Thursday, April 27, 2006

Here a Doc, there a Doc, every where a Doc

OK, so by now hopefully you've read my "Garden of Eden" series.

You now know how most of the promotions for health stuff work, you know who writes them, how they are put together and the role (if there is one) that the Doc they pop on the cover page actually has in any of the above.

Usually it's nothing.

Well, I've decided to give you a little run down on this in the flesh so you can see exactly the value of what they give you and how it's dressed up to look like way more.

In this case we are going to look at a newsletter. The promotion looks like it comes from a doctor but you don't see his face for a page or two.

When you do, the photo is black and white.

This is a standard trick; it means the photo is usually about 30 years old, otherwise they would never use such a crappy one.

There is even one guy out there who forgets his toupee for one of the shots.

How confusing!

Grecian formula and it "won't come off" toupee one day, and "solar panel for a sex machine" bald the next.

Geez, only a medical maverick could pull that one off (or did someone else pull it off right before the photo as a joke!).

If this doc would have remembered to take any of the fish oil he is selling, he might still have a full head of hair.

I do and I am the only one in my family who still does, including the women!

OK, enough poking fun let's get to the meat of the matter.

There were two things that happened in the past week that made this letter to you an essential.

1) At the recent conference I attended and told you about in the Garden of Eden series the conference leader said, "You can throw a stone in any direction and find a doctor who wants to edit (key word being "edit" not "write") a health newsletter.

2) The following email:

"Dr Dave, it seems like every doctor in the world publishes a health newsletter. Just about every day I see a new face and a new pitch.

Is any of this stuff valuable"? James B

Well I could give you the short answer and say "no" but that wouldn't be any fun and there'd be no proof.

So let's take a look at one of these Docs that obviously got hit by one of the stones the newsletter companies sent you.

First, remember these are newsletter companies. Their job is to sell you a newsletter. But their real job is to get you name so they can sell you all kinds of things.

You see these companies front several, sometimes dozens of different people, not just the guys whose newsletter you buy.

Once you buy, you are on their list and unlike email you can't filter your mailbox.

So pretty soon you've got people selling you water purifiers, knives, coins and all kinds of other things.

All those people are fronted by the very same newsletter company.

How much do these companies make from people like you every year?

Try $200 million and that is not even the biggest one!

Yes, you read that right.

While that wouldn't even pay the combined salaries of the CEO's of Big Pharmaceuticals companies, it's still a pretty chunk of your hard earned change.

So we'll take a look at some of this info and see if it's worth the money.

It's time for me to say Good bye for the day, but join me tomorrow when I pick up the golden thread that we started here and weave it into a truth telling tale you would never hear from any of the newsletter docs.

And as an added bonus I'll tell you how eating pizza can cut your cancer risk!

And of course I'll show you how a few caps of my fish oil, Super Omega 3 or one of the Boosts can do the same thing or more for you than any of these newsletter tips.

See Ya at the Pizza joint.


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