Oil
Super omega 3
Sleep Wizard

Monday, May 29, 2006

Don't Blame the soldiers and don't forget the soldiers

As I stand here in the cemetery looking out over the rows of graves with the Veteran's Star on them I am reminded of a big field of wheat.

So many markers, so many headstones, so many stars.

So many lives that were altered or cut short by war.

So many stalks of wheat cut down in their prime.

Some came home to a grateful public.

Some came home to an indifferent or hostile public.

Some had a choice to serve and protect; many went because of their sense of duty.

Whether you agree with the wars of the past and present, remember the soldiers.

Like so many pawns on a deadly chess field they marched out to an uncertain future and many paid the ultimate price.

Most did it for their loved ones and the land they loved.

Patriotism seems dangerous and unfashionable these days doesn't it.

In my nearly 50 years I have never see a country so ready to abandon and forget the principles that made it great.

We are so sophisticated and jaded that we believe that our leaders all lie to us.

And they have done little to assuage our fears.

Yet down through the centuries men and women have gone to the far corners of the earth to do the bidding of their country's elected leaders.

While other countries languish in the middle ages of warlord style governments we continue to prosper and be free.

Millions still come or try to come to our shores for that singular promise of freedom.

All I can say to you is freedom is not free, and it never will be. It is my sincerest prayer that our leaders use our resources both human and material wisely.

Not too long ago I was wandering in one of the many places where newly developed homes meet centuries old farmlands.

Yes, even in my previously rural area "civilization" encroaches.

As I tracked through the forest following a creek that disappears and reappears from the ground over and over again as it winds its way to its mother river I came across a small stone enclosed grave yard.

In this area of the country it is customary for families to stay on their farm land for centuries. They bury their dead from each generation there in small family plots.

You still see them dot the country side and sometimes they sit in the middle of a development.

That breaks my heart.

This one still remains hidden in the woods of what was obviously once a big farm owned by one family.

I was drawn to the little graveyard and entered only to find I was standing on fallen head stones that were faded to the point of being illegible.

Some dated back to the late 1600's.

They were probably not in English either as far as I could tell.

There amongst the surprising number of head stones was a marker for one young man. He had given his life for his country in the Revolutionary War.

Every time I think I have it hard I wander out to this solitary place and I am reminded of the sacrifices that millions of men and women have made for centuries so that I can walk in peace.

May it always be so.

Remember our soldiers both live and dead.

So many stalks of wheat.

And don't forget to tell them all "Thank you!"

Best in a Happy Memorial Day,

Dr Dave

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Fabulous belly fat burner discovered

One Question I get a lot is "How can I reduce my abdominal fat, and do supplements help with this?"

Here is a recent email that asks that very question.

"Dr Dave, About a year ago you had a combo deal on Regenerizer and Fish Oil. The email detailed the use of both of your products to burn fat and aid in weight loss as per your experience. There was also a pretty complicated explanation of how it worked. Well I bought the stuff and dropped over 20lbs. I am certain it helped because I never lost that much fat weight in such a short period of time. Unfortunately I moved got off your list and stopped using the product. My bad! Do you still offer that combo or will you do that again and what can I do to help myself now? What supplements do you recommend?"

Dean Whitaker
Pittstown, Ohio

Dean is referring to last years May 10th email which is listed below.

So do supplements work?

I have no doubt that they do as I have seen some drastic weight and fat reductions with my Fish Oil, Regenerizer and of course Instant Endurance which when coupled with exercise allows people to workout longer and harder without fatigue and soreness.

I've included links to 3 of the many articles I've written on the topic.

Some of those articles refer to Fish oil alone, some of them refer to the combination of Regenerizer and fish oil.


Because they both work together and they both work independently to aid people in curbing appetite and reducing weight and fat in my experience.

We expect to have a small amount of Regenerizer left over for sale after the back orders are met.

But you can still do pretty well with fish oil alone if you don't want to weight (oops!).

Now the FTC is all over weight loss claims so I can't say a whole lot more than that but I can point you to the testimonials pages where you will see some before and after pics of some very happy thinner people.

For example last Saturday I sent out an html email with before and after pics of a great guy and a happy customer Jamie Clark who dropped some serious weight and lost some serious gut.

Most of you never saw that email.

How do I know?

Well do you remember the email earlier this week "Learning to Speak Spamish"?

Turns out that most spam filters nail html (pictures images etc) emails before they even get to where they are going.

Result, less than 10% of the list got or opened this one.

I hope to have it posted on the site soon if I can get my webmaster, Jabba to pay attention to what I am telling him.

In the meantime there is yet another study that shows that Fish Oil is an integral part of any weight loss program.

The people involved were:

#1 Fat

#2 Unfit

#3 Had diabetes or insulin resistance, the precursor to it.

#4 Had high blood pressure, and high blood fat levels to begin with

In other words they were not exactly pictures of health.

This group was placed on fish oil and given moderate exercise only 3X a week.

The researchers themselves did not expect much because this group was so bad off to begin with.

Sometimes it pays not to reinvent the wheel so I am just going to directly quote the article by Dr Howe in the Medical Post (link in reference section):

"The results showed that the total proportion of fat in the body, particularly in the abdominal region, was reduced significantly in the FOX (fish oil & exercise) group

Amazing results in only 3 months! Dr. Howe also states that "omega-3 protects blood vessel walls by increasing their elasticity and improving endothelial dilation, enabling increased delivery of nutrients to exercising muscles." This makes me wonder what the effect of fish oil is on building muscle mass when combined with strength training. If you're trying to lose weight, don't just exercise, take fish oil too!"

I couldn't have said it better.

This is not the first article of its kind and it won't be the last so I guess technically it's not a discovery.

But a lot of people don't know about it at all.

Time to try the Fabulous Fat Burner, Dr Dave's Best, Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil. Get in shape for summer!

Throw in some Instant Einstein and you'll be both smarter and thinner.

All the Best from the King of Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil,
Dr Dave

Friday, May 26, 2006

Karma Catches The Runaway Bride

I decided to bring back the week in review a little early this week to make up for last week's late entry.

I was up pretty late last night burning the midnight oil, and just as I was putting the finishing touches finishing a very smooth Scotch (something I rarely do) I happened to catch this little item on the late night news.

Jennifer Wilbanks, the wacky runaway bride, and her fiancé (I won’t mention his name), are breaking up.

I really can’t believe he took her back in the first place, but that’s just me.

Dumb and Dumber were living together in an Atlanta suburb, and had just moved in to a large new home. According to some, they were talking about giving the wedding another go.

But finally, earlier this month, the fiancé said no to any wedding plans and hopefully the break is for food.

A friend was quoted as saying, “I think John realized that there were some fundamental differences in their personalities that he wasn’t going to be able
to deal with.”

Like maybe she is bonkers.

And he is a little slow on the uptake.

The runaway bride isn’t sure they have broken up for good. She isn’t confirming or denying the breakup.

At least that’s what she told People magazine.

Anyway, she’s been busy repaying $15K to the police and doing community service. She has picked up trash, cleaned state cars, cut grass and done office work.

So now she is, or isn’t, back in the market.

If you see her bug eyed picture on a dating service, just hit the delete key and order up some Instant Einstein like her fiancé should have when this whole thing went down the first time.

I’m going to send him the Hercules Factor so he can keep his spine erect, now that he has had a moment of clarity.

“Things are great,” she told People magazine, except for the runaway groom.

Here’s what I think: Go Forest Go! Run Forest! Attaboy Forest! Run Forest Run! This Jenny’s Not For You!

Supplements mentioned in this blog:
Instant Einstein
Hercules Factor
Single Malt Scotch

All the best,


Here was Lazlo's take on the whole thing:

Run run runaway and I will follow
Take my money and my car, my pride I'll swallow
I did my best to indulge your vanity
But now I think I'll chose sanity
I am tired of being a fool in front of all humanity

So here's the deal my love my lover true
There's a fundamental difference between me and you
Your bug eyed stare, it unnerves me
Your wacky behavior doesn't deserve me
So on my next date I'll wine and dine
And make sure I take 6 caps of Instant Einstein!

