Monday, May 1, 2006

Does Alec Baldwin Need Anger Management

It is beginning to look like Alec Baldwin should have been cast in the film that starred Jack Nicholson and Adam Sandler.

He has been accused by his ex wife of having a volcanic temper, and in his never ending custody battle there have been reports of tantrums ad infinitum.

Years ago he threatened to cancel a fundraising soiree for then President Clinton because the caterers had dared to serve meat. Alec and then wife Kim were vegetarians.

When Clinton arrived and found out there was no meat he snuck out the back of the tent with a couple of Secret Service agents and headed out to Burger King, leaving the perplexed guests wondering where he was.

Soon after he had his angina and heart surgery. I'll bet he's on fish oil now!

Baldwin has also suggested that the Speaker of the House be stoned to death, and threatened to move to France if "W" was elected.

For all his faults, Baldwin is a fine actor. One ten-minute scene in Glengarry Glen Ross may be the single best screen performance of the last 30 years.

But he has a problem, and it doesn’t matter how many flacks he hires to try and hide it. He needs some fish oil for sure, and more than a little serious counseling.

The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. It has been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that fish oil reduces anger levels, and helps restore the chemical balance that keeps a person level headed and clear.

The latest Baldwin fracas involves a Tony award winning actress leaving a New York production because of Baldwin’s incendiary behavior, which allegedly involved him putting his fist through a wall and throwing things.

Hollywood has a history of covering for its own and denying the outlandish behavior of its stars. Maybe it’s time they started trying to help someone who is obviously out of control. Fish oil is an obvious start. A star that burns as hotly as Baldwin can easily afford it, and the sooner he starts taking it the better.

All the best,


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