Monday, April 10, 2006

Train kept a rollin’ all night long

A topic that comes up but I don't often address for various reasons is sexual health.

When someone asks, however, the universal law is they receive.

Here is someone who's asking, so I must obey!

"Dr Dave, could you discuss sexual health and things that affect it? What supplements if any do your recommend and what drugs do you recommend? It seems you do not discuss this much in your writing."


Well, Patti, lest you think I am not a sexy guy I am going to fill your wish today and talk about that very topic. I have to tell you there are reasons I don't write much about it and the number one reason is that most people would never see it as it would get filtered, spammed, lost in cyberspace or any number of things. At this point it doesn't matter much because the likelihood of people getting any emails is getting remote.

I hope by keeping it on the blog that you will get this info.

First let's talk about sex and your health.

There are numerous conditions that can affect your sexual response.

That response consists of what I call the 5 keys, which include: drive commonly known as libido, excitement which hopefully needs no further introduction, orgasm, and resolution.

This is the "normal" pattern in humans. Please note that any trouble in one area can affect all other areas downstream from it.

There are many things that can affect any or all of the above.

These include drugs for blood pressure, drugs for cholesterol, drugs for heart problems, and mental health drugs, drugs for anxiety and drugs for just about every other health problem the drug companies have ever thought of.

Did I mention drugs can affect your sex life?

Please keep that in mind the next time your friendly neighborhood doc starts scribbling on that script pad. Also keep in mind that many of my supplements have been used very successfully for some of the above problems including, of course, fish oil.

Next, tobacco and alcohol (in excess) are biggies. I say "alcohol in excess" because, in lower doses, alcohol can pleasantly relax some people and make any one of the 5 keys to sex improve.

In women, birth control pills can play a big role in loss of sex drive and arousal.

In men, prostate drugs can do the same. Guys be aware also that the hair growth drugs (Like prophecies) have this same problem.

Here are some top "sex problems" also known a sexual dysfunctions in men and women.

Ladies first:

  • Inhibited sex drive

  • Inability to become aroused

  • Lack of orgasm (1 in 10 women never reaches orgasm)

  • Pain with sex

  • Men:

  • Premature ejaculation (the most common male problem)

  • Weak or ineffective erections

In both men and women we see that mental and hormonal issues are the top causes of the above dysfunctions.

As far as supplements go, I can highly recommend the following for most of the above problems. Again I am not claiming they cure anything but I can tell you we've had great successes with all of them especially in combination reported to us.

Regenerizer * fish oil * Hercules Factor

And of course Sex Fuel which is due back in a month or so (supply issues have kept this in back order).

We have also made and are testing a phermomone (arousal scent) and an oil which is getting rave reviews among testers.

So once again Regenerizer, fish oil and Hercules Factor may be just the ticket to getting back on track if you have been derailed.

As far as erectile dysfunction, our best results have come form a combination of Sleep Wizard, Hercules Factor and Regenerizer all taken together one hour before sex.

Thanks for the question, Patti, I hope you get to read the answer and if there is more interest on the part of the readership I can teach you much more.

'Til then,


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