Well you may also remember I promised you there would be articles that come out that absolutely disprove all those statements and show that fish oil does indeed have uses in cancer.
Ya gotta love the American Association for Cancer Research.
Mainly because they are actually interested in their mission and looking at many different things to stop cancer's ravages in this country.
Here is the headline from the report on their recent meeting:
Omega-3 fatty acids could prevent or inhibit the growth of liver cancer cells, say researchers from the University of Pittsburgh at today's annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.
At a recent meeting in Pittsburgh, PA Dr Tong Wu, a lead researcher in the field said, "It has been known for some time that omega-3 fatty acids can inhibit certain cancer cells."
Thank you Dr Wu for saying it like it is, fish oil works.
I hope you realize that your plane is flying in the opposite direction of the rest of traditional medicine including our dear friends at the American Medical Association.
Haven't you heard, fish oil does nothing for cancer? So say the great gods of JAMA and their buddies at the British Medical Journal. And so parrot the legions of followers who have a missing or defective "critical thinking" gene.
In addition to finding that Omega 3 fish oils work, Dr Wu found that the effect was dose dependent meaning more omega 3 did more to stop cancer.
How did it work? Well it's pretty complicated but in a nutshell it seems that EPA and DHA the 2 main components of fish oil actually prevent the cancer cells from growing and spreading.
I have written numerous articles that have cited research along these lines over the past 3 years.
Similarly a recent study published in the British Journal of Cancer refuted the findings of the British Journal of medicine by showing that prostate cancer cell grow was also slowed down or stopped by fish oil.
I promise you there will be tons of articles that undo the false pretenses of the fish oil bashers.
I also promise you they will get little if any airplay so I'll just have to keep you posted myself.
There is a truth, and the truth lives here! If you want the purest, highest grade fish oil you can get because you value your health, it lives here.
So does fish oil do anything for cancer? I am not allowed to tell you, but you can be the judge.
Don't forget to pop your fish oil caps and have a great weekend.
All the Best from the King of Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil,
Dr Dave
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