Lazlo B. Zilly 2006

Thursday, May 25, 2006

A guaranteed way to lose your shirt and your eyesight

I have an interesting topic for today.

I want to tell you about a disease that has become the number one cause of blindness in this country and is continuing to rise in incidence.

Like most diseases of ageing this one requires action right now if you want to stop it.

If you wait, it will be too late.

The disease of the day, if you will, is also the disease of the next century and it is called Age Related Macular Degeneration or ARMD from here on.

ARMD knows no social, economic or religious boundaries. It strikes both men and woman and within 200 feet of where I live it is robbing the eyesight of one of my neighbors as we speak.

We'll call her Mrs. V.

She still does here daily tasks but is no longer comfortable with driving.

A widow, she is reliant on herself to do small repairs around the house, has started to have trouble with seeing well enough to cook from a recipe and is no longer able to play the piano.

Mrs. V. has become more dependent on her neighbors as time goes by and is now becoming more and more depressed.

Why? Because she was recently told she has ARMD in both eyes and is going blind.

I can tell you many more stories of this type and if I ever get around to writing down some copy for the product I designed to combat this awful disease, Pro Mac Young Eyes, I will share more of the problem with you.

In the meantime Mrs. V.'s Story will serve as a backdrop.

I am certain that if you asked around, someone in your family or that you know is also going blind from this problem.

As with all eye problems there are variations on this theme such as wet of dry ARMD and the structures of the eye have names that are not simple so I will spare you all of that.

Just understand that a lot of otherwise healthy people are going to go blind, and that this disease is almost as common as Alzheimer's and in its own way just as devastating.

No one knows exactly what causes it but as with much disease we don't have the luxury of waiting around while we figure stuff out.

The changes are happening in people's eye's right this minute.

What are the risk factors?

1) High Blood pressure

2) Smoking

3) Family history

4) Race (white most common)

5) Inflammation (general inflammatory state in the body)

6) Obesity

Now what has been shown to work?

1) Antioxidants

As with many disease of aging the process of "body rust" of oxidation seems to be at the direct cause of at least some of the damage associated with ARMD.

2) Zinc. Especially as the condition progresses, zinc seems to be an essential factor in slowing and/or preventing the illness from going further.

If you look at the ingredients in ProMac Young Eyes you will find the very potent Elderberry extract coupled with a large dose of co Q 10 and Acetyl L Carnitene which helps support repair of the eye tissues and the energetics of vision.

A lot of people asked me why I didn't do a more traditional formula with bilberry and Beta carotene.

The answer is simple.

I chose the ingredients in Pro Mac because they have been shown to work in studies and I don't think bilberry is powerful enough.

I wanted a more potent berry-derived antioxidant.

Also since smoking is a risk factor for ARMD and Beta Carotene has been linked to increase lung cancer, I thought it best to leave it out. After all some people who got lung cancer and took Beta Carotene supplements have sued over this.

I guess the tobacco companies don't pay enough these days!

Now I did add the standard high dose of Lutein and Zinc so you are covered there.

I should also mention that the Omega 3 fish oils play a critical role in keeping the eye healthy and in fighting off ARMD as well.

So when you order your Pro Mac don't forget to pick up a bottle of fish oil as well.

And if you want to be triply safe add in a bottle of Super Wrinkle Guard on top of it for all the extra anti-oxidant potency.

Super Wrinkle Guard is for more than wrinkles!

Oh yeah about that losing of one's shirt.

Here is the deal. Everyone I have ever talked to in the vitamin business discouraged me from making Pro Mac Young Eyes.

"You can't sell prevention!" they said.

"You'll lose your shirt, no one will buy a preventative supplement; they want immediate benefits!"

They may be right. Taking Pro Mac Young eyes and fish oil may not show you any immediate benefits in your eyes.

But down the road apiece when you need your eyesight the most, you'll be damn glad you did!

I simply could not sit by and let this problem go unanswered, especially since supplements seem to be the answer!

Protect you eyesight!

Protect your future.

All the best in beautiful clear vision,

Dr Dave

Supplements mentioned in this blog:
Fish Oil
Super Wrinkle Guard
Pro Mac Young Eyes

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Drugs and herbals; are they safe?

Ok, today I promised you a semiserious blog so we are going to look at the sobering side effects of combining some herbals or plants derived materials with drugs.

Over the past couple of months I have gotten a lot of questions about combining drugs, supplements and herbals.

The overwhelming number of times the answer is: "No one really knows"

There are 2 big reasons for this.

At this point modern medicine has only worked out the side effects profiles of combining 2 drugs at a time, not 5 or 6.

And having come from a traditional medical background I can tell you that 5 or 6 drugs is not at all uncommon.

The other reason is the FDA's approach to supplements. It could best be summed up as saying they are an annoying problem that we have neither time nor funds to deal with.

In other words they don't believe in lending any credibility to supplements. If they studied them at all this would be a tacit acknowledgement that they might actually work.

So let's look at what we do know.

The most dangerous situations occur when a person is taking the rat poison derived blood thinner Coumadin.

Doctors will tell you that everything interferes with Coumadin.

I will tell you that Coumadin interferes with everything.

Many plants and other vitamins such as Vitamin E, Fish oil, Garlic and others can actually thin the blood and should only be combined with any blood thinner (including aspirin) under a doctor’s direct supervision.

The problem is most docs don't know about supplements and don't want to add this burden to their already overburdened work and learning schedules.

Also, there are some misconceptions out there about and herbal and plant derived compound called Coumarol.

In most cases these herbally derived compounds do not have any blood thinning effects but because they are a distant cousin to Coumadin, journals will often make the association and say they do.

Whenever this has been studied it has not been the case.

For more on the topic of blood thinning supplements see my "under the knife" series:

Under the knife - Part 1
Under the knife - Part 2
Under the knife - Part 3
Supplements that heal - Under the knife - Part 4

There are of course times when the additive effect of supplements may be beneficial For instance my mom has been able to combine Cholesterol bomb with Lipitor for a greater effect.

Her doc is not comfortable taking her off the statin so she remains on the lowest possible dose, all the while running a cholesterol that would make a 20 year old jealous.

Similarly the supplements Gymnema, which will be one of the things in our upcoming diabetic supplement, and aloe juice both have the ability to lower blood sugars and can facilitate the use of less anti-diabetic drugs in people with Type 2 diabetes.

In the case of fish oil and Super Omega 3, which combine herbals with fish oil, many people have been able to reduce or stop their use of Tylenol or NSAIDS (Motrin like drugs) and trade the potential side effects of those drugs for the health benefits of the natural compounds.

Black tea, which is rich in tannins, can interfere with iron absorption but only if it is taken at the exact same time. Green tea does not appear to have this effect.

Grapefruit juice works on enzyme systems to block the effects of stain drugs and increase the effects of NSAIDS and some blood pressure drugs making it a potentially dangerous combination with either of these classes of drugs.

Even vegetables are not guiltless!

Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage can increase the metabolism (how fast the body gets rid of a drug) of anxiety drugs like Xanax and Tylenol making both less effective.

They can also increase the metabolism of caffeine so the next time you OD on coffee at work, grab a bag of broccoli florets and munch them down.

You'll be back to normal in no time.

Both orange juice and grapefruit juices can interfere with the metabolism of St. John's Wort and digoxin a drug used to strengthen the heart.

The have no effect on Co Q 10 absorption a supplement used to strengthen the heart and a mainstay of my Regenerizer.

To further complicate the issue, not all races of people have the same enzyme actions for drug metabolism. Most of the work done in this area is between Asian and Caucasian races but look for more work in the future for others as we strive to understand both the actions of drugs and supplements in different kinds of people.

For now, please understand this much.

I do tons of research with each and every compound that goes into each and every product.

I believe in the safety of my products and take every single one of them myself. I have family members who take my products as well even though they are on some drugs.

