OK, it's that time again to take a look at findings, facts and funnies from the past week.
Of all the writing I do for you, this is some of the most fun because I can be whimsical and silly instead of serious and somber.
So kick back and enjoy this week's review.
First we are told that there will be a 673% rise in the need for artificial joints in the next 25 years.
If you are in the age range of 40 to 65 at this moment they are talkin' to you and me.
Who is 'they' and where does this info come from?
Well they are orthopedic surgeons and it sounds like they are running a recruitment drive for their profession.
Careful, guys, you know what happens. Supply and demand; if you go spoiling the governments plans to lower the cost of healthcare, they'll start docking your behinds on those lucrative surgeries.
More surgeons equals more surgeries which equals less ching per cut.
Or worse, maybe they'll have a mandatory number of office visits and a minimum time you have to spend with patients.
In case you didn't know surgeons generally are not paid for post op care. That is why those that can afford to do so have so many "physician extenders".
No, this is not some pornographic device designed to keep the spouse happy, it refers to nurses, nurse's aids, physician assistants, etc. in a non-pornographic way.
Fortunately these people generally have better people skills than many of the docs they work for!
Right now the bone guys are among the highest paid of all doctors, next perhaps in line or on par with heart docs.
Incidentally, the same risks apply for joint replacement as they do for heart disease.
Over weight, sedentary and aging.
Regenerizer and fish oil should be able to help you with all of those.
Studies have shown that fish oil is beneficial for heart disease and joint health as well.
How about we make a real effort to prove the bone guys wrong in the next 25 years. We'll actually be doing them a favor and preserving their incomes!
Don't expect a thank you though.
For more on this, read Big increase in need for artificial joints predicted
We also had to say a fond goodbye to American musician, Buck Owens of Hee Haw this week. I don't know what Buck died of but I know he had a life well lived. May it be so for all of us, R.I.P. Buck.
Personally, I have a lot to do yet so it's more fish oil for me and some Instant Einstein thrown in for the creativity aspects.
When someone really great passes it always reminds me I have a lot I want to do yet and I'll take any supplemental help I can get, literally and figuratively.
MLB's Barry Bonds remains poised to break the home run records of past greats. But it may not happen too soon as his elbow is bothering him.
Oh yeah and he may be a bit distracted. Lots of people are coming out and saying he used just about every drug in the book to enhance his performance.
He denies it.
Ya shoulda tried Hercules Factor, Barry.
If bigger, stronger, leaner but not too much meaner is for you than grab some Hercules Factor, and kick your spring training into high gear.
This weeks Instant Einstein award goes to Debra La Fave, the teacher who was acquitted of charges stemming from allegedly having sex with a 14 year old.
Debbie, you win because you were smarter than Paris Hilton.
At least you didn't make a video!
Speaking of Paris Hilton, did you know the world is lining up against our favorite celeb again?
This time it's not a warehouse full of personal porno goodies, its worse.
A whole boat load of celebrities' phone numbers were made public on the internet when Paris' T mobile cell phone account was hacked by a 17 year old.
Included in the ruckus were: Christina Aguilera, Ashley Olsen, Ashlee Simpson, Vin Diesel - even OJ Simpson attorney, Robert Shapiro. Anna Kournikova, Eminem and Lindsay Lohan, Avril Lavigne in Ontario, Canada, and one very pizzed off Victoria Gotti in Long Island.
I said it once I'll say it again, people; at no time in our history has our nation needed Instant Einstein more.
Oh yeah don't buy T Mobile stock for a while.
And with that seasoned advice I will wrap up part 1 of this week in review.
I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them becasue part 2 is just around the corner.
In that edition we'll take on Saddam Hussein, FEMA, Broke Back Mountain and Randy Quaid, the Russians cell phones and flying cars to name a few.
Thanks for reading!
And don't forget to bring your Einstein to the next party on the blog!
Sunday, March 26, 2006
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