Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Why Human Growth Whores Moan

The Gubmint and drug kingpin, Pfizer, are wrangling over HGH, the human growth hormone. Seems that one of the smaller subsidiaries Pfizer swallowed up, called Pharmacia, might have improperly promoted its drug called Genotropin.

HGH is one of the most tightly controlled substances on the market, and subject to all kinds of regulations. You are allowed to use it to treat a number of diseases, but anti-aging is not on the list.

The legal wrangling involves a whistleblower named Dr. Peter Rost, a former Pharmacia executive, and Fred Hassan, the former CEO of Pharmacia, who now runs another drug giant, Schering Plough.

The stakes for Pfizer are fairly high in this tangle. In 1999 Genentech paid a $50 million dollar fine for improperly marketing HGH. Pfizer claims that they have done nothing illegal, and former Pharmacia executives say that Hassan did not violate any FDA guidelines.

Also involved in the lawsuit are questions about doctor discount programs, kickbacks, and prescription reward programs held at chic resorts. You'll here more of this kind of thing shortly in future blogs.

It all sounds like pretty much business as usual at the drug kingpins.

They are deaf, dumb, and blind whenever legal issues come up, it would take the hand of heaven to stop the discounts, kickbacks, and rewards.

Pretty soon medical students will be graduating from Pfizer Medical School, or Viagra University.

I am sure they won't be biased!

The drug giants are behind the eight ball when it comes to practicing good medicine today. Many of their solutions are worse than the disease that they purport to cure.

There is absolutely no focus whatsoever on prevention, which is where I have staked my claim. Many of the health problems we face today are reversible without the use of drugs, and their side effects.

The daily use of fish oil is the foundation of my program. It
facilitates everything that comes after.

Many of Dave's Devotees combine fish oil and a number of my other products. Their testimonials have a common theme, and what was considered lost is now found.

Let the human growth whores moan. $50 million dollars to Pfizer is chump change.

The smart guys and gals don't need their stuff anyway, because we are rarely, if ever, sick. The question everyone should be asking themselves is:

"What can I do to make myself healthier?"

My suggestion: Hercules Factor

I kinda doubt Pfizer wants to hear that.

All the best,


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