Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Evening the odds against fat

Today we pick up where we left off yesterday - It's not just how you feel about yourself

Some of you are wondering why I keep harping on weight loss and fitness.

Well I am an anti-aging doc and we are in the middle of an epidemic of obesity.

One of you wrote in and asked me if I only hang with thin people who work out.

Of course not.

Like every one else I live in this society, which means I am surrounded by plenty of people who are too heavy and heading toward an ugly, early grave.

Some of the most wonderful people I know are way too heavy.

I guess I am selfish. Sometimes I think I want to keep them around more than they want to keep themselves around.

You see they make my life better by their presence, and while no one can predict how long we will live, the odds are stacked against them.

I want to even the odds.

So back to the problems of being heavy.

We were talking about the brain and of course the sex organs came into view as well.

We were working form the head down.

Another interesting thing that happens between the shoulders is the risk of headache goes up particularly in women who are too heavy.

How much? Studies say as much as 30% in women and 15% in men.

We also talked about the dreaded macular degeneration and how Pro Mac Young Eyes was designed to combat this ever increasing problem.

I neglected to mention people who are obese also get more cataracts. Now generally speaking this is an operable condition but more than one patient I know has had Macular degeneration in one eye and a cataract in another.

This is a scary situation for anyone because if the cataract surgery doesn’t come out perfectly (and this is the case sometimes) you are faced with one bad eye and another that is going to be blind with no cure for it.

If you are too heavy your risk of eye disease is 100% greater than a person who is not heavy.

Ok now we move on to cancer. Both prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women have direct links to obesity. Twenty pounds put on between puberty and age 45 more than doubles your risk.

Now you don’t know anyone who has gained 20 pounds in the time between youth and middle age do you?

Men, if this sounds like you, you need to look at ProstaShield along with fish oil very carefully to protect your prostate.

Women, you should know that in laboratory studies and in populations that consume a lot of Omega 3 fish oils there is far less breast cancer.

I always made it a habit to put all of my breast cancer patients and their daughters on fish oil as well as anyone who wanted to do something positive before cancer reared its ugly head.

Vascular problems are also directly linked to obesity.

Blood is the life of your body and blood vessels carry it so anywhere there is anything important going on in your body there are blood vessels.

Here is a list of a few things that can be damaged by poor circulation associated with being too heavy.

Your heart via heart attack

Your brain via stroke

Your legs via diabetes and vascular disease.

Agonizing burning pains at night any one? How about searing pain in your legs after you walk 20 feet. If this doesn’t sound like a good way to spend your golden years, get on some fish oil and Regenerizer and lose some weight now!

Yesterday we talked about the second brain in men.

Guys, if getting prostate cancer and needing treatment for that doesn’t make you impotent how about ED (erectile dysfunction).

No amount of the little blue pill is going to save you if the blood supply down there doesn’t work.

We should make final note of your kidneys. Next, to diabetes, which is of course directly associated with obesity and overweight, high blood pressure is also way up on the list of things that land people in dialysis.

Being hooked to a kidney machine a few times a week or having to stick needles in your belly daily to keep poisons from accumulating in your system because your kidneys are dead is not a great way to live.

Ask anyone who has to do it.

And you should know that if your kidneys die even with great care you are likely to live about 6 years from the time they crap out on you.

Ok I’ve given you some real hard-core reasons to lose weight. I’ve given you some tools to help you with my emails and blogs detailing exercise routines and of course the supplements, fish oil and Regenerizer, to help you on your way to a better, thinner, healthier you.

Other than continuing to pound you with the message and enlist the help of those who are thinner to get my message to those who aren’t, I don’t know what else to do.

Help me help you!


Supplements mentioned in this blog:

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