In most cases they have been able to reduce or remove the drugs completely.

You should not do this without the consent and understanding of your own personal doctor.

Happily I am getting more and more doctors on my reading list. They are busy people with big practices and need reliable information.

They come to me because this is my area of expertise.

They have other areas of expertise that I benefit from as well.

In the meantime, if we take care of our bodies most of us will not need toxic chemicals to keep us alive.

I make 10 different supplements with the expressed purpose of making that a reality!

Go to Dr Dave's Best - Product Order Page and pick the ones that meet your needs.

All the Best, Dr Dave

Supplements mentioned in this blog:
Cholesterol bomb
fish oil
Super Omega 3

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Co Enzyme Q 10 and your heart

There are places in the world where the big Drug companies do not rule.

There are places where they do not have the most powerful and well-funded lobbies.

There are places where they do not own politicians and news media.

And there are places where all natural substances are put on an even playing field as drugs.

In such places doctors are well versed in the uses of vitamins, supplements, and minerals along side pharmaceuticals.

I hope to make the U.S. one of those places.

So today I cover one small area of the amazing supplement co Q 10.

First a little background.

Co Q 10 is one of the most important substances in the body. It is intimately involved with the generation of energy, using fat as fuel and critically important for all organs.

A few days ago I answered a question about resting metabolism with regards to weight loss.

I stated that the organs most responsible for resting metabolism were the brain, the heart, the kidney and the liver.

If you look at these organs you'll see that their cells are rich in mitochondria, the tiny little powerhouses that make energy for all cells.

So it is not too much of a stretch to see that Co Q, which lives inside the mitochondria, would be very important for their function.

But it's not just limited to there.

Even the eyes seem to benefit from Co Q 10. There are studies that show that Co Q protects from age related macular degeneration, which is why we loaded up our Pro Mac Young Eyes formulated with this critical substance.

But let's focus on just the heart and Co Q 10 or you'll be reading all day long.

When I first created Regenerizer, I made it for my patients who were taking statin drugs and in my opinion ran the risk of getting too low on Co Q.

While traditional medical authorities in this country turn a blind eye to this possibility (sound familiar?) in Canada, the use of Co Q 10 and statins is pretty much a law.

This is because statins are known to interfere with the manufacture of Co Q and this can lead to many problems in the very organ the statins are supposed to protect, the heart.

If you want an all natural compound designed to drop your cholesterol without statin side effects, you owe it to yourself to try Cholesterol Bomb.

Another thing you should know about Co q 10 is that it tends to decline in the mitochondria as we age.

This is one of the reasons thought to lead to the slowing down of older people. It can also be linked to movement disorders such as Parkinson's.

If however the heart gets weaker and slows down, then you have a situation called Congestive Heart Failure.

To be sure there is more heart failure than ever now. Most doctors say it is because of aging, and there is a multi drug cocktail designed to keep the heart pumping longer and stronger.

Multi drugs means multi side effects though as we have seen over and over again.

And I don't suppose they ever considered the decline in co Q as linked to the aging process.

Despite the resistance and a slew of negative articles published in the typical journals (like JAMA) there is more and more evidence to show that Co Q can benefit your heart.

Studies at the University of Texas at Austin showed that 75 percent of heart patients have severe deficiencies of Co Q 10 in heart tissue compared with healthy individuals. These are people who are not necessarily on statins either.

Adding coenzyme Q-10 significantly benefited three-fourths of a group of elderly patients with congestive heart failure.

In general the higher the doses used the better the results.

Common practice was to use 30 mg, the dose that is sold in most vitamin stores.

This of course is way too small to do much. But when you get up above 100mg, you really start to see some positive things in the strength of the heart's contraction, the volume of blood it pumps and even a reduction in heart pain know as angina.

This is why Regenerizer had to have 200mg.

At these doses you can see improvement in heart function and blood flow. The end result is improved performance on the treadmill.

When Co Q is removed from the treatment routine (even if there are prescription drugs on board) the person often relapses with symptoms of their disease.

In Japan and Italy Co Q is a prescription only and is among the top treatments for heart failure in these countries.

Big Pharma has a weaker toe hold there!

Co Q has even been shown to improve the symptoms of mitral valve prolapse, a common heart value condition in this country

Ok so now you know about Co Q and the heart. I haven't even touched on the brain, the kidneys and the liver; we'll save that for another time.

Remember Regenerizer has Co Q 10 in a dose of 200 mg a dose that I have not seen elsewhere in a supplement.

I have seen other doctors claim they have the highest dosage in their supplements at around 100 mg.

Someone should let them know!

But here is the important point.

As I moved away from my Internal Medicine practice and into the Anti-aging field I wanted to create something that would help healthy people achieve their performance goals and perhaps prevent them from ever having to deal with the problems of aging.

I can't make further claims or the FDA and the FTC will come knocking on my door with a pair of handcuffs.

But you can read what my Regenerizer users have said and decided for yourself.

Once you are done you want some for yourself too.


All the best in health,

Dr Dave

Supplements mentioned in this blog:
Pro Mac Young Eyes
Cholesterol Bomb

Monday, May 22, 2006

The week in review returns

For a while in February and early March I had a lot of fun writing you about the events that happened in each week.

For the most part you enjoyed it too, so I've decided to bring it back once in a while.

Now is the time for a timely and amusing look at some of this week's events.

Let's start off with the Instant Einstein awards.

Well I have to tell you this one really was a no-brainer.

I had hoped to have some juicy and brainless story about Paris Hilton to tell you but guess what, Britney Spears gets the Instant Einstein Award for an unprecedented third time.

Will someone please give this girl/woman some baby holding lessons!

It just goes to show you money can't buy you love.

Or brains.

OK, Brit, you know where to find me to claim your award. A full case of Instant Einstein.

I'll even biggie size if for you to the 540 count bottles!

A close second would have to be the residents of the city of New Orleans who reelected Mr. Nagin as mayor.

I must have missed something in the translation of the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

Clearly FEMA was useless, ineffectual and perhaps even obstructive but the stuff runs down hill and some of the cities politicians had some 'splaining to do as well.

Or not as the election results show.

How would you like to be his opponent who must have been so bad that Mr. Nagin is the lesser of two evils?!

Perhaps some residents can clue me in on this, because I truly am mystified.

And while we are on the subject of politics here are a few people who could at least use a bottle of Einstein

Duke Cunningham.

I can't tell you how sad and pathetic this story is.

The Duke was our first ace in Vietnam and as a child airplane buff he was a hero of mine.

To see him fat, disheveled and going to jail is a tragedy of the first magnitude. Duke if you take your fish oil, Einstein and Regenerizer during your jail term you'll still be alive and in pretty good shape when they let you out!

Patrick Kennedy.

Who by crashing his car and trying to save his career and his families name, spilled the beans on the prescription sleeping pill fiasco and caused the FDA to pause in approving yet another drug that we don't need.

For your contribution to the public good, Patrick, I have a case of Sleep Wizard, my all natural answer to America's silent epidemic of sleep problems.

Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., who was caught on audiotape chuckling about writing in code to keep secret what the government suspects was his corrupt role in getting his children a cut of a communications company's deal for work in Africa.

Let me guess, Bill. It was written in Da Vinci Code!

You need some Einstein as well.

And as our politicians do so to does our general public.

As proof of this, in the next item we find that there has been an increase in the number of Americans in prison. Please note this number does not reflect illegal aliens.

Right now there are over 2 million of us spending our time behind bars for some kind of bad behavior.

That is a lot of people but I am not sure how it compares to other counties.

Overall it is 0.007% of the population which lends a new meaning to 007.

For you we have some fish oil which has been shown to improve behavior behind bars and on the outside as well. Improved impulse control and decreased anger are just two of the benefits.

And if we started using it in schools like the Brits do, we'd have a better graduation and retention rate of our students.

I think that would make a big dent in the prison population since many are young males!

