Thursday, May 18, 2006

The most important thing

The diet industry is a multi billion-dollar beast.

Each week it seems there is a new diet out.

Some are named after people. Lately more seem to be named after places.

The truth is any diet will work to a point but then after that you need something else.

That something else is the most important thing.

So let's dig in.

As you'll see I have a bonus for you today in that I am going to give you 2 most important things.

Weight and fat loss are the result of 2 things: diet and metabolism.

Diet is pretty simple. Calories in, more or less, equals calories out.

Now much has been made of the thermogenic effect of food but as it turns out, that effect has a limited role in weight loss.

I see the headline almost every week "Foods that fight fat".

The idea is that if it takes some energy to get at the calories (as in whole grains etc) you might burn a few extra calories and thus somehow "fight" fat.

If you ate only high thermogenic effect foods you might possibly burn about 300 calories extra a day.

That means every 10 days you'd lose a pound. Over a year that would be very significant.

Unfortunately, in the absence of anything else your body will "see" that weight loss and try to slow it down by slowing your metabolism down.

And that my friend is the most important thing.

Metabolic rate is the sum total of 2 things.

First is your resting energy expenditure, which is just what it says. How many calories you burn just sitting there.

The next is what you do exercise wise.

So there you have it: diet, resting metabolism and exercise.

I have written volumes about diet and continue to do so, so I will keep today's comment short and sweet.

Low carb diets that are high in protein and Omega 3 fatty acids are the best.

You should use fish oil not just to keep your good fat ratios up but also to help melt away belly fat.

I do not personally advocate high fat ketogenic diets like Atkins.

It has been shown that protein intake is the key, not the absence of carbs.

Basically, ketosis is unnecessary and probably contributes to the bad swings in cholesterol that Atkins diets can produce, as well as the fatigue and moodiness.

Fish oil can of course make up for that but why torture yourself?

Atkins type diets that require ketosis are the hardest diets to stick to, have the highest drop out rates, and thus overall the lowest rate of success.

That said, your carbs should consist of high fiber grains and vegetables with some lower sugar fruits added in.

I'd add in Monster Multi as well for nutritional support.

Ok let's move to metabolism.

Resting metabolism (or more properly, energy expenditure) first.

Believe it or not resting metabolism is mostly the result of high metabolic rate organs.

Those are organs that are active all the time in most of us.

If you want to know what they are, follow the mitochondria.

The mitochondria you may remember from previous writings are those little powerhouses that live inside the cell and generate the energy that cells need to do things.

The organs with the highest resting energy expenditure are the brain (at least in some of us!), the heart, the liver and kidneys.

These organs are almost always switched on and operating at full tilt.

For brain support we make Instant Einstein.

Many people report a stimulant effect from this supplement, as their thinking seems to go to the next level.

I have not done metabolic studies on the brains of users but it makes perfect sense that if you give the brain more of what it needs to operate at full tilt, and it is operating at full tilt most of the time, you'd see an increase in its metabolism.

The liver and kidneys are meant to run like full time garbage disposal units and do not need nor benefit from a break unless they are diseased.

Regenerizer has all the things your heart needs for full cardiac support including high doses of Co Q 10 and Carnitene.

What about muscle?

Well muscle only accounts for 20 to 30% of your resting energy expenditure, but when you exercise that equation turns around completely.

Mitochondria are all over the muscles as well and when you feed them (Regenerizer) you'll see massive increases in performance and efficiency.

Now one other comment: you need adequate or at least restful sleep.

As I have written before, lack of sleep can have the same effect on your body that severe dieting has.

It lowers your resting energy expenditure and your metabolism overall making it harder and harder to lose weight and fat.

So if you are having problems with your sleep don't forget Mother Nature's super powerful all natural sleep aid, Sleep Wizard.

So there you have it in a nutshell.

Eat a high protein sensible carb diet and don't bother with ketosis.

Get regular exercise; something daily is best.

Supplement your resting and exercise energy circuits with Regenerizer, fish oil, and Monster Multi and you'll see things happen to your body you've always wanted but didn't think were possible.

Here's to your success!

Dr Dave

Supplements mentioned in this blog:
Fish Oil
Sleep Wizard
Monster Multi
Instant Einstein

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