Friday, March 10, 2006

Of myths and men and Algae Man

One of the things that fascinate me about humans and human behavior is how some people glom onto a myth that they would otherwise not be fooled by.

Now before we go any further, let's make sure we define myth versus lie.

A lie is a deliberate untruth that generally is destructive to one or more people.

A myth is something not grounded in reality but not a deliberate lie.

Myths can be very good, very fun and very helpful.

They can also be among the most destructive things to humanity as the mythology of Nazi Germany clearly showed.

I recently heard a myth I would like to explore a little bit with you.

The myth is that there is man walking around the North American continent today who has not eaten or had anything to drink for 4 years.

He has supposedly developed the ability to synthesize everything he needs from sunlight and rain and the soil. I guess he must walk around barefoot for at least a few hours a day, though I am not sure.

Now this is simply a new twist on an older myth that I heard a while back. That myth is that somewhere in the Pacific there is a whole tribe of people who live off the earth and the wonderful ocean air.

They are barefoot all the time.

Like the land that held King Kong, no one is sure where their island is.

After the discovery of the hidden rainforests in Indonesia, I guess we have to be a little open minded about that one. And it is at least a tad more appealing and more believable.

At least their air is clean and they live near the ocean. And I can see where they got the idea. This mythical island tribe is surrounded by simple, one-celled organisms called algae that do live completely from their environment.

They are designed for this; humans are not.

Unless of course you are the dude who hasn't eaten or had liquids for 4 years.

I will call him Algae Man.

Sadly, for Algae Man, he has to live on the crappy air and polluted mineral depleted soil of our land. That would make any one a little green around the gills.

Humans have a mouth to put food in and chew, taste buds to enjoy the food, a food pipe to take it to the digestive organs of the body. Lungs, liver and kidneys to detoxify their systems and keep them in the narrow balance of PH that is optimal for human life.

Humans also have organs for the elimination of waste. I have to wonder if the "4 years without food dude" saves thousands a year on toilet paper.

Those of you who subscribe to the "millionaire next door" theory of getting rich might want to add this to your to do list.

I also think Algae Man needs to sit down with our buddy the
Waterless Guru who hasn't had a drink of water in 20 years, smokes and drinks and eats what ever he wants.

Now that would be an interesting conversation.

It brings up the issue of fasting and what I think of it.

I fast once month for 24 to 36 hours because I like the way it makes me feel and I know it is harmless to my body.

Something like this could be deadly to a diabetic, however.

After about 72 hours strange things begin to happen that I equate with aging.

Your cortisol goes up, your metabolism, growth hormone and sex hormones all go down.

Sounds a lot like getting old doesn't it? So I would draw the line at 72 hours.

Now I am aware that there are people who fast for religious reasons and they may go longer than this (but not 4 years). That is up to you and your beliefs but it is interesting to note that many unexplainable things happen to people who fast for long periods at a time, including stigmata.

Under no circumstances would I go without water in any of these fasts no matter how long or short.

Also "Juice fasting" or "supplement fasting (see fish oil fasting) doesn't really equal fasting since you are taking in calories even though it's at a much lower level.

Personally, unless Gandhi (who was a great man without a doubt) is your idea of a great body image, I would still hold it to 72 hours or less.

If you do fast on any regular basis, I would recommend you do what any one should do fasting or not. Provide adequate amounts of essential elements to your diet with fish oil and Monster Multi and add in some Instant Endurance for stress buffering. Drink plenty of water with them as well.

I think it's great to give the organ systems that we have a temporary break from their daily jobs.

Four years, however, is not a break; it's a national work stoppage.

If any one out there knows where this fellow is, I would love to meet him and study him. After all he is truly super human.

I would settle for seeing him go 4 weeks without food and water as long as he would sign a disclaimer agreeing to be filmed 24/7 and that he wouldn't sue me for the consequences of his actions.

After that I would call up the waterless guru and see if I could arrange a dinner at a fancy restaurant with everyone together. I'd pick up the tab.

I know at least I'd only have to pay for food and drinks for two!

To me each of these people represents two extremes of the "how to achieve good health" coin. On one side there is the fear-based, avoid everything mentality and rise to a super human level. On the other is the eat anything you want and live a long time anyway myth.

I guess in the end you pays your money and you takes your choice.

The problem is that even health myths can be dangerous and deadly.

I recently got an email from a man who was clearly hurting emotionally.
His brother had heart disease and had decided to stop all his medicines.

He went to an Alternative health care provider and was told that Hoodia Gordonii (yes, the popular South American herb for weight loss) would heal his heart.

Two weeks after he stopped his prescription and started the Hoodia he was dead.

Too late then to do anything but mourn.

If you want to know the truth about vitamins, read about Monster Multi with Minerals and remember, this is a no B.S. zone so keep on visiting this blog and tell your friends to come as well.

Together we can bust some myths, live long, prosper and have fun doing it.

All the Best, from the King of Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil

Dr Dave

P.S. As we speak there are a number of individuals who are saying to anyone who listens that "man is so ignorant".

But I know something about them too. They are followers not leaders. And they are trying to be like their leader and do what they are told. But somehow they never quite get there. And they never will, especially if going without food or water for 4 years is the goal!

Here is Lazlo's take on the whole thing, which comes after his attempt at a 4 year fast. As you can see I think his brain is rotting.

The ballad of Algae Man

I want to be like Algae Man
And live off the air and soak up the land
1000 years, that's for me
I'd never have to poop or pee

No illness or disease, no tears
At least for another 3 or 4 years
But after a day or two without food
A Burger King Whopper looks might good

And the rain don't seem to keep me hydrated
Mine whole inner core seems to be vibrated
My mouth is parched and so's my skin
My patience for this is wearing thin

I don't think I can be like Algae Man
And live off the air and soak up the land
Three or four days is too much a test
I'd better stick with Dr Dave's Best


Thanks, Lazlo, you're a good egg, even if you're a little undercooked, Doc

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