Monday, May 22, 2006

The 5 secrets to your success

After nearly 20 years in clinical medicine and numerous years teaching I have learned a thing or two about getting people to change to what they want to be.

I want to share that secret with you because it works just as well for starting a new exercise program as it dose for starting a new business.

It is also one of the most overlooked things in life and one you should impart to your children and loved ones if you want them to have an easier time of it, and live longer and better.

Here it is.

Step One:

Have a plan: You've heard this before but have you done it? Have you formulated a starting point and ending point and how you are going to get there?

Have you written it down?

Example: I will lose 10 pounds by the end of June by getting rid of all sugared drinks and desserts and walking 40 minutes every single day.

Step Two: Have a reason preferably a short term AND a long term reason.

Example: I want to look better at my class reunion and I want to start feeling better and having more energy than I have in years.

Step three: Imagine and emotionalize

Example: I am going to feel so good and get so much more done and so much more out of life than I have been. I will have my body and mind programmed for success and I know if I get this done, I can do anything I want. This is the most important thing I have done for myself in years and it's about time!

I can feel the energy surging; no challenge is too great. I can hear the compliments from my friends and even strangers. I can tell my loved ones are proud of me and look at me with new respect. So does my boss and co-workers. I can taste the wholesome goodness of the great food choice I make and I know they are helping me live longer and better.

Step four: This is the most overlooked step.

Find a mentor. Find someone to help keep you motivated and a reason to be and do the thing you want to achieve above and beyond your own reasons. Don't be afraid to open your wallet and pay someone for their advice. A personal trainer, a nutritionist etc. can make a huge difference in your getting somewhere.

And don't fall victim to the "I know what I have to do" trap.

I know what I have to do and I still get help whenever I think I needed it.

And don't quit after a month because you are making progress. I see this all the time!

OK, now I know what to do so I can get cheap on myself and rely on the very thing that didn't work before. My own initiative.

This is the biggest mistake I see repeated over and over again. People go and get help with the intention of learning what they need to know and then bail as soon as they think they know what their trainer is doing.

First off, in most cases these people do it for a living and have a vast storehouse of knowledge you and I may not have.

And even if you do sometimes it's not what they are teaching you that is so important.

It's just the very fact that you are there doing it day in and day out with someone to be accountable to.

Please teach our kids and loved ones to seek out mentors.

It doesn't always have to cost money. I don't charge you a thing for the writing I do every day and I know it's helped thousands of people live better lives.

Take advantage of it and follow the advice.

And don't forget to tell your friends.

Step 5: Remember nothing is written in stone. Be realistic and ready to check your progress. Most times you should see something measurable on the scale or in the mirror within 4 weeks of starting your program. If you are not seeing it then reassess and make changes based on numbers one through four above.

But for heaven's sake give it a chance!

I know it's not always easy to get where you're going but if you are not, it's usually an issue of focus.

Dedicate yourself to getting something good done for your body and it will reward you.

Here is an example:

"Dear Dr Dave,

I just wanted to tell you that everything you've told me to do works! I started following your walking plan back in Sept. of 2005. I also adopted your abs and your Brick and Mortar workout all which you published free in your emails and blogs.

As far as the supplements, I started with fish oil and Regenerizer

Later I added the Monster Multi and the Hercules Factor. I remember thinking they were a lot of money but when I look at what I have achieved with the combination of your advice and your supplements, I think you are the cheapest way to get into great shape!

I have never felt better than I do now at age 50.
Thanks to you I have a lot to look forward to in the coming decades.

Please don't stop what you are doing!

I would like to ask you a question: Are berries really the best source on anti-oxidants?

Melissa M. Blandon

Thanks, Melissa, and I assure you I have no plans to stop.

I have a lot of work to do even in this year yet so stay tuned. I won't steer you wrong.

As far as berries and anti-oxidants it's a yes and no question.

Berries are the source of the most anti-oxidants in one serving for sure.
At the top of the list of anthocyanidins (the compounds that make berries healthy for you) are chokeberries, elderberries and black currants.
Each of them has different abilities, however, as you may know from reading the pages on Immune Booster and Cardio boost.

Further down the list is the blueberry and cranberry.

Grapes contain some thing called Resveratrol which is present in Super Wrinkle Guard and is the cornerstone not only for our anti-wrinkle therapy but tons of longevity research as well.

I don't know if you care about wrinkles, but if you care about longevity you should give Super Wrinkle Guard a serious look. It's got everything I couldn't put into the other supplements in the kinds of doses I have always wanted to use!

It does much more than fight wrinkles.

The good old apple is a great source of anti- oxidants as are walnuts.

Lower down on the list we find green tea. But again not all anti-oxidants do the same thing.

We find in our research that green tea contains many anti-oxidants that have anti- cancer and anti-fat activity something tht the otehr compounds we looked at may not have.

That is why we use green tea extract in both Monster Multi and Super Wrinkle Guard.

Like I've said before I've got you covered from eye health to prostate health.

From Athletic performance to anti inflammatory power:

Instant Endurance
Cardio Boost
Super Omega 3

I make something that can help you achieve your goals and become the you you've always wanted.

And as a bonus you get my advice free.

All the best,
Dr Dave

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