Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Caf Fiend part 3

Quite some time ago I used to see a shiny red can with a yellow lightening bolt on it.

It was "jolt" cola. Soon after there was double strength "jolt" cola.

I have not seen it in a long time but then again I don't hang out in convenience stores to tell you so who knows. I do think that may have been the original "energy" drink as it had the same two major ingredients the energy drinks of today have, sugar and caffeine.

Yes, I suspect they made a diet version too.

Anywho, traditional medicine has finally looked at the real issues surrounding caffeine as mentioned in my last blogs on the topic.

What happens to heart patients?

It seems that some people do not detoxify their bodies very well when it comes to caffeine. As a matter of fact some folks may be genetically programmed to get rid of it more slowly making for a potentially serious problem especially if there is heart disease in the mix.

These so called "slow metabolizers" have a 35% risk or more of heart attacks than people whose bodies chew up caffeine faster.

Where are you in this group? Who knows as they don't make a commercially available test to find out.

The safest bet is to avoid the fiend or if you must get some, get it through green tea. As mentioned in the previous blogs on this topic there are a tons of reasons why green tea is healthier for you and safer than coffee.

A whole boat load of green tea extract (sans the caffeine) can be found in my Monster Multi with minerals.

Imagine that, all the good stuff without the bad.

The American Heart Association is hedging on this one but then again they hedge on a lot of things except how important it is for everyone to be on statins.

Remember great health starts with great information and great nutrition.

Tell your fiends, I mean friends about my emails and blog, (copy and paste this link, and forward it to your friends, http://www.drdavesbest.com/blog/) and grab the Monster by the horns.

Monster Multi with minerals like no other multi out there!


References: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/

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