Thursday, March 30, 2006

Stud or Spud part 3

More studly and spudly questions today; but only studly advice I promise.

If you are new to the blog, this is actually what I used to call a "miniseminar", meaning it comes in several parts. You should go back to the first installment entitled "SOS from the Oceans of Fat" and start there to get the most out of this studly advice!

We pick up the questions in sequence:

Q #3: Doc, does calcium help with weight loss?

A: No, as a matter of fact I just did an email on this very topic. For the average person calcium is worthless as a weight loss supplement.

Q #4: Doc, does Acupuncture help with weight loss

A: It does not, although there are a lot of people with needles wishing it were true. (See International Journal of Obesity, 29, pp1379-85, 2005 or just take my word for it).

Q #5: Dr Dave, are sports drinks good to take during exercise?

Probably not, as putting sugar in your system while you are working out decreases fat burning. Now if your workout is over 2 hours then you might want to put some sugar in there. Otherwise stick with water if you are trying to lose weight

By the way, the same holds true for post work out. If you are trying to lose weight and burn the most fat, don't put extra sugar into our system for at least 2 hours after your workout.

Again, this is not body building advice; it is fat burning advice.

Q #6: Dr Dave does Yoga help you lose weight?

A: Not in most cases. There are some very vigorous types of Yoga that can indeed increase your heart rate and tax your muscles enough to get you some of the training effect we talked about yesterday.

Yoga has many great benefits; it's just that weight loss is not commonly one of them.

By the way I mentioned Capoeira in one of my emails a while back predicting that it would be the next exercise fad. All it needs is one starlet to be filmed doing it and you'll see watered down versions of it in every Cardio Kick boxing school across the country.

In its pure form it is way too hard for the average Pilates dilatant.

Q #7: Doc Dave, I read about the weight loss drug, Xenical, and heard it's coming out over the counter. Is this true and can you comment?

Yes, it's true Xenical is coming out over the counter. It will be called "Alli". I hope this is not another one of those drugs named after someone's daughter. The drug companies have no talent at naming there drugs and often resort to family member's names.

Instant Einstein. Now there is a name!

Alli, the half dose version of its prescription strength mother (Xenical), is sure to have the same side effects.

Namely abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, and oily, uncontrolled bowel movements.

And my guess is you'll still have to pay a pretty penny for the privilege.

By the way, it really is funny what the FDA considers safe and side effects free, isn't it?

And finally, what if this drug is named after some guy's daughter? If you were the daughter how would you feel if your namesake drug caused the world at large to have the trots?

I guess it's better than naming it after what it really does. Somehow I think "shichurbrainsout" might be a hard sell!

Who knows, maybe they own stock in a toilet paper or diaper company!

We have had reports of great success using fish oil, Regenerizer and Hercules Factor to cut body fat improve weight loss and boost energy levels and workouts.

Get some now!

None of these will give you the trots.

Spud or stud rating for today

Questions 3 and 4 - Come on, you spuds. Stop looking for the magic bullet. I haven't released it yet so you'll have to weight (yuk yuk) a few more months.

Question 5 and 6 - I really want to push the Spud button here but I've got to be fair. At least you guys sound like you are doing something.
I can't give you a true stud rating, however, so let's say you are on probation. Write back to me in a few weeks and we'll see how you are doing.

Question 7 - Ah yes, another magic bullet question. Sorry, you'll have to wait for my secret diet potion to be released like the rest of them. In the meantime you better buy toilet paper in bulk if you are thinking about using Alli.

So get your spudly, potato paunches moving and take some Regenerizer, Fish oil and Hercules Factor if you want to make it easier to get where you want to go.

Ok, that's it for today. Hey, I had mercy on you. Much less science and fewer words. Have a great day and get out and do something physical.


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