And today's news final entry concerns Barry Bonds, a long time favorite of my writing and the winner of this year's Mr. Hercules Factor Award.

Barry is still waiting to pass the records of Babe Ruth (714 homers) and Hank Aaron (755 homers).

Ya should take that Hercules Factor Barry.

If less body fat, bigger and stronger muscles are what you want, you too will discover what hundreds of others have already found in the past few months since we introduced the Hercules Factor.

It works fantastic, it's safe natural and it's 100% legal.

And now it's only fitting that I ask our resident poet idiot savant Lazlo B. Zilly to write a limerick for this week's week in review.

"Einstein meets the Wizard in May"

What a week a week it's been.
Full of naughty, nice and sin.

First, there's Brittney and her child
Driving child safety advocates wild
All that money all those songs
And she still holds her baby wrong

Poor woman still a child must be
Pity the little Brittney baby
Whose mom was the queen of the beat
And seems too poor to own a child seat!

Then there's our politicians up to no good
Spinning money yarns when they should
Worry about all the folks in jail
You'd make more money posting bail

Then there's Duke Cunningham
Who'd Rise again if He
Opened a driving school with Patrick Kennedy

Who crashed his car but it wasn't booze
It was the wrong combination of pills to snooze
So he called his lawyer and said "protect me"
Faster than you could say Mary Jo Kopechne

Pat's Ok his career is fine cause he could say
It must be the fault of the FDA
Take a look at those sleeping pills
Before they cause a ton more ills

They caused one lady a hundred pound gain
But that wasn't even half the pain
That was felt by the woman whose pills beget
A hankering for a buttered cigarette

So stop please putting them in your gizzard
You'll unleash yet another political blizzard
You all should just take Dr Dave's Sleep Wizard

Copyright Lazlo b. Zilly May 2006

Thanks, Lazlo.

Well that's a wrap for this Monday.

I am eternally grateful to be here with you so join me again tomorrow and we'll get serious.

Or maybe not!

All the Best,

Supplements mentioned in this blog:
Sleep Wizard
Fish oil
Instant Einstein

The 5 secrets to your success

After nearly 20 years in clinical medicine and numerous years teaching I have learned a thing or two about getting people to change to what they want to be.

I want to share that secret with you because it works just as well for starting a new exercise program as it dose for starting a new business.

It is also one of the most overlooked things in life and one you should impart to your children and loved ones if you want them to have an easier time of it, and live longer and better.

Here it is.

Step One:

Have a plan: You've heard this before but have you done it? Have you formulated a starting point and ending point and how you are going to get there?

Have you written it down?

Example: I will lose 10 pounds by the end of June by getting rid of all sugared drinks and desserts and walking 40 minutes every single day.

Step Two: Have a reason preferably a short term AND a long term reason.

Example: I want to look better at my class reunion and I want to start feeling better and having more energy than I have in years.

Step three: Imagine and emotionalize

Example: I am going to feel so good and get so much more done and so much more out of life than I have been. I will have my body and mind programmed for success and I know if I get this done, I can do anything I want. This is the most important thing I have done for myself in years and it's about time!

I can feel the energy surging; no challenge is too great. I can hear the compliments from my friends and even strangers. I can tell my loved ones are proud of me and look at me with new respect. So does my boss and co-workers. I can taste the wholesome goodness of the great food choice I make and I know they are helping me live longer and better.

Step four: This is the most overlooked step.

Find a mentor. Find someone to help keep you motivated and a reason to be and do the thing you want to achieve above and beyond your own reasons. Don't be afraid to open your wallet and pay someone for their advice. A personal trainer, a nutritionist etc. can make a huge difference in your getting somewhere.

And don't fall victim to the "I know what I have to do" trap.

I know what I have to do and I still get help whenever I think I needed it.

And don't quit after a month because you are making progress. I see this all the time!

OK, now I know what to do so I can get cheap on myself and rely on the very thing that didn't work before. My own initiative.

This is the biggest mistake I see repeated over and over again. People go and get help with the intention of learning what they need to know and then bail as soon as they think they know what their trainer is doing.

First off, in most cases these people do it for a living and have a vast storehouse of knowledge you and I may not have.

And even if you do sometimes it's not what they are teaching you that is so important.

It's just the very fact that you are there doing it day in and day out with someone to be accountable to.

Please teach our kids and loved ones to seek out mentors.

It doesn't always have to cost money. I don't charge you a thing for the writing I do every day and I know it's helped thousands of people live better lives.

Take advantage of it and follow the advice.

And don't forget to tell your friends.

Step 5: Remember nothing is written in stone. Be realistic and ready to check your progress. Most times you should see something measurable on the scale or in the mirror within 4 weeks of starting your program. If you are not seeing it then reassess and make changes based on numbers one through four above.

But for heaven's sake give it a chance!

I know it's not always easy to get where you're going but if you are not, it's usually an issue of focus.

Dedicate yourself to getting something good done for your body and it will reward you.

Here is an example:

"Dear Dr Dave,

I just wanted to tell you that everything you've told me to do works! I started following your walking plan back in Sept. of 2005. I also adopted your abs and your Brick and Mortar workout all which you published free in your emails and blogs.

As far as the supplements, I started with fish oil and Regenerizer

Later I added the Monster Multi and the Hercules Factor. I remember thinking they were a lot of money but when I look at what I have achieved with the combination of your advice and your supplements, I think you are the cheapest way to get into great shape!

I have never felt better than I do now at age 50.
Thanks to you I have a lot to look forward to in the coming decades.

Please don't stop what you are doing!

I would like to ask you a question: Are berries really the best source on anti-oxidants?

Melissa M. Blandon

Thanks, Melissa, and I assure you I have no plans to stop.

I have a lot of work to do even in this year yet so stay tuned. I won't steer you wrong.

As far as berries and anti-oxidants it's a yes and no question.

Berries are the source of the most anti-oxidants in one serving for sure.
At the top of the list of anthocyanidins (the compounds that make berries healthy for you) are chokeberries, elderberries and black currants.
Each of them has different abilities, however, as you may know from reading the pages on Immune Booster and Cardio boost.

Further down the list is the blueberry and cranberry.

Grapes contain some thing called Resveratrol which is present in Super Wrinkle Guard and is the cornerstone not only for our anti-wrinkle therapy but tons of longevity research as well.

I don't know if you care about wrinkles, but if you care about longevity you should give Super Wrinkle Guard a serious look. It's got everything I couldn't put into the other supplements in the kinds of doses I have always wanted to use!

It does much more than fight wrinkles.

The good old apple is a great source of anti- oxidants as are walnuts.

Lower down on the list we find green tea. But again not all anti-oxidants do the same thing.

We find in our research that green tea contains many anti-oxidants that have anti- cancer and anti-fat activity something tht the otehr compounds we looked at may not have.

That is why we use green tea extract in both Monster Multi and Super Wrinkle Guard.

Like I've said before I've got you covered from eye health to prostate health.

From Athletic performance to anti inflammatory power:

Instant Endurance
Cardio Boost
Super Omega 3

I make something that can help you achieve your goals and become the you you've always wanted.

And as a bonus you get my advice free.

All the best,
Dr Dave

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Am I full of hogwash (from the book of the sub genius)

Every now and then I get an email from someone who asks a provocative question or simply doesn't believe what I am saying.

Here was one such email:

"Doc, do you really believe you can make people smarter with a couple of supplements? Isn't intelligence genetic? Personally I think you are full of hogwash!"

Jerry G.

While no one is immune to criticism, I stand by what I say.

Yes, I think you can get smarter.

Before I launch into why, let me say that Jerry's email was one of the nicer ones I have gotten on this subject.

The worst was from some doctor who was a card carrying MENSA member.

What is it with these people? They wear their MENSA membership like some kind of badge of racial superiority; at least this guy did.

He stated that God gave him and his MENSA buddies special powers that you and I don't have because we are not geniuses.

He didn't like the fact that I hold the more modern view of intelligence that breaks things down beyond the contrived IQ test.

