Sunday, April 30, 2006

How A Real Apprentice Trains

I was weeding through the email today and after deleting a load of junk came upon this gem, sent to me by a long time customer from Wyoming.

Dr. Dave ships his products everywhere, including rural Wyoming, where even the last of the kick ass cowboys realizes that fish oil and Regenerizer are good weapons to have around when you want to stay healthy.

I got a good laugh when I read this, and hope you do too.

There’s a pub in Northeast Tasmania that has a new tourist drawing card. It’s not the Tasmanian Devil, if you were headed in that direction.

You may even be wondering where in heaven Tasmania is. If you are geographically challenged, it’s a pretty good sized island south of Melbourne, Australia.

Anyhoo, there’s a pub there, officially called the Pub in the Paddock at Pyengana. I can’t imagine why it would need a name that long, but I suppose it’s possible that there is more than one pub there.

The Pub is world famous for its beer drinking pig named Priscilla, who can “scull a stubby in seven seconds.” Loosely translated that means that Priscilla can drink a bottle of beer in seven seconds.

This would make her a contender on a good number of college campuses here, and at a large number of bars across the country.

I’ll bet she won’t even have to look for a job after college with those kind of skills.

The original Priscilla is getting old and needs to be replaced.

Is nothing sacred? Couldn’t they just let her pass out on the job?

The apprentice is named Priscilla Babe. Apparently she is a bit of a slow learner and so Priscilla is still the main attraction.

Tourists come from all over the world to buy Priscilla a beer, and the owner feels that that it is absolutely essential that Priscilla Babe keep the memory of the original Priscilla alive.

A woman from Texas was in the pub recently and very excitedly asked, “Is this the pub with the beer drinking pig?”

When the owner said yes, the lass from Texas said, “I saw her back home on the TV.”

You gotta hand it to those Texans for making the trip, I mean I’m booking a flight as soon as I finish this.

The owner of the pub, Ms Free, says that training a pig to drink beer is not easy.

According to her, “Most pigs will drink beer, but you have to train them to drink out of the bottle.”

“It did take her a while to get the taste, she sorta plays with the bottle, and is nowhere near the expert that Priscilla is.”

Well, I’ll say.

I submit that it probably takes a young pig a while to be able to learn how to hold its beer, and the pub owner was right to get started on this apprenticeship sooner, rather than later.

I'm wondering how many pigs got fired in the competition for this job.

You’re fired, Porky! You just don’t have what it takes!

Hey, and what happens when Priscilla is finely completely marinated?

I hope they save some cracklings for me.

If you want to take a long trip to see the original Priscilla, don’t forget your fish oil and Regenerizer After flying for 26 hours, you’re going to need them so you can appreciate the 8th Wonder of the World.

All the best,


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