Monday, April 24, 2006

Return to the Garden of Eden part 2

In yesterday's blog I told you about how I felt like a shrinking violet in a sea of sharks at a recent conference.

The big boys and the vitamin pros have resources I couldn't even dream of let alone afford.

But I have some things that make me unique including these blogs and emails I write to you.

No one else is doing it this way. There are some huge companies that have a doc up front for credibility but they sell every single thing that comes down the pike, supplement and otherwise, for a fee.

Then there are companies that spend all their time and money promoting their products with good-looking, fancy magalogs that clutter your mailbox screaming, "Give me your money".

Speaking of money, I had to do a little soul searching when someone commented, "You know, Dr Dave, your stuff is not cheap. I mean I care about my health and shouldn't put a price tag on it BUT, wow you are much more than the other guys."

Before I could utter a word, one of my customer who I didn't know was there chimed in, "Yeah but his stuff really works!"

He then went on for about another 5 minutes defending my honor.

Later I took the price sensitive guy aside and some surprising things came out of my mouth.

First, I told him the meaning of the word "but".
I said that, "but negates everything that comes before it"

So a statement like "I know you shouldn't put a price tag on your health but" means that is exactly what you are doing.

Hey, it's Ok to be on a budget.

The truth is I can't make my vitamins affordable for everyone and frankly I don't want to.

And that is exactly what I told this guy.

Now he looked at me with that "Another typical arrogant doctor" look that I sometimes get when I am blunt and honest with people, which is the only way I know how to be.

So I dug a little deeper and said, "Here is the deal. Years ago, every vitamin I took from the local store didn't work. I rarely spent more than 15 bucks on a bottle of anything.

When I got home I took them for a week or two, felt nothing and went back to spend another 15 bucks on another worthless product.

Before long I concluded that most of what I was buying was worthless. This made 15 bucks a lot of money because I wasn't getting any value at all from it.

Soon I'd go back to the vitamin store knowing that the stuff wouldn't work and I'd try 3 or 4 bottles of different things.

Now I was spending 60 bucks for products with no value still hoping to find that secret thing, that one bottle of something that might give me an edge and get me closer to my goal of better health more energy, a thinner waist line, etc.

At some point I gave up and realized that all vitamins were good for was expensive pee.

Then I got sick with high blood pressure.

I took 5 different prescriptions for 5 months and still did not have a normal blood pressure. It was only when I added in the ingredients of what are now Super Omega 3 and a healthy extra dose of fish oil that I was able to get off the health-robbing drugs for good."

For more on this you can read "My personal battle with High blood Pressure" - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

Then I asked the guy two questions.

The first was "have you ever tried my products?" and the second was "who are the 'other guys'?"

Join me tomorrow for the rest of the story.

In the meantime I want to remind you, we are wandering through the Garden of Eden of health on this earth without even realizing it.

Mother Nature has put everything we need here to succeed and live far better than we do now.

A few classic examples are fish oil which has been studied with more positive results in multiple diseases than any single drug ever to come out of a pharmaceutical company's lab.

Two other great examples are Super Omega 3 which combines the power of multiple herbs like Curcumin, rosemary and ginger along with the amazing benefits of Omega 3 fish oil.

If you want power, this is it!

And a personal favorite, Instant Endurance, which harnesses the power of Siberian ginseng and the almost as costly as gold mushroom, Cordyceps, to give you an unbeatable combination.

I am slowly but surely finding my way back to the garden and I'd like you to join me.

Tune in tomorrow when I tell you more about this little trip and what I learned about myself and others.


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