Sunday, April 30, 2006

Eating Pizza can zap your cancer

Another great headline that grabs you by your unmentionables isn't it?

Yep, today is the day we talk about pizza and I give away the big secret billion-dollar idea.

But first we need to pick up the thread from yesterday with a little recap.

Remember, this little golden thread I am weaving started with "Here a Doc there a Doc everywhere a Doc".

I have to hand it to the National Association of Fruit Growers. They created a fantastic demand for an almost uneatable fruit: Pomegranate.

In my area they were called "Indian Apples" and we got them for about 1 week a year during the fall form local growers.

I loved eating the seeds out of them but actually the sour taste was pretty unappealing then. It was mostly for the fun of digging out the seeds.

These days, health food stores do the digging for you.

If you are going to eat pomegranate for your health this is the way I would do it.

Dig the seeds out or buy them already removed in bulk.

This is far healthier than the juice for a couple of reasons.

First, there is tons of fiber in the seeds and gobs of vitamins too.

Next, you will avoid the huge amount of sugar they have to dump into the pomegranate juice to make it palatable.

Come to think of it, it's time for me to bring back the sugar shocker of the week feature.

This week's sugar shocker: Pomegranate juice.

But wait there's More

The next little tip you get concerns an Eastern European flower that cuts depression and boosts weight loss.

They don't tell you its name so I will. It's called Rhodiola and it is one of the key ingredients Instant Endurance.

And now for something completely different that you've never heard before except maybe 1000 times: did you know that eating cinnamon was shown to decrease your blood sugar?

Wow now, there is a tip. Why don't we add it to pomegranate juice so your sugar doesn't go through the roof next time you drink it. Think I am joking?

It's on the label, check it out next time you are at the store. You'll find sugar high up on the ingredients list.

The other thing is that very little follow up was done on the cinnamon thing.

I started getting my diabetic patients to do this a while back and it had not one iota of impact on any of their sugars. I also did it in non-diabetics and saw no difference in any of their sugar related numbers.

Ok, now it's time to wrap up with the multi billion dollar idea and remind you that.

Eating Pizza can stop Cancer dead in its tracks

Yep, it's true but there is a catch.

Eating pizza is otherwise one of the worst things you can do for your heart and your blood sugar.

The huge load of highly refined carbs along with a gargantuan amount of saturated and trans fats from the fake cheese, the toppings and the god-awful oil they cook it with will super size you faster than you can say "Medical Maverick".

OK, now for the billion-dollar idea. Since 82% of the lycopene American's get comes from pizza, why not enhance it further?

How about Pizza topped with pepperoni flavored gel caps. The huge dose of Omega 3 would offset most of the dietary damnation you get when you eat pizza.

As a matter of fact those of you who've been with me for a while will remember "Dr Dave's Pizza Hypothesis" from one of the early newsletters you all get free when you sign up for my health tips.

Geez, how about that; a free gift for a free newsletter. Kinda makes you feel silly paying for someone else's doesn't it?

For those of you who are skeptics, here is a direct quote from the article that lives on the National Library of Medicines website.

"Combined intake of tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato juice, and pizza (which accounted for 82% of lycopene intake) was inversely associated with risk of prostate cancer (multivariate RR = 0.65; 95% CI = 0.44-0.95, for consumption frequency greater than 10 versus less than 1.5 servings per week; P for trend = .01) and advanced (stages C and D) prostate cancers (multivariate RR = 0.47; 95% CI = 0.22"

What it says is the more lycopene you get the less likely you are to get advanced prostate cancer.

You could add breast cancer in their too.

For those of you who remember our Monster Tomato Blast, you got more lycopene than a dozen pizzas in one yummy serving of that amazing product.

How about this, Immune or Cardio Boost shakes. Add the amazing anti-oxidant power of Immune or Cardio Boost to your milkshakes and never worry about the flu or colds again.

Or how about this one, A Wizard bar.

Can't sleep?

Combine the health giving and delicious benefits of chocolate with the sweet indulgence of a good nights sleep thanks to Sleep Wizard

You'll be singing la la la all the way to la la land!

Well now, it’s time for me to head on down the road.

I hope you enjoyed this inside look at how things are done by the big boys.

Am I jealous?

Nah, I'd rather be real.

I'd rather pour heart out, spill my guts and open my brain up to you in a letter that I write myself and am not embarrassed to put my name to.

I have had several paid newsletters over the years and some of you are still getting them. Up to this point it's been just a small group of high end users of my products who I call my "Dr Dave's Insiders".

I am planning on going more mainstream and letting every one have a crack at the newsletter in the near future.

I promise you this. The newsletter will have stuff no one else will tell you.

If you want proof, just read the blogs from the past week. Has anyone ever written about any of this stuff?

Be honest!

What I've tried to do is show you how people use psychology against you to sell you nonsense, and get your names to pitch you on all kinds of other stuff.

If at times during this series you got a little angry with me and felt like I was holding out on you, then you got the message.

But you also got some great information along the way which makes this very different from the nonsense that most people pitch to you.

So you got the extra benefit of my recently acquired inside info on how things are done as well as the real health info you need.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg so look for that newsletter soon. Those of you who bought at the sale will get first dibs on it at a reduced price.

Now grab some of my fish oil and swallow it down for your good health and longevity.

All the Best,

Dr Dave

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