Thursday, May 18, 2006

Dubious News From Charlotte

I got emailed a piece of “Nutrition” journalism yesterday, written by a registered dietician and assistant professor in the Department of Health Policy at the University of North Carolina, named Suzanne Havala Hobbs.

The piece was published on

What she says is that fish oil isn’t for everyone, and that it should only be used under a doctor’s supervision.

She says, citing no references or evidence, that fish oil can cause excessive bleeding, it’s anti-inflammatory, the correct dose is uncertain, and it can make you feel bad.

Oh, I almost forgot, more studies are needed too.

Then a second warning citing the American Heart Association's warning to use fish oil only under a doctor’s care.

Let’s examine some of this crap.

The American Heart Association is a wholly owned subsidiary of Big Pharmacy, who doesn’t want fish oil in anybody’s health arsenal, because it works. If it works, they can’t sell drug therapy that leads to more drug therapy.

She says fish oil can make you feel bad, cause belching, diarrhea, nausea, and leave an icky taste in the mouth. I thought she was talking about Brussels Sprouts.

Geesh, you shouldn’t use something that works because you might belch. But you should use a drug that may kill you, under a doctor’s supervision, of course. I have never heard the nausea and diarrhea argument before.

The correct dose is uncertain. Says who? She must not have gotten her talking points from Merck yesterday.

She says fish oil can cause excessive bleeding, but clarifies that she means in people with bleeding disorders, uncontrollable high blood pressure, or people taking anticoagulant medication.

Okay, fine. That is a very small group of people, and fish oil certainly isn’t going to solve all their problems.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect, and could weaken the immune system.

This is pure unadulterated horse pucky, as we say in the woods here.

Dieticians, the American Heart Association, the American Diabetes Association, the gubmint, and health professionals in general, have led us down the wrong road for forty plus years. They gave us the low fat diet, and drug therapy.

They gave us Vioxx, Bextra, Paxil, Ambien and a whole host of other wonderful drugs that kill and maim and ruin lives.

That advice has us in the worst mental and physical health care crisis in history.

Keep taking your fish oil, and if you don’t take it yet, get started now. Fish oil, and all the other formulas at are preventative medicine. They are designed to keep you out of the doctor’s office, so you can lead a drug free life. Join the growing list of those who are saying no to Big Pharmacy, and feeling much better as a result.

All the best,

Dr Dave

P.S. for an added boost in power go for Super Omega 3 which combines all natural safe herbals with the biggest fish oil caps most people can easily swallow

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