Monday, March 6, 2006

Bulky buff Bertha

With the advent of the Hercules Factor, our singular and revolutionary supplement designed to increase both HGH secretion and increase available testosterone at the same time, I have gotten a lot of questions about women and muscle bulk.

Here is an example of one of them:

"Dr Dave, I want to take the Hercules Factor but the last thing I want is hair and bulky muscles.

I know it's great for men since it increases both Growth hormone and testosterone, but can woman take it?

Will I get zits, a moustache and big bulky muscles?"

Cathy W.

Well Cathy I can understand your concerns and I think it's time to set the record straight,

First the simple answers and then the not always simple explanations.

Yes, women can safely take the Hercules Factor and no you won't get hairy or bulky because of it.

You may notice less body fat, weight loss, increased muscle tone and strength and of course increased sex drive.

Next, the somewhat more complicated answer as to why.

First off, we always need to separate appropriate replacement levels of hormones from those used in the body building world.

There are at least 20,000 people out there, men and women alike, who are on testosterone replacement and/or Growth Hormone replacement (HGH).

If you met them on the street they would not stand out in many ways from other people except perhaps they might appear and act a bit healthier and stronger.

They would not be any hairier, any zittier and only marginally bulkier than a typical, well trained person.

If you talked to them, however, you would find a big difference in their attitudes and energy levels compared to many people their age.

In short, you would hear more about quality of life, quality of mood, quality of thought and quantity of sex drive than anything else.

Professional and in some case amateur bodybuilders take health risks that the average person would not want to take.

They do it all for the best looking body they can have even if it affects their longevity or health.

The levels of hormones they are talking about are so far above normal that they can only be achieved with massive and expensive doses of multiple, cocktail-like injections and pills.

It is virtually impossible for a healthy woman who is not supported by drugs to achieve the kind of musculature that you are talking about, Cathy.

Women simply do not have enough native testosterone in their bodies to get to this point.

It should become apparent that the bulky, extremely muscled women you may see in some magazines and on some TV shows are pharmaceutically supported.

Still, testosterone and HGH have some positive effects in women much the same way they do in men; lowered body fat, increased strength and musculature, improved mood, bone mass, and sex drive.

Just not to the same degree as men.

So the Hercules Factor may indeed by very useful to you in achieving a better, leaner, stronger look.

But you won't need to worry about hair or bulk, so have no fear.

Finally, one of my colleagues asked me about the mistake we made with the Hercules Factor.

He said, "Why did you combine both a testosterone booster and a GH booster in one product when you could have had two products and sold them both?"

My simple answer was, because GH and testosterone work better together and this one product is unique because it was designed to handle both at once.

Yeah I could have made more but the Hercules Factor is a "one and only" kind of product.

And that's the kind I like to make.

All the best, Doc

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