He didn't recognize things like emotional intelligence artistic and musical intelligence or entrepreneurial intelligence either.

I went to this clown's site and he basically said he could cure your cancer with his superior intellect.

That is if you could tolerate his asinine personality.

I held my finger over the button that would have distributed his self-inflated email to tens of thousands of people on the internet so they could rip his arrogant ass to shreds, at least verbally.

I decided not to because someone like that does not deserve ANY publicity, good or bad.

Ok enough of a tirade, and on a Sunday yet!

Here are a couple of reasons why I think you can get smarter.

Recent research has shown that the brain remains able to make new connections and "thicken" old ones.

There appears to be no limit to new learning and the development of intelligence in many areas other than raw IQ.

As a matter of fact I have had several people tell me they took IQ tests as well at different points in their supplementation and indeed experienced statistically significant improvements.

Some had more real world stories like they got a raise for better work performance for the first time in months or years.

Still others did better than before on exams and hadn't changed a thing in terms of study habits.

I have had musicians write to me and tell me they have expanded their musical abilities dramatically in a very short time.

I have had athletes tell me their mental focus has been cranked up through the roof and that it was the missing link for their performance.

And that is just the tip of the iceberg.

The key is to keep the brain healthy and that boils down to 3 things

1) Reduce free radical damage

2) Provide the proper building blocks and nutrients as in fish oil and Instant Einstein

3) Support the brain energetically so it can function at a higher level as in Regenerizer and Instant Einstein.

So who am I going to listen to? Dr Mensa or my friends and customers?

And what if I am wrong and intelligence can't be improved?

Well, then at least we can all make the most of what we've got and that is better than using half of it; that's for sure!

Boost your brain and make your own genius felt.


P.S. My IQ is greater than 140; does that make me a genius? Should I rush to join MENSA? What if it was 139? Does that make me a sub genius? Who friggin' cares! It's what I do with what I've got that counts.

Same for you so let's get going and make this a great day!

Supplements mentioned in this blog:

Fish Oil
Instant Einstein

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Everyone has one and they often stink

I was in my seat at noon to see that Code movie everyone has been prattling on about for a couple of weeks. I read the book, and liked it.

It didn’t believe it was historical truth, and nobody in their right mind would either. I had the benefit of Instant Einstein too as I read it cover to cover one Saturday a while back when there was no heavy action at the Dave Cave.

It was what I would call a good read with some interesting theories and plot twists, and almost everyone I know read it too. Again, I would have to say that none of them thought it historically factual either.

Since the author stated as much I was never quite sure what all the fuss was about. Was it the subject material some people found offensive?

There were also some people who seemed to need to believe it was true even though Dan Brown said it wasn't

To me, that is delusional and maybe more Instant Einstein is needed For greater mental clarity.

Back in the day, (that would be about 30 years ago), I had a class in high school that covered the novel. Somewhere in the first ten minutes as I recall, thanks to fish oil and Instant Einstein, the teacher taught that the first thing you do is suspend your belief, you acknowledge that what you are reading is fiction.

That lesson was later repeated in my introduction to drama, and later in college, when I had similar classes on literature, theatre, and movies. I still remember the white haired professor who would always repeat, “It’s only a movie. It’s not real.”

I found myself repeating this the past week as the media was full of idiotic comments from the whole political spectrum. It was hard to turn on the radio, television, or pick up a newspaper without someone yammering about “The DaVinci Code.”

So I liked the book, and just to be contrarian, I went to the movie.

I liked the book.

The movie, well, it’s okay. It’s interesting for about 40 minutes, and then just kind of fizzles.

I can’t say what all the critics were so worked up about, but then again maybe that’s just me.

Personally, I think Opie and his buddy Tom could use a little Regenerizer. They both seemed to be a little bogged down, a little slow on the uptake.

Tom could use a little exercise and maybe he should push away from the table a little earlier.

Hey, it’s the truth, and a lot nicer than what the critics at the Cannes Film Festival were saying.

So Dr. Dave says, remember your fish oil, Instant Einstein, and Regenerizer.

In the words of the white haired professor, “Remember, it’s only a movie.”

And remember today's blog was only an opinion.

And like some other things, you know what they say.

Everyone has one...

All the best,


Overwhelmed with reality? Not sure who to believe? Confused by listening to too many opinions and unable to form your own anymore?

Then you definitely need Regenerizer and Fish Oil.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The most important thing

The diet industry is a multi billion-dollar beast.

Each week it seems there is a new diet out.

Some are named after people. Lately more seem to be named after places.

The truth is any diet will work to a point but then after that you need something else.

That something else is the most important thing.

So let's dig in.

As you'll see I have a bonus for you today in that I am going to give you 2 most important things.

Weight and fat loss are the result of 2 things: diet and metabolism.

Diet is pretty simple. Calories in, more or less, equals calories out.

Now much has been made of the thermogenic effect of food but as it turns out, that effect has a limited role in weight loss.

I see the headline almost every week "Foods that fight fat".

The idea is that if it takes some energy to get at the calories (as in whole grains etc) you might burn a few extra calories and thus somehow "fight" fat.

If you ate only high thermogenic effect foods you might possibly burn about 300 calories extra a day.

That means every 10 days you'd lose a pound. Over a year that would be very significant.

Unfortunately, in the absence of anything else your body will "see" that weight loss and try to slow it down by slowing your metabolism down.

And that my friend is the most important thing.

Metabolic rate is the sum total of 2 things.

First is your resting energy expenditure, which is just what it says. How many calories you burn just sitting there.

The next is what you do exercise wise.

So there you have it: diet, resting metabolism and exercise.

I have written volumes about diet and continue to do so, so I will keep today's comment short and sweet.

Low carb diets that are high in protein and Omega 3 fatty acids are the best.

You should use fish oil not just to keep your good fat ratios up but also to help melt away belly fat.

I do not personally advocate high fat ketogenic diets like Atkins.

It has been shown that protein intake is the key, not the absence of carbs.

Basically, ketosis is unnecessary and probably contributes to the bad swings in cholesterol that Atkins diets can produce, as well as the fatigue and moodiness.

Fish oil can of course make up for that but why torture yourself?

Atkins type diets that require ketosis are the hardest diets to stick to, have the highest drop out rates, and thus overall the lowest rate of success.

That said, your carbs should consist of high fiber grains and vegetables with some lower sugar fruits added in.

I'd add in Monster Multi as well for nutritional support.

Ok let's move to metabolism.

Resting metabolism (or more properly, energy expenditure) first.

Believe it or not resting metabolism is mostly the result of high metabolic rate organs.

Those are organs that are active all the time in most of us.

If you want to know what they are, follow the mitochondria.

The mitochondria you may remember from previous writings are those little powerhouses that live inside the cell and generate the energy that cells need to do things.

The organs with the highest resting energy expenditure are the brain (at least in some of us!), the heart, the liver and kidneys.

These organs are almost always switched on and operating at full tilt.

For brain support we make Instant Einstein.

Many people report a stimulant effect from this supplement, as their thinking seems to go to the next level.

I have not done metabolic studies on the brains of users but it makes perfect sense that if you give the brain more of what it needs to operate at full tilt, and it is operating at full tilt most of the time, you'd see an increase in its metabolism.

The liver and kidneys are meant to run like full time garbage disposal units and do not need nor benefit from a break unless they are diseased.

Regenerizer has all the things your heart needs for full cardiac support including high doses of Co Q 10 and Carnitene.

What about muscle?

Well muscle only accounts for 20 to 30% of your resting energy expenditure, but when you exercise that equation turns around completely.

Mitochondria are all over the muscles as well and when you feed them (Regenerizer) you'll see massive increases in performance and efficiency.

Now one other comment: you need adequate or at least restful sleep.

As I have written before, lack of sleep can have the same effect on your body that severe dieting has.

It lowers your resting energy expenditure and your metabolism overall making it harder and harder to lose weight and fat.

