Thursday, March 23, 2006

Why should we exercise - Part 3

Please note this is a multi part blog meant to be read in order. If you are just joining my blog please go back and read the first part as things will make a lot more sense. You may have to scroll down a bit, or look over on the right hand side of this page to find the link to the previous blog and read it.

We were looking at an email that questioned the evidence that exercise is good for you.

Here are a few more reasons:

Benefit number 4

You will have less chance of getting cancer.

When you get too heavy, two hormones go up. One is called leptin. This is the "stop eating, I am full" hormone. Ironically, people who are heavy have more of this than normal weight people.

They just don't respond to it any more.

Also fat people have more estrogen. Fat cells make more of this hormone in both men and women.

Excess of leptin and estrogen have been linked to abnormal cell growth, another way of saying cancer.

Studies have shown you may triple your cancer risks by being overweight.
No weight loss program is complete or can even work without exercise.

So get moving.

If you need a push, consider 3 supplements I make which have helped many people -- fish oil, Regenerizer and Instant Endurance.

Benefit 5

Your heart will be stronger and this can lengthen your life as well.

Weak hearts tend to grow big and baggy. This condition increases the risk of irregular heart beats which can lead to 4x the risk of stroke and twice the risk of death.

In Japan, Omega 3 fatty acid fish oils and Co Enzyme Q 10 are routinely used as medicines to improve heart health.

In America we don't allow any supplements to make "medicine-like" claims. Still, fish oil is the only supplement that is in any way recommended by the American Heart Association.

By the way increasing your fish oil intake may help you burn fat more effectively and lose more weight by suppressing your appetite.

It also signals your brain that you are full.

Studies using fish oil have shown that it is especially effective at reducing deadly abdominal fat.

Benefit 6

Your memory will be better. Studies using CT scanners have shown that people who were heavy over their lifetimes had smaller brains than those who were normal weight. The most noticeable problem was memory loss.

Couple these benefits with the brain enhancing effects of fish oil and Instant Einstein and you have a winning combination.

Benefit 7

Your medical bills will be cheaper and your knees will be healthier (if you don't do too much high impact stuff).

Exercise induced weight loss lightens the load on your joints and can save you almost a thousand bucks a year in medical bills.


Because normal weight people are healthier, plain and simple.

By the way, notice I said normal weight. I am not talking about the people who think they will live longer by being underweight.

There is no human data to support that.

So eat healthy, exercise regularly and take your fish oil.

Spring is almost here; get into it looking the way you want.

Al the Best, Doc

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