Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Easter blog

For those of you who celebrate this day as I do, I wish you a joyous and happy day.

For those of you who do not, I wish you the same.

While Easter is steeped in joyous religious celebration I want to include everyone in this writing today so I am going to concentrate on some observations and things I have heard and seen as this day approaches.

The first came from my sister who after 20 some years in southern California has seen her first real spring.

She notices the incredibly fast change from the drab stark landscape.

I live near the base of a mountain and you can see the green line of new tree buds climb higher towards the top everyday.

Certainly a great motto for life.

Hyacinths and daffodils fill the air with a sweet fragrance and bursts of color. In my back yard two weeping cherry tress are in full bloom and their faint essence is as delicate as their short lived blooms.

I stand under them and do my daily deep breathing inhaling life from the air.

Birds, bees, rabbits and of course people are out in record numbers.

Any way you look at it signs of new life are everywhere as Mother Nature wakes up and begins the long season of plenty.

Certainly a time to rejoice.

I rejoice in my loving family and wonderful friends. I rejoice in my readers and customers who come from around the world now and are of all faiths and beliefs.

You continue to support me and give me sustenance with your stories of success and betterment that make what I do all the more worthwhile.

I rejoice in life, long and healthy life.

If I can, when I turn 100 and begin middle age, I'd like to have a great big party and toast all of you.

See Ya there!

Happy Easter,


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