I was sure that it would not hit our shores and it did not. I was sure that there was a lot of hype about it and that the media would soon tire of it if there was no body count.
I was honest about my predictions and did not push for you to stock pile Immune Boost for the bird flu because I understood the microbiology of the virus and the likelihood of spread at the time.
Instead I chose to remind you that regular flu was likely to be much more of a problem and I gave simple but solid info on how to protect yourself from it including how to use Immune Boost.
Well this time around I am much more concerned and the tongue is out of the cheek.
Bird flu has now spread to Europe and while there are still relatively few human cases, all of us, American or otherwise are not prepared for a flu pandemic.
The gist of our current government sponsored bird flu plan is "You are on your own!"
In Britain they are talking about having to dig mass graves if and when it hits.
I did see a show that had to have been Drug Company sponsored as it basically said, "Hey don't sweat it if you get to the hospital in 48 hours and start these wonderful anti-viral drugs you'll probably survive".
They left out a few things.
First, if bird flu hits are there really going to be enough hospital beds available to handle the 50% virulence rate that bird flu seems to have.
If 20 million people get it, who gets hospital care when there are not even a tenth of that many hospital beds available?
Hmmm let's see -- senators, congressmen, drug company CEO's and the ultra rich.
I don't see you or me on that list anywhere.
Next, the drug companies are already saying that they can't meet the demand for the anti-viral drugs.
The World Health Association says that counties should stock pile enough drugs to treat 20% of their population.
There won't be nearly enough drugs, and what if more than 20% get sick?
Then there is the conveniently left out fact that bird flu has already shown resistance to these drugs on numerous occasions, even though the number of human infections is small so far.
In other words, the virus has not "seen" a lot of drugs but it's already developed resistance!
What about vaccines? Well the bottom line there is you'll be dead or better when they come out because again, there are no effective vaccines so far and even if there were they could not be produced fast enough to meet the demand.
What about the regular flu vaccines?
The usual story is, "We hope that they will confer some immunity to other strains."
What that usually means is that by the time you get the flu, the strain has mutated away from the one you are vaccinated against.
Here is my solution, but it will never happen.
If all the drug companies mobilized together and pooled their resources, the anti-viral drugs could be made in huge numbers.
Profits could be shared and everyone would be happy.
It will never happen because profits would have to be shared and no one Drug Company could shine above the rest. Better to let half the population die than to violate your patent for a year.
Am I worried about bird flu?
Yes I am but I have access to all the Immune Boost I need.
My family and friends have asked to stockpile some now for themselves and their children.
If you are worried about friends family and you children then I would move now.
I anticipate the same problems of supply we had last year. As a matter of fact we sold out about 3 weeks ago and just got another big batch in.
My advice is to get some now because I will make the attempt to get national attention for our amazing flu fighter as the season gets closer.
But you and I get first dibs.
All the best in staying healthy,
Dr Dave
P.S. People have asked what the shelf life of Immune Boost is. The answer is at least 1 year so anything from here on will be fine through the entire flu season of 2006-2007.
People have also asked about taking Immune Boost every day for prevention.
I recommend 2 capsules 2 times a day for this purpose. For children 5 and over I recommend 1 capsule 2X daily. For kids it can be mixed in fruit juice shakes or other beverages, just don't heat it up!
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