This past weekend I spent some time at a conference. There were many people of different persuasions there and I met some very fun and nice people.
Among them were some competitors of mine if I indeed have any.
I got to see first hand what the people who run a 10 or 20 million dollar a year vitamin business look like and how they promote their things.
While it was a great experience, there were parts of this meeting where I felt like I had just been launched off the back deck of the Titanic into the icy North Atlantic as the ship went down.
This conference was unlike any other I have ever attended because I got to mingle listen and learn from people who are my competitors, at least in the sense that they are competing for health care dollars.
Here is what I learned.
Everything I ever suspected was true about most of the large, well-run companies that have famous doctors fronting them.
"Fronting them" is the key phrase here.
Behind these docs are armies of copywriters with hundreds of years of cumulative experience behind them. There are art directors and graphic artists.
Research teams do the writing, the doc "edits".
There are demographics experts, list brokers, compliance officers, corporate lawyers and so on.
If you can afford to hire them you will get a professional package that will go out to a couple hundred thousand people, often times more than once and every last success and failure will be detailed down to the last stamp and shred of paper.
In other words these people are pro's.
They are also incestuous. Inside secrets do not exist and if last year's promo for company X worked and you are company Y, the team may "steal" or borrow the whole set up.
Hence, there is not a lot of originality in some of this.
I have to say I almost felt myself growing smaller in the audience as I saw the truth about how this all operates.
I certainly can't afford it and I am not sure I would want to.
But I do want to grow my business because I believe 100% in what I am doing.
So I took a long hard look at things and made a list of how I am different.
Here's what I came up with.
1) My formulas are unique
2) My formulas are better because they are the result of my own personal research.
None of the other company heads were doctors or even had a health background of any sort. None of them had ever touched a patient or been one for that matter.
In all the cases I know of, the supplements were not any different from what you could buy at your local vitamin shop. I have a sneaking suspicion that they all come from the same place.
3) Because of my 20+ years experience in medicine I can do something no one else can do. I can educate you about my supplements. I don't sell anyone else's and it makes no sense for me to do that.
I don't have some hired gun, vitamin company behind me making "me too" products with a fancy personalized label on it. In most cases that label is the only thing unique about some of these products.
4) I don't believe you can get healthier with single agents unless you have a deficiency. So I don't try to sell you Vitamin C or B12 by itself while you are buying the more complex compounds. If you really believe in those things by themselves you'll wind up going elsewhere.
So be it.
5) This is not a business to me, it's my life.
My life is about making your life better. Faster, stronger, leaner, smarter, longer-lived, sexier and a whole host of other great things.
After all isn't that what doctors really should be doing?
We are wandering through the Garden of Eden of health on this earth without even realizing it.
Mother Nature has put everything we need here to succeed and live far better than we do now.
A few classic examples are fish oil, which has been studied with more positive results in multiple diseases than any single drug ever to come out of a pharmaceutical company's lab.
Two other great examples are Super Omega 3 that combines the power of multiple herbs like Curcumin, rosemary and ginger along with the amazing benefits of Omega 3 fish oil.
If you want power, this is it! And a personal favorite, Instant Endurance, which harnesses the power of Siberian ginseng and the almost as costly as gold mushroom, Cordyceps, to give you an unbeatable combination.
I am slowly but surely finding my way back to the garden and I'd like you to join me.
Tune in tomorrow when I tell you more about this little trip and what I learned about myself and others.
Supplements mentioned in this blog:
Monday, April 24, 2006
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