is testament to kids and their buying power.
Or maybe it's a testament to the bugging power of kids. If they bug their parents enough they'll coerce some money out of them to spend on this site.
Did you know that this is the tenth most popular site on the web, beaten out only by
Hey. just kidding, we aren't even on the map compared to this place which is apparently kids' heaven.
Here is the funny thing. Someone paid $580 million for this and that was before it was even popular.
I can't imagine what it's worth today.
I guarantee you the people pocketing the change from this site are anything but kids.
If you ever worried that the future of America, our kids, are in dire need of fish oil and Instant Einstein this site will confirm your worst fears.
We really are doomed if this represents what is important to our youth these days.
Bill Maher might have been right when he said, "Our most precious resource is oil, not our children!"
I hope he's wrong!
The next most searched internet term is "breasts". Ah, there is hope for us all yet.
Speaking of the internet I was shocked by how few people knew how blogs worked. We confused a lot of folks at first who didn't understand that this was not some strange new way of communicating, but rather just a way of trying to deal with the ever increasing regulations of the internet.
Speaking of the internet again, gargantuan was recently nailed for a $90 million dollar law suit for fraudulent pay per click charges.
I had to laugh because I never have used pay per click but some of my competitors use it exclusively as their "internet strategy".
Seems ol' Google was using robots to click on people's sites to run up their advertising tab and generate gargantuan revenues.
It just goes to show you, you never ever get something of value for free.
At least Daryl Hanah who starred in Kill Bill would be proud of me. I got to use gargantuan twice in one paragraph thanks to Google.
Those phony clicks of course cost the people who used them to advertise bocoup bucks and yielded zilch for them in terms of business.
Even though they got nabbed, Google can easily afford the 90 mill.
Remember what I said last week. The new big brother is not the government but rather big business. Google is definitely big business.
In sports news, March Madness and the NCAA brackets coincided with spring break and it's a toss up which will get more airplay. With names like Jenna Jameson getting more search time than March Madness I think it's safe to say the "Girls gone wild" crew will be seen at major spring break towns across the nation and across the border.
People, at no time in the past 12 months has our nation needed Instant Einstein more than now.
Speaking of Jenna, I recently met a guy who sat next to her on a plane ride.
He said he had to Blink 182 times at her breasts to tell if they were store bought or not. But that was not the real news. The real news was she was headed to a convention of fellow porn stars.
Seems this lively bunch get together once or twice a year to discuss how to invest their considerable monetary resources.
The keynote speaker was and I kid you not, my nominee for Mr. Instant Einstein of the past quarter century, Bill Gates.
Like they say, money talks. In this case it probably listens, gargles, spits and does a few other things you and I don't even want to think about.
On the topic of money, did you know that the next few years are predicted to give rise to 10 million new millionaires?
Apparently at least some of them will come from fortunes made on the internet from places like eBay.
Real estate remains a biggie too, and if you are into real estate you'll want to check out
This site lets you put in addresses and zip codes and get property outlines, tax info and in some cases the market value of the home or homes in that area.
It's pretty cool but eerie that any one on yahoo, or any number of internet providers can get an aerial view of your house, property and find out what it's worth.
Such is life in the information age. All the while I continue to have trouble getting my emails past these very same internet service providers because of nonsensical schpam issues.
Yep, our privacy is protected all right.
But there is one ray of hope.
While much of the nation is obsessing with Green Day, South Park, Carmen Electra, 50 cent and his cuzin Dollah Bill Y'all, Pokeman and Pokewoman; the nerds are still getting their revenge.
Japanese number based puzzles like sudoku have become to the new generation what bridge was to our parents. A way of exercising the mind and keeping the brain young and agile.
While you're at sudoku or any other thing that requires an agile mind, try Instant Einstein and fish oil and watch those numbers practically find the right spot all by themselves.
Well, that's it for this week's mini review. I've got to go catch an episode of American Idol. I was hoping they would replace wacky Paula Abdul with Angelina Jolie.
A man can hope can't he?
By the way does anyone know who won Project Runway and did Heidi Klum have her baby yet?
Oh yeah, on a final note: a big hitter in the alternative medicine world made fish oil the fall out boy while trying to push whale plankton on his half a million readers.
In the words of our former President, "Not gonna do it!"
Let's hope for more sane news next week with my next review.
There's sure to be fun for all.
All the Best from the King of Pharmaceutical Grade Fish oil
Dr Dave
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