So if you are having problems with your sleep don't forget Mother Nature's super powerful all natural sleep aid, Sleep Wizard.

So there you have it in a nutshell.

Eat a high protein sensible carb diet and don't bother with ketosis.

Get regular exercise; something daily is best.

Supplement your resting and exercise energy circuits with Regenerizer, fish oil, and Monster Multi and you'll see things happen to your body you've always wanted but didn't think were possible.

Here's to your success!

Dr Dave

Supplements mentioned in this blog:
Fish Oil
Sleep Wizard
Monster Multi
Instant Einstein

Dubious News From Charlotte

I got emailed a piece of “Nutrition” journalism yesterday, written by a registered dietician and assistant professor in the Department of Health Policy at the University of North Carolina, named Suzanne Havala Hobbs.

The piece was published on Charlotte.com

What she says is that fish oil isn’t for everyone, and that it should only be used under a doctor’s supervision.

She says, citing no references or evidence, that fish oil can cause excessive bleeding, it’s anti-inflammatory, the correct dose is uncertain, and it can make you feel bad.

Oh, I almost forgot, more studies are needed too.

Then a second warning citing the American Heart Association's warning to use fish oil only under a doctor’s care.

Let’s examine some of this crap.

The American Heart Association is a wholly owned subsidiary of Big Pharmacy, who doesn’t want fish oil in anybody’s health arsenal, because it works. If it works, they can’t sell drug therapy that leads to more drug therapy.

She says fish oil can make you feel bad, cause belching, diarrhea, nausea, and leave an icky taste in the mouth. I thought she was talking about Brussels Sprouts.

Geesh, you shouldn’t use something that works because you might belch. But you should use a drug that may kill you, under a doctor’s supervision, of course. I have never heard the nausea and diarrhea argument before.

The correct dose is uncertain. Says who? She must not have gotten her talking points from Merck yesterday.

She says fish oil can cause excessive bleeding, but clarifies that she means in people with bleeding disorders, uncontrollable high blood pressure, or people taking anticoagulant medication.

Okay, fine. That is a very small group of people, and fish oil certainly isn’t going to solve all their problems.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect, and could weaken the immune system.

This is pure unadulterated horse pucky, as we say in the woods here.

Dieticians, the American Heart Association, the American Diabetes Association, the gubmint, and health professionals in general, have led us down the wrong road for forty plus years. They gave us the low fat diet, and drug therapy.

They gave us Vioxx, Bextra, Paxil, Ambien and a whole host of other wonderful drugs that kill and maim and ruin lives.

That advice has us in the worst mental and physical health care crisis in history.

Keep taking your fish oil, and if you don’t take it yet, get started now. Fish oil, and all the other formulas at www.drdavesbest.com are preventative medicine. They are designed to keep you out of the doctor’s office, so you can lead a drug free life. Join the growing list of those who are saying no to Big Pharmacy, and feeling much better as a result.

All the best,

Dr Dave

P.S. for an added boost in power go for Super Omega 3 which combines all natural safe herbals with the biggest fish oil caps most people can easily swallow

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Evening the odds against fat

Today we pick up where we left off yesterday - It's not just how you feel about yourself

Some of you are wondering why I keep harping on weight loss and fitness.

Well I am an anti-aging doc and we are in the middle of an epidemic of obesity.

One of you wrote in and asked me if I only hang with thin people who work out.

Of course not.

Like every one else I live in this society, which means I am surrounded by plenty of people who are too heavy and heading toward an ugly, early grave.

Some of the most wonderful people I know are way too heavy.

I guess I am selfish. Sometimes I think I want to keep them around more than they want to keep themselves around.

You see they make my life better by their presence, and while no one can predict how long we will live, the odds are stacked against them.

I want to even the odds.

So back to the problems of being heavy.

We were talking about the brain and of course the sex organs came into view as well.

We were working form the head down.

Another interesting thing that happens between the shoulders is the risk of headache goes up particularly in women who are too heavy.

How much? Studies say as much as 30% in women and 15% in men.

We also talked about the dreaded macular degeneration and how Pro Mac Young Eyes was designed to combat this ever increasing problem.

I neglected to mention people who are obese also get more cataracts. Now generally speaking this is an operable condition but more than one patient I know has had Macular degeneration in one eye and a cataract in another.

This is a scary situation for anyone because if the cataract surgery doesn’t come out perfectly (and this is the case sometimes) you are faced with one bad eye and another that is going to be blind with no cure for it.

If you are too heavy your risk of eye disease is 100% greater than a person who is not heavy.

Ok now we move on to cancer. Both prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women have direct links to obesity. Twenty pounds put on between puberty and age 45 more than doubles your risk.

Now you don’t know anyone who has gained 20 pounds in the time between youth and middle age do you?

Men, if this sounds like you, you need to look at ProstaShield along with fish oil very carefully to protect your prostate.

Women, you should know that in laboratory studies and in populations that consume a lot of Omega 3 fish oils there is far less breast cancer.

I always made it a habit to put all of my breast cancer patients and their daughters on fish oil as well as anyone who wanted to do something positive before cancer reared its ugly head.

Vascular problems are also directly linked to obesity.

Blood is the life of your body and blood vessels carry it so anywhere there is anything important going on in your body there are blood vessels.

Here is a list of a few things that can be damaged by poor circulation associated with being too heavy.

Your heart via heart attack

Your brain via stroke

Your legs via diabetes and vascular disease.

Agonizing burning pains at night any one? How about searing pain in your legs after you walk 20 feet. If this doesn’t sound like a good way to spend your golden years, get on some fish oil and Regenerizer and lose some weight now!

Yesterday we talked about the second brain in men.

Guys, if getting prostate cancer and needing treatment for that doesn’t make you impotent how about ED (erectile dysfunction).

No amount of the little blue pill is going to save you if the blood supply down there doesn’t work.

We should make final note of your kidneys. Next, to diabetes, which is of course directly associated with obesity and overweight, high blood pressure is also way up on the list of things that land people in dialysis.

Being hooked to a kidney machine a few times a week or having to stick needles in your belly daily to keep poisons from accumulating in your system because your kidneys are dead is not a great way to live.

Ask anyone who has to do it.

And you should know that if your kidneys die even with great care you are likely to live about 6 years from the time they crap out on you.

Ok I’ve given you some real hard-core reasons to lose weight. I’ve given you some tools to help you with my emails and blogs detailing exercise routines and of course the supplements, fish oil and Regenerizer, to help you on your way to a better, thinner, healthier you.

Other than continuing to pound you with the message and enlist the help of those who are thinner to get my message to those who aren’t, I don’t know what else to do.

Help me help you!


Supplements mentioned in this blog:

Monday, May 15, 2006

It's not just how you feel about yourself

A lot more problems arise from being overweight than you may realize.

It's funny but most of the current writing surrounding obesity centers on how you look and how people perceive you.

That is important of course but it is not enough for everyone.

Some people can ignore the social difficulties especially if they have a supportive environment. So today I want you to take a look at some of the very real dangers of being overweight or obese.

If you are thin please give this to someone you know who needs it!

Let’s start at the top and go down.

First, being heavy affects your brain chemistry through hormones.

In men, fat stores estrogen, converts male hormones into estrogen and imbalances the male to female hormone ratios in your body.

Remember, I told you we’d start at the top? Well, I should have said we’d start with your brain. There is evidence that being heavy adversely affects brain chemistry leading to more depression and moodiness.

Now, men, if we look at your “second brain” the high estrogen levels associated with obesity also may cause what was referred to in the infamous Seinfeld episode as shrinkage!

Considering that penile enlargement is a 9 billion dollar industry you’d think someone in that industry would have written an article about losing weight. Yes, you can reverse the shrinkage that occurs with significant weightloss.

You’ll also see things better if our butt is not in the way.

In women the opposite often happens. Fat converts estrogens to androgens and you get the bearded fat lady effect.

I can’t imagine anything we’ve talked about so far is good for your self-esteem!

Next, being significantly overweight can lead to sleep apnea, a condition that may become deadly as it can affect both your heart and your lungs as well as your ability to stay awake.

Throw in some poor work performances, increased depression and falling asleep behind the wheel and you’ve got a serious problem indeed.

Obesity has been directly linked to age related macular degeneration (AMD). If you are too heavy you have a 30% chance above and beyond the general population of getting this dreaded problem.

I have designed Pro Mac, which is short for protect the macula, to combat this problem. Age related macular degeneration is now the leading cause of blindness in this country so Pro Mac couldn’t have come too soon.

And if it’s bad now and it's linked to obesity, just think what things will “look” like when the baby boomers and their kids who are way too heavy come of age.

I promise you, the current health care system is not going to be able to deal with millions of blind people!

Don’t be one of them! Lose those extra pounds and get on ProMac now while the future is still bright.

If you need help with your weight, get a hold of the combo of fish oil and Regenerizer and crank up that metabolism so you can melt that fat away.

Tomorrow I will give you even more reasons to do this.

Yours in a bright healthy future full of beautiful sights!


Supplements mentioned in this blog:


Over 60 years ago this one word retort became famous when the Germans surrounded an American commander and his small band of soldiers defending the Ardennes town of Bastogne in Belgium.

This battle, the Battle of the Bulge, was the last stand of the Nazi armies and when Bastogne held, their fate was sealed.

I heard about this first hand from my Dad who was in the medical corps there.

But today we are going to talk about nuts in a different fashion; how do they rate in terms of your health.

Nuts have enjoyed resurgence lately as the general public and the media that supports them has put them into the forefront of the American consciousness.

So are they all they're cracked up to be?

Well, some are and some aren’t.

Nuts in general are a decent sources of omega 3 fats but like all plant derived materials, the fatty acids they contain are 18 carbon, a far cry form the “Human” 22 carbon form. So your body has to busy itself with converting them to 22 carbons and it's not very good at the job.

Fish oil is a much better source of Omega 3 fats but hey we all need a little variety.

The top nut is:

Almonds: Years back when I did my first anti-aging training, the clinic had small dishes of almonds in the lunch room and available as snacks.

Buy your almonds raw or lightly roasted in the shell (for extra fiber) and no salt please.

There is no cholesterol and plenty of protein and healthy monounsaturated fat. But watch your serving size.

That goes for all nuts, by the way. They may be healthy but they are loaded with calories, so a small handful as a snack 2x a day is about right.

Cashews: cashews are a bit less healthy for you mainly because they contain more fat and starch than many other nuts. That is why many people list them as favorites. Once in a while they are fine but go easy and don’t make them a daily habit unless you need to pack on some fat.

Walnuts: Walnuts are special in the nut family because they are loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids to the point where you could get enough into your body to convert them to meaningful amounts of that 22 Carbon form I was telling you about.

Walnut oil is also great for salads. Personally, I find them a bit bitter but I enjoy them toasted. They have fewer calories than pecans or cashews but still portion sizes need to be controlled.

Peanuts: OK by now most people have read a thousand times that peanuts are not nuts but legumes, more like peas. Still, they have good effects on cholesterol and have the most protein of any other “nut” we are talking about. I still heap some peanut butter in my protein shakes when I am skipping meals.

Pistachios: pistachios are also special in that they have lots of plant sterols (one of the main ingredients in Cholesterol Bomb) which helps drop bad cholesterol levels.

Pistachio ice cream does not count!

Pecans and hazelnuts:

Both are on the calorie-heavy side but their fats are unsaturated which are considered healthy.

Macadamia nuts: Believe it or not these are fantastic sources of mono and polyunsaturated fats and have been shown to lower cholesterol.

But most people know them in their “Hawaiian” form which is fired in palm or palm kernel oil and heavily salted. They are terrible for your health and loaded with incredible amounts of calories when they are treated this way.

Buy them raw and unsalted and eat small portions.

And now here is one of my nut recipes for you.

Take a quarter cup of raw Macadamia nuts and a third cup of walnuts and in a heavy cast iron skillet heated to medium heat toast them both. You can use a little pumpkin seed oil or grape seed oil to hasten the process if you want.

Serve the nuts over small slices of fresh pineapple and strawberries with a few dried blueberries. Toss one quarter teaspoon of black pepper and one quarter teaspoon of powdered ginger and cinnamon over the whole thing.

This makes a very satisfying and healthy dessert.

Wash the entire thing down with 6 fish oil and 2 capsules of either Cardio or Immune Boost.

This is especially great if you have a sweet tooth. You can also eat it for breakfast and you’ll get through to lunch without getting hungry.

Bon appetite!


PS don’t for get my amazing new all-natural, cholesterol-lowering compound Cholesterol Bomb

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mom and the motorcycle

There comes a point (or there should come a point) in your relationship with your mom where a mutual respect develops and you can add 'friends' to the list of things your mom is to you.

I have seen this from time to time and I have been blessed enough to have it happen with my own mom.

I have also seen many folks who never get there.

Some are stuck in the perennial child role with their parents always trying to please.

Some need to rebel so hard that one or both parents are excluded from their lives.

I was lucky!

So when my mom made a business suggestion, I listened. I'll get to that in a minute.

Now understand I still am my mom's son in her eyes, and I still cause her bundles of worry even as I near 50, and of course I still have that special fondness for her that only a child can have.

But we have become friends as well.

And so on mom's special day I can say that I draw inspiration from her.

As she lives life to the fullest and makes 80+ look fun she is one of the people I want to be like when I grow up.

Here are a few special recent moments I am especially proud of.

Mom joined me a while back at a business seminar. When asked by the host what an "older woman" could possibly be doing there she simply replied…

"I wanted to see what my kids are so excited about!"

Bravo mom and tremendous answer. It underlines a few things. Not only does she share in our excitement, but also she does not want to be left out.

The next moment came at the end of a long day of walking around Paris, mom's favorite European city. We sat down to eat and mom ordered for all of us in perfect French. Then she looked at me and said, "OK so how far did we go today?”

When I got done counting the places we had walked to and around that day the total came to just shy of 10 miles.

Not bad for an 80 year old lady!

Just the other day we had another "Mom" moment.

You see my mom was never a pill person. I can't replicate the face she made the day I told her I expected her to take at least some of my products to help keep her young.

I think I need a few more decades of trying until I can make my face go that way!

That was of course several years ago.

Well the other day she asked me for a BIG bottle of Instant Einstein (540 caps) and Monster multi.

You see she had burned through hers in exactly the prescribed amount of time proving once and for all that she can take in excess of 30 pills a day and not have to be cajoled or reminded.

If my mom can do it so can you and your mom!

She does it to keep herself young and as you may have seen a few weeks ago.

Then she made an astounding suggestion.

She told me to tell everyone what her personal routine is and make it available for everyone else out there, especially moms.

She figured that since it has helped her to maintain her youth there might be some other people who'd want to give that gift to their moms (and dads) as well.

So here is her routine.

2 packs of Super Omega 3 daily

2 packs of Instant Endurance daily

6 caps of Instant Einstein daily

6 caps of Monster Multi with minerals

2 packs of Cholesterol Bomb daily

1 pack of Pro Mac daily

She also uses the old Regenerizer and of course Immune Boost, at least through the flu season.

Honestly, I thought it was kind of a wacky suggestion but she has proven me wrong before so I am offering it to you and your parents if you want to try it at a discount.

If you want to get your mom off to a great start for the rest of the year go to the Mother's Day Special page and save big.

This is one day only! My fragile male ego couldn't stand it if mom wound up looking too good.

Heck, what do I care - maybe I'll make her president of Dr Dave's Best!

Oh yeah, the motorcycle.

My mom has done a lot of different jobs in her life.

She was in the Air Corp in WWII and tested the instruments in B-25 Mitchell bombers on their maiden flights.

She worked as a paint chemist and a geologist for a short time as well.

One of the last things she did before her children "interrupted" her life was to work in a hematology and pathology lab.

Her first autopsy was on the victim of a motorcycle crash.

So naturally she cringes every time I show up on her front door, helmet in hand, stopping by on a ride.

Well, the other day she announced she wants to face this old fear of hers once and for all; she wants a ride.

Naturally I will pad and goggle her up well.

If she lets me I'll take some pics of her first ride and put them on the blog in a few days.


P.S. Today's special really is one day only and will be taken off the site within 24 hours or less depending on supplies.

Friday, May 12, 2006

How To Raise Fat Lazy Kids

I don’t normally listen to sports radio, but this morning I somehow ended up there and was outraged by a story that was being told.

It seems that all over America schools are taking the playground away. The monkey bars are coming down, the swings are being taken away, many schools have “No running” policies in effect.

This is lunacy.

At the same time that we have an obesity explosion among kids, the schools are taking the playgrounds away. That is where we ran and jumped and climbed and helped to keep ourselves fit when we were kids. We played tag, and football, and even played the now dreaded dodgeball.

Now the cowards who thought dodgeball was a horrible game are running the school districts. They don’t want anyone to run because they may fall down and hurt themselves.

And of course, many cowardly parents will sue at the drop of a leaf. It used to be a badge of honor to have skinned knees or elbows. It was cool to have your arm in a cast, and have all your buddies sign it.

Not today.

Today schools don’t want students to compete. They want everybody to have the same chance, regardless of whether it hurts the bright kids. The model has been reversed. No longer are slower students encouraged to catch the faster ones, but faster students are encouraged to slow down, and not get ahead of the group.

Pretty soon all school kids will stay inside and play video games while they eat twinkies, chips and drink soda. Husky will be the new small jeans size. Kid’s bellies will bounce up and down as they walk the halls.

What can these parents be thinking? Kid’s need exercise. They get it the same way that we did; by running, jumping, climbing, pulling, pushing, falling
down and getting up, and then doing it all over again.

The legacy of this generation will be that it is raising the fattest and sickest kids in the history of this country.

That’s a symphony to the ears of Big Pharmacy, who is patiently waiting like the Big Bad Wolf to offer an easy cure.

They have already doped an entire generation with Ritalin, and the schools helped.

Kids need exercise; they need fish oil, they need a multivitamin, and they need someone to keep the junk food away from them.

Immune Boost will keep your kids away from colds, sneezes, sniffles and shakes.

If we want to raise good healthy kids we need to stop living in fear that they will hurt themselves on the playground.

Bumps, bruises, cuts and scrapes are all part of growing up.

If they all grow up fat and sedentary, you have done more damage than you can fathom.

All the best,


You can't teach an old dog new tricks

So it has been said for centuries, but recent research indicates that this age old adage is very wrong.

The old thinking was your brain remains plastic or "open" until around age 5. After that everything is set in stone and the rest of your life is spent in a slow decline of brain cells and you just have to make due.

Well, my friend, thank goodness that one has turned out to be false.

Here are some new facts.

1) The human brain can regenerate itself.

2) The human brain has stem cells just like other areas of the body. Now some people immediately reach for the delete button when they hear the word "stem cells".

I am not talking about the stem cells taken from human fetuses.
We all have stem cells already in our bodies waiting to regenerate areas that need it, including the brain.

3) Those stem cells are supported and helped by growth factors. Those growth factors support the constant rearrangement of the human brain that is a part of everyday life.

4) Let me say #3 a different way. As you integrate your life's experience and as you practice your chosen crafts, instruments or mental skills, those areas of the brain are growing and forming new connections to help you get better and better at what you want to do.

5) All processes of the brain require energy. Thinking, creating, remembering and intuiting require energy.

6) The combination most needed to keep your brain healthy is: mental exercise, physical exercise (to keep the muscle brain connections intact and help blood flow to the brain) and proper nutritional support.

7) Proper nutritional support means a combination of factors that support the brain's metabolism and support the growth factors of the brain.

The factors that support the growth factors in the brain are GPC (Glyceryl Phosphatidyl Choline), Acetyl L Carnitene and Phosphatidyl Serine, all of which are present in the exact amounts supported by research in Instant Brain Power.

The major brain antioxidants are Co Q 10 in a big enough dose to matter as found in Regenerizer and Alpha Lipoic Acid as found in Monster multi with minerals.

Thus, if you are looking for the best combination for your brain you want Instant Brain Power, Regenerizer, and Monster Multi with minerals in a dose of 6 caps of Einstein, 6 caps of Monster Multi and one pack of Regenerizer.

In this way you'll be covering the brains needs for growth factor support and metabolic support.

And if you're anything like the tons of people who have reported their benefits to us, you'll see a huge increase in your thinking power, memory, creativity and intuitive skills.

In some cases this has translated into better relationships with people, better pay at work or the creation of new business.

The human brain is an amazing instrument. I want you to start using it to the best of your ability and seeing the results now.

Get some Einstein and add in some Monster Multi and Regenerizer if you can.

To make it easy for you I've bundled them in to a "Super Brain Support Pak” with a big discount at the Super Brain Support Bundle page.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Part 2 - The no surgery brain transplant technique

The no surgery brain transplant technique Part 2

If you are new to this bog you'll want to catch up by reading the original article in this series from this Monday - The no surgery brain transplant technique

Ok, today let's look at men and women's brains a bit more closely.

You may have heard me say that women and men have different types of chemical receptors in their brains.

In point of fact it's more about how many and where they are located.

For instance women whose primary androgen (male hormone) is DHEA have more receptors for DHEA and Pregnenolone in the memory centers of their brains.

Men it seems have more testosterone and HGH receptors. But notice both sexes have a mix of all of them. They may not be equal in the same places, however.

One of my big gripes is that the government and media's continued witch hunt on steroids and HGH completely ignores the fact that these hormones are absolutely essential for great brain function and memory preservation.

There is a reason I put them into Regenerizer and Instant Einstein that goes way beyond less body fat, better muscle tone and better sex.

They are essential for a better brain as well in both men and women.

These hormones function in the brain as memory boosters, mood boosters and growth factors to enhance the brain's ability to grow new connections. Making them illegal is completely one-sided and shows the complete ignorance of our lawmakers and the people advising them.

If they looked at the research they would see how vital it is to make these neuro hormones available to our population as it ages.

After all our baby boom generation is now starting to crash against the walls of the traditional medical system and the results are not promising.

You are pretty much on your own these days just like you'll be this fall if bird flu lands here.

Speaking of bird flu, don't forget to stock up on Immune Boost before it winds up in short supply.

Ok now let's look at the old adage, "Practice makes perfect".

Of course it should be "Perfect practice makes perfect".

And here is why.

You may not be aware of this but your brain can grow. You may not see it in terms of mass or size, but then again you might if you could look at a specific area.

Let's go back to the first example of learning a musical instrument.

As you practice and grow in your ability new connections are being formed in your brain. If you were to hook up the medical equivalent of a power meter to the area of the brain that you use for musical practice you would see that as you practice new connections are being made between nerve cells that lead to better and better performance.

By now you may also understand why practicing the wrong thing over and over again is really a fast way to a permanent or near permanent flaw in your technique.

Whether it’s music, martial arts or tennis, make sure you are doing it right from the beginning.

Otherwise you are growing you brain in the wrong direction.

You'd also see that the power used by that area of the brain goes up.

In other words, thinking, creating and doing is a lot like any other exercise, it requires energy.

And the better you get at something, the more energy that area of the brain needs.

This is another reason why the Regenerizer and Instant Einstein are so valuable.

Each contains metabolic support agents that let your brain work at maximum efficiency.

Naturally it works best if you use them every day, but even a casual use can produce some amazing results.

Take care of your brain like you would take care of the rest of your body.

You can't go wrong with Regenerizer and Instant Einstein.

Tomorrow we'll look at another old adage, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks".

You'll find this one fascinating so tune in again!


Supplements mentioned in this blog: