Thursday, April 6, 2006

Now I lay me down to sleep

I had a wonderful and wonder-filled childhood. I remember thinking my Dad was the smartest man in the world and my mom the most wonderful person in the world.

I felt secure, loved and cared for.

Bravo, Mom and Dad!

A child raised in a secure environment can lay his head down to sleep and doze off into dream land.

Not so for many grown kids (we call them adults!).

New research links sleep deprivation to many illnesses including anxiety, depression, stress and obesity.

As a matter of fact that very same research shows that as people get older they do not fall asleep as fast, they wake up more frequently (this is not just men with prostate problems) and they have more disrupted and less refreshing sleep.

Now this is especially true of the over 55 crew who often have to deal with illness and pain such as arthritis.

It shouldn't be too much of a stretch to see how this might link to depression and anxiety.

But it is only recently that actual reports linking sleep deprivation and sleep disturbance directly to these conditions has been done.

The results are shocking. A full 62% of people with insomnia have other psychiatric problems.

Here is what your friendly neighborhood drug companies have to offer.

Valium type drugs (benzodiazepines)

Long the standard for anxiety, these drugs have hooked millions and provided billions in dollars for the drug companies. They have also caused many hip fractures when older people became unbalanced and fell at night in hospitals across the country.

While the longer acting ones are less popular these days, one drug, Xanax, carries on where its grandparents left off,

I can tell you from the doctor standpoint getting someone of Xanax is tough. I can tell you that my patients tell me from their standpoint it's even tougher.

The drug industry is currently working on several different shorter acting hypnotics. At least one of them is a synthetic melatonin-like drug.

Why do we need a synthetic when Mother Nature has given us several all natural sleep aids?


In many ways these drugs have become the jack-of-all-trades and have spilled over into the sleep arena.

They are fraught with side effects as well. They can cause low blood pressure, mental confusion and prolonged sedation or plain old tiredness, and are often difficult to dose properly especially in the over 50 age range.

One drug, Nefazadone, is more deadly to your liver than the statin drugs(cholesterol lowering drugs).

As with the Benzo's, many of these drugs can increase nighttime falls as well.

Non selective antihistamines.

Benadryl is the favorite here. This is a truly dirty drug with many side effects not the least of which is bladder issues. Just perfect for the older man with prostate problems.


Finally, if all else fails, there are the big guns known in medicine as "atypical antipsychotic".

Originally designed for things like severe agitation, and schizophrenia, these things are like dropping a hammer on someone's head.

There side effects are too numerous to list here.

If "Mother Nature" and "All Natural" look, sound and feel better to you, I have a simple suggestion. Try some Sleep Wizard and for extra punch throw in some fish oil.

We get testimonials like the following all the time.

"Doc, Sleep Wizard is an amazing drug. I used to use Ambien and Halcion before that but I found I was slowed down and tired during the day and tended to need them more and more to get to sleep even though they are supposed to not be addictive.

With your Wizard I get to sleep fast and feel tremendous the next day.
And I move around a lot less too as I don't fall out of bed anymore.

And I am calmer about everything. I love it.

Truly an amazing product! Thanks Doc"

Fred H.

Thanks, Fred, but I need to remind you Sleep Wizard is not a drug. It's an all natural compound that uses what was put on this earth for us.

If you need sleep, you need Sleep Wizard.

All the Best,

Dr Dave

Here is a list of some more articles on sleep deprivation and the troubles it causes:

Questions for the guru

Fish Oil, Insomnia and Sex Drive...The Big Sleep and The Big O!!!

Resting Easy

Maximizing Your Training And Recovery

Insomnia Information

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