Friday, April 21, 2006

Longevity secrets and the last time I will ever write to you

The other day I got to thinking about the advice I would give to someone if I only had a few minutes left to tell it to them.

What would I say? How would I distill a lifetime of unique knowledge and experience gleaned from thousands of people over tens of thousands of hours in medicine?

What would I tell them about staying young?

I mean let’s face it, this could be the last time I ever write to you or the last time you ever lay eyes on my writing.

While I sincerely doubt it and I don’t dwell on it, it does put things into perspective doesn’t it.

So here goes my best advice on how to stay young forever. Bear in mind while you read this there is much more to tell you but this is the “5 minutes to youth” version.

1) Learn how to be happy and learn how to be happy more often. A lot of people tell me they would be happy if only (insert anything).

That is a lie and they may not even know it. If you are not happy, it’s an internal thing in ninety plus percent of the cases. It may sound trite but happiness starts within.

If you are not happy, figure out why and remember it is most likely something that you harbor inside.

If I had to pinpoint the cause of most unhappiness I would tell you it’s related to self-esteem and worthiness. In some cases this was fostered by an unworthy person with self esteem problems who couldn’t stand to see their significant other (wife, husband, child, etc) happy.

This kind of problem most often comes from a deep-seated lack on introspection. In other words there are a lot of people who are afraid to look inside deeply enough to see what’s really there, face up to it and deal with it.

Here is an example. I had a friend who was considered above average in looks, pretty smart and relatively successful. He might not have been an A-list player in any department but he was still in the top 15% of good catches.

Unfortunately, he was rejected at a fairly young age by the woman of his fancy.

It took him another 15 years to recover from it and dominated his behavior for way too long.

After a long time he realized that the problem was not the woman whom he blamed for the rejection, but the way he looked at it. Once he realized this, changed his attitude and was happy with who he was, well let’s jus say it’s been raining women ever since!

2) Forgive yourself and forgive others. Most of us did not come with users manuals. We make mistakes and hopefully learn from them at some point. The same is true for everyone else. Grudges are toxic because they allow the person who you hold the grudge against to be the dominant thought in your life, giving more power to them for more time, even when they are long gone!

Faggedabout it! And move on with YOUR life.

3) Learn everything you can about everything and anything that you want. Don’t ever say no to that wondrous little child within you that wants to explore and expand.

To do so will guarantee a premature death.

4) Enjoy life and its pleasures in moderation. I hate the people who run around avoiding all kinds of things because they are afraid of being alive.

“Let’s see, my luminous dial is only 3 feet from my head and it should be 4, I haven’t eaten my salad and it’s more than 3 hours since I ate anything; gosh I am heading for hypoglycemia. Crap, I can only run 40 minutes on the treadmill, not the 45 I need to make myself happy.

But if I go any longer there won’t be time for my third colonic and I sure do need that because I am so full of you know what!”

Hey, routines are great and without them you’ll never get anything done. But let your life be about experience and enrichment, not avoidance and fear. This is the point I was trying to make in my Gandhi vs. La Lane email.

Linus Pauling lived to be over 100 years old and was in the middle of a research project when he died. Paul Brag was over ninety when a surfing accident took his life.

These are my heroes.

I can tell you they both lived and loved life and they inhaled it down to their toes.

They were not pale, pencil-necked, avoidance and fear-based people who cowered in fear of the future like some of the so called Alternative Health gurus appear to be.

They were real gurus.

They were tough and adaptable, like you and I.

5) Take care of you body and your mind. Remember that almost everything physical starts with something mental. Eat right, for food is the fuel of our brain and body. Sleep well so you can recover. And get some activity, moving briskly every day for at least 30 minutes.

6) Remember that Super Nutrition requires Super Supplements like fish oil to defeat life-robbing inflammation. Regenerizer to blast your cellular power plants into a new orbit, Hercules Factor to restore your bodies own youthful fountain, and Instant Einstein to help make you as smart as you can be, and smarter than the rest when it counts the most.

And if you need help with your rest call on Sleep Wizard.

And here is a bonus tip:

7) Put a little bit of you into everything you do, and you will do the best job you can and be better than most.

Every single bottle of my supplements represents me and my vision for health and youth in the coming decades. It represents a chance for me to help make someone’s life better; free of pain, free of depression, free of fatigue and free of disease.

So I can sleep well at night knowing I have fulfilled my father’s advice to me about life.

Leave the world a little better than you found it.

He did and I will!

And those, my friend, are my last words to you.

Until next time.

All the Best in better health and better life,

Dr Dave

Supplements mentioned in this blog:

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