Saturday, April 1, 2006

What is and is not successful aging?

Hello, blog fans. Our records indicate that this email did not get delivered to thousands of readers, so I am posting it as a blog. If you got it in your inbox and read it already, sorry about the duplication but at least the blog lets everyone have a crack at it. Looks like we'll have to rely more heavily on the blog to get the messages across.

Many thanks,

Dear Friend,

I have seen all kinds of people and I can tell you that successful aging has as many interpretations as there are people who get older.

Now it's true we can't stop the aging process in terms of the years going by but to people who say you can't grow younger, I say two things.

First, you are wrong, dead wrong in the literal and figurative sense. And second, compared to what?

Today's email contains some battle tested practices form some battle hardened soldiers on the war against Father Time.

"Hi Dr. Dave,

During the past six months I have been taking both your fish oil and your Immune Booster daily. It has improved my mood, my energy level, my sleep, and my recovery from workouts. Recently I ordered a case of your fish oil to give to friends and family.

Now my mother, my cousin, my uncle, my sister, brother-in-law, and several friends are all taking your fish oil.

My friend suffers from Chronic Fatigue syndrome. My uncle was practically crippled by taking statin drugs for cholesterol, and can now barely walk.

My brother-in-law recently had a cardiac stent put in (forty years of chain smoking and a diet of steak and donuts will do that) and I have another friend who suffers from congestive heart failure, diabetes, depression, and a host of other medical problems caused by a high-carbohydrate diet coupled with heavy smoking and a sedentary existence.

All of these individuals are on the "pharmaceutical treadmill" and taking a litany of pharmaceutical drugs - Plavix, Zoloft, Prozac, etc.

These drugs are taking a heavy toll on them physically, financially and emotionally, and are not improving their condition. I have noticed that once on the "pharmaceutical treadmill" it is all but impossible to get off, and generally leads to ever greater consumption of pharmaceuticals.

As a result of taking statins and blood-pressure medication, men tend to get lethargic, impotent and depressed, which causes the doctors to prescribe anti-depressants and Viagra. The big pharmaceuticals must love this situation. It is painful for me to watch people I care about degenerate under this regimen.

I have applied the many lessons that I have learned from your emails to better myself - I have completely eliminated soft drinks and fruit drinks from my diet (I now drink only green tea and water) and have lost about 30 pounds.

I am spreading your wisdom to my friends and family. I sometimes tend to get cynical and think that most doctors are beholden to and inordinately influenced by the pharmaceutical industry. But then I remember that there are also doctors like you in this world.

Keep fighting the good fight, Dr. Dave. You are truly a credit to your profession."

Sander O, Hyattsville

Sander, I am truly speechless with gratitude but as you can see my mind won't shut up! I could not have voiced the very things that almost 20 years of medical practice have taught me any better than you just did.

It is so true that once people get on the pharmaceutical treadmill they are never going to get off.

If they try they wind up doing what I call a "George Jetson" (in the old cartoon the Jetsons) and get mowed over by the treadmill.

Their last words may very well be "Stop this crazy thing!"

The key is to not get on it in the first place unless you have no choice. And here is the ironic thing. Doctors approach me all the time asking me if there is an all-natural alternative to drugs.

Remember, this is a case of a doctor going to another doctor, being told to take a prescription drug and the doctor who is now the patient recoiling at the idea and coming to me for help.

In more than one case the doctor has been one who was violently opposed to what I was doing a when I first started Dr Dave's Best.

With the exception of antibiotics, which are grossly overused, I have never met a drug that cured anything.

And with no exceptions have I ever met a drug that didn't have side effects.

Now I can't tell you that things like fish oil, Super Omega 3, Regenerizer or boost will cure you or prevent disease.

But I can tell you what I take and insist that my family and loved ones take for that purpose every single day of their rich and long lives.

I was out with my Uncle Joe again the other night. Those of you who have been with me for a while may remember an email entitled "lessons from Uncle Joe".

Joe has since been to Florida and had another birthday making him 93.

I was the youngster at the table at a bit shy of the big 5-0.

My mom is about to celebrate here 80th birthday for the 3rd time!

My uncle John is just about 80 and still working and traveling from his home in Iceland to Europe and America on a regular basis.

My Aunt Inga who is also 80 would out-party most frat brothers.

And none of them had particularly long-lived relatives or great genetics.

You decide but if you want a piece of the action I would get on over to the site now and order some fish oil, Regenerizer and either one of the Boosts right now.

Don't wait, act now; you're not getting any younger, yet!

All the Best,

Dr Dave

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