The ones I've chosen are representative of things I have seen a lot in my day. As you read them, remember that the first six years of my life as a doctor were spent with a practice mix that included at least 40% of people who were coming to me for the specific reason of losing weight.
I am generally a compassionate person and an understanding one as well. Sometimes that does not come out in my writing. You'd have to talk to one of my patients to understand that I guess.
But there are times when a good swift kick in the arse is needed.
There are also times when something that a family member has told their loved one for years like "quit smoking", "lose weight" or "slow down on the drinking" goes in one ear and out the other.
But sometimes when they hear these words they come for a doctor.
As you read this letter and my response, remember the opposite of love is indifference.
"Dr Dave, I am soooo sick of you writing about weight issues and fat people.
I am not fat. I am 80 pounds overweight. There is a difference. Fat is such a negative term and has so many bad emotions that when you use it in your writing you label people like me as "bad".
I am a good person. I take care of the people I love and they come first. I got heavy when I had my first kid and gained with each successive child (I have 3). They are the joy of my life.
I work for a living and I can't afford the time to go to the gym or walk or do any of those programs you've been ranting on about since forever.
I have used diet supplements that contain caffeine as well and they give me more energy and I do lose weight when I am on them.
I don't stay on them forever so the weight comes back. Instead of "fat bashing" why don't you invent the pill that will help people like me.
I have not tried yours and probably won't; too many pills to swallow!
By the way, this may surprise you, but I am happy as well."
Carol G
Carol this is a free country and you are free to do as you like. I can only guide and suggest but what and how you live your life is your business and your responsibility.
As far as the magic pill we are experimenting with something very powerful but it will be a while before it's tested thoroughly enough for my liking. And no matter how good it is lifestyle changes are still required no matter what you use to lose weight, even surgery.
In the meantime we have gotten some great testimonials from people who are following the advice I have made available.
Regenerizer and fish oil work and they work very well.
Carol, I think you have what I call martyr complex. It is a term I came up with early in my medical practice to describe people like yourself who sacrifice their lives for the good of their families.
It is an admirable trait during war crisis and famine, but simply not necessary in most people's everyday life in this great country we live in.
I would never label anyone as bad based on their body weight, just unfulfilled. Let me share another email with you.
"Doc, I wanted to give you an update. I wrote a while back to tell you that I had lost 13 pounds and was doing things just like you said in your emails.
Well I have to admit that things slowed down for me over the winter but I am back on track again. I didn't gain any weight back at least, thanks to your daily encouragement!
In the past 6 weeks I have been taking the Regenerizer and fish oil faithfully and have been doing the walking programs you taught us a while back.
I also park away from work, walk to the grocery store with a cart on weekends and use the steps at work.
I have lost another 10 pounds and dropped another size.
Some of the clothes I kept from years ago are getting close to fitting again.
It is amazing how much younger I look. I feel better and I don't have to not look in the mirror any more. I still have a ways to go but thanks to your advice and your supplements I am growing younger.
Speaking of which I am getting low on Super Wrinkle Guard when are you going to make that available again?"
Terri H.
Thanks, Terri, and congratulations. I see a very bright, young, healthy future for you.
We still have a very few bottles left at: Super Wrinkle Guard
I hope you can see the difference between these two emails. One is a martyr in denial; the other has used the "A" word to change their life.
Yes, people, it takes action and, Carol, if you parceled out 10% of the energy you spend satisfying yourself that you are sacrificing yourself for the good of your family you would lose weight, get out of denial and feel better about everything.
You would be even happier.
You would have a lower chance of ovarian cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, heart attack stroke, depression and Alzheimer's as well.
Men who are reading this, you can add in prostate cancer to that as well.
Its' no surprise that fish oil has been linked to lower incidences of all of those diseases.
High caffeine content weight loss supplements may give you a very temporary and artificial boost to your energy and help you lose some weight but ultimately you'll gain it back.
Think about it, if you lost it permanently how would they stay in business?
Fish oil and Regenerizer are all natural, healthy ways to boost your power and energy and shed some pounds in the process as our users tell us just about every single day.
It’s time to use the "A" word.
Take action now.
Walk, watch your diet and add fish oil and Regenerizer into your daily routine.
Never indifferent.
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