I promise you it looks nothing like the typical eye health supplements out there.
I was specifically concerned with the number one cause of blindness in this country, Age Related Macular Degeneration or AMD. The Macula is part of the eye that is responsible for vision and it takes a beating as we age.
Like most parts of the body oxidative damage or "body rust" is thought to be the cause of this problem. However, not all anti-oxidants are the same and I have chosen the ones I use carefully in this compound based on my research.
Several of you are already on it and I appreciate your being testers for the products.
Now you have to understand that this is one supplement that you actually do not want to feel any different on or "know it's working" by how you feel, because if you do you are already in trouble!
In this way it is very different from most of my supplements which are known for their rapid and real effects that you can tell almost right away.
Pro Mac will be available very soon, but today I want to focus on fish oil for a moment as it was always my intention to offer fish oil with the Pro Mac if people wanted maximum protection. You may not have been with me long enough to remember a controversy that I launched into with some "established Alternative Health Gurus".
It went something like this:
The prevailing view or as I called it the "me too" outdated nonsensical view that shows you are not reading the literature:
Fish oil in large doses can cause oxidation and be oxidized easily. Better take large doses of Vitamin E with it so it doesn't do damage in your body. Or better yet take flax oil.
Dr Dave view: Fish oil acts as an antioxidant and a free radical sink to soak up bad stuff in your body. Of course if gets oxidized, that is what antioxidants do when they soak up free radicals. Better it gets oxidized than the tissues in your body and the fish oil that is inserted in your cell membranes.
At the time I pointed out several studies that showed that fish oil worked to prevent heart attacks completely independently of any vitamin E that was added.
Soon after that came the study that showed vitamin E in large doses might provoke a heart attack.
Sometime after that came the information that millions of people can't process flax into healthy fats and turn it into bad fat instead.
At the time I also mentioned that fish oil would be great in age related macular degeneration, the number one cause of blindness. I also suggested that it would help other oxidative eye disease like Retinitis Pigmentosa but I could not come out and recommend it for that because the studies weren't done yet.
Well, I am happy to tell you that a recent study done by Nicolas G. Bazan, MD, PhD, Boyd Professor and Director of the Neuroscience Centre of Excellence at LSU Health Sciences Centre in New Orleans shows that fish oil is useful in both.
More info can be found at: Another feather in fish oil cap: hope against retinal degenerative diseases. So as you wait for Pro Mac to come out, start popping your fish oil because you can now add eye health onto the list of its many benefits.
Remember what I have written on my fish oil page,
"No single prescription drug can even come close to matching its benefits".
If, or should I say when, Big Pharmacy rules the country and we have to go the National Back of Pfizer with your money, the statement on my fish oil page alone will probably land me in jail.
We make the best fish oil you can get and I am proud to say that I have been 100% right in my predictions for its use so far.
If you and the people you love are not on it, you should be. Get off your behind and gets some! Dr Dave's Best Pharmaceutical Grade fish oil.
Oh yeah, what about the guru who was spouting the fishy baloney for lunch?
Did he ever admit his mistake? Of course not.
But he does sell fish oil, along with a whole host of other things like cod, krill, and any other one you can think of.
Here are a few other things to be aware of:
Remember, fish oil acts like an antioxidant - You don't need huge doses of Vitamin E to protect your body from harm if you take big doses of fish oil.
There is no reason to take Cod liver oil unless you live in Antarctica and you can get too much Vitamin D from it as well as toxins as it is not purified in most cases.
There is one study on Krill in human health and over 10,000 on fish oil in the past 5 years alone.
The jury is still out on coconut oil but as of this writing it's still used primarily to make labs rats fat.
Green tea kicks coffee's butt in terms of health benefits.
And yes dark chocolate in reasonable amounts is good for you. It contains antioxidants and can improve your HDL good cholesterol but it might make you fatter so be sensible with it!
The truth lives here and I ain't afraid to tell it.
Have a great and healthy day
PS When we release Pro Mac Young Eyes it will be done in our usual fashion which is a one or two day pre release sale at huge savings. It will probably sell out and be unavailable for a few weeks as with most of our introductory offer supplements. I can;t say exactly when we'll release it but it will be very soon so keep your eyes peeled.
If you or your loved ones are suffering form Age Related Macular Degeneration and are sincerely interested in trying it as soon as we release it send a note to Nancy at nancyb405@verizon.net so we can put you high on the list of folks who want it.
Also, please note Pro Mac Young Eyes is classified as a food supplement and thus the FDA does not allow any disease or health claims to be made for it such as cure, mitigate or diagnose disease.
Always consult your personal physician about any supplement you are taking or wish to take and remember your fish oil